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Stories | 2016

Summer vacation at a beach house with a big group of people.

(I tried to keep this as short so I cut out some not as stuff like a couple breaks.) I just got back from my summer vacation at a beach house me and a group of my friends rented together. We had me and my friend Katie, her friend with benefits, our other friend Sarah, and some of her friends as well as my good friend Kyle, his friend Rob. We invited Rob's friends Mark and Joe at the last minute. It was a smallish house for so many people but everyone had a bed, and bedrooms were enough to manage; we all had to share rooms though, even the couples.

[F]ucking [m]y high school gym student

Long-time lurker. I'm a 30-something married soccer mom who teaches high school phy ed. and have for years. You can call me Mrs. Jones. I'm short, about 5'2" and petite. I keep in good shape and have been told I look a bit like Krysten Ritter.

Going down the group sex rabbit hole (MMF)

I had a really good thing going when I was 20. After not losing my virginity until I was 19 (it was an incredibly weird and awkward experience that took me an hour just to actually get her naked, but that story is maybe for another time), I quickly dove into the deep end of exploring my sexuality.

I had a great friends with benefits situation with a friend I worked with... let's call her Kristi. We were the same age and went to different colleges in the same area.

We fucked. A lot.

Fiery Latina

Marizelle was this hot Latina chick. Actually she was half Latina and half Philippine. But she was a knockout! I knew her from work. I tried talking to her but we just never seemed to hit it off. Then one night I was at the office late getting ready for a presentation the next day. On the way out I notice Marizelle at her desk. It looked like she was getting ready to leave. I said "Hey, it looks like we are both burning the midnight oil. Want to walk to the parking garage together?" She said she did and that she was glad I was there since it was late and getting dark.

Ex-girlfriend as a schoolgirl [M/F]

This is a recap of an encounter with an ex from several years ago, but is still one of the hottest encounters I have ever had.

My hands were gripping the steering wheel with final relief in anticipation of what was soon to come. It had been a long day, and relief was finally in sight. The only thing was that time was my worst enemy right now, and I had to get to the airport fast so that one of my fantasies could be fulfilled.
