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Stories | 2016

Loving Anal (f)or (M)y birthday. [Long]

Details changed slightly, written with omniscient narrator POV. Hope you enjoy my re-telling as much as I enjoyed the actual encounter!

Fun rough sex

This happened about 4 years ago with an ex girlfriend of mine.

To give you some background at the time I was 26 and she was 23. We both really enjoyed working out so as such were very fit. She was on the shorter side- around 5'2" with lighter green eyes and dark brown hair and around 110lbs. She was very lean but still had a shape to her. I am 5'10" athletically built with a solid chest and shoulders. Back then I had quite ripped abs....not so much anymore unfortunately.

[M]eeting my hospital nurse while he's o[f]f-duty.

I may have mentioned it before in one of my stories, but I'm a pretty...well, I'm sickly. I've been immune-compromised for about as long as I can remember because of a sickness I got when I was little, and I tend to get hospitalized rather frequently. I'm in an out of the hospital. The doctors and nurses there knew me from when I was little, and they're more of a family to me than my actual family.

(M) wife watched me (f)uck the Latina of my dreams and then licked my cum off her pussy.

A few weeks ago my wife Anna and I had a get together at our friends Jackson and isabelle's house. They are another young couple and that my wife and I have had a couple of swinging experiences with. Needless to say we are close friends. We were planning to get together shoot off left over firework s from the 4th of July, barbecue, and have some drinks. About a dozen or so of us were there. 4 married couples and the rest single friends.
