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Stories | 2016

m/f park sex

At the end of my senior year I had the best sex I have ever had. I decided to hang out with this petite girl in my class who I had been crushing on for years and after about a week she had already fucked me till I couldn’t come anymore. She was a really sweet girl but after she met me I changed her into someone who loves sex as much as I do. It wasn’t long before she was practically begging for my cock every day.

Double dip on the weekend (m/f, m/f)

Chrissy had been sending flirty texts since our last date. She clearly enjoyed the makeout session in my car and wanted to go further. She wanted me to come down to her high rise to use the pool and enjoy the views that weekend. So on Saturday, I packed a swimsuit and took the el downtown to avoid the traffic. We went up to the sun deck to eat a quick picnic, before jumping in the pool. We didn't wait 30 minutes, living dangerously.

My slutty years

Edit - Wow, never expected to get the response I have had, my inbox has exploded with messages. I've tried to respond to everybody, sorry if I haven't. I would like to expand on something a lot of guys have touched on and I have discussed with them. I admit I was young and naive, yes I was taken advantage of, yes they were nice to me, bought me things, got high regularly, etc. but I was always willing and enjoyed it at the time. Thanks again.

Vacation Experience [M/F]

Well this isn't nearly as exciting as some of the stories I read here but I can promise that this one is 100% true.

My family always goes on vacation upstate to one of the great lakes. This is usually during mid-summer, about a week long, and has always been a chance to catch-up with family; mostly our out-of-state-cousins. We don't get to see them often, and for this reason, we usually only spend time with them and generally ignore any non-family.

Last night we (f)ucked up (long) [m/f]

A bit of context: I've been dating my wonderful boyfriend since April. The sex was amazing right off the bat and has only gotten better and better. We've gotten to experimenting with some new things and recently discovered that I like butt stuff.
