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Loving Anal (f)or (M)y birthday. [Long] | 2016
Details changed slightly, written with omniscient narrator POV. Hope you enjoy my re-telling as much as I enjoyed the actual encounter!
In her mind, nervousness mixed with excitement and self-consciousness as he poured the oil out on his hands. Her tanned skin was already slick with previous applications, and while she liked the feeling of his large warm hands easily gliding across her, she still couldn't help but feel vulnerable - perhaps even a little silly, especially in this position. She giggled as she thought about all the girls in the class doing "happy baby" next to her, and knew that the next time she did this in class, her mind would come back to this moment - feet up in the air with hands grabbing toes, her naked torso slick with oil; Her vagina and, even more naughty, her ass, on complete display for her man at the end of the bed. She still didn't feel comfortable in this position, but oh, the way he looked at her when she did it made her want to pull him in for a deep kiss.
For his part, he couldn't believe how incredibly hot she looked, waiting for him, wanting to please him, wanting to give him an experience he'd never forget for his birthday. He reflected on how far they'd come, from her shyly wanting to keep the lights off all those months prior, to now, as she embraced the way he saw her, opening herself up to him, even the parts that no one else gets to see, let alone feel. For some reason, this felt like she was inviting him to be closer to her than anyone had previously been.
He pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on recording the sight in front of him for future recollections. Maybe he'd write about this someday; her body glistened in the light, where his hands had danced across her smooth skin, circling once and circling back over her lovely large breasts, stopping briefly to pinch nipples - first left, then right. He had then moved on and his hands continued their dance; dragging across her stomach, down her trimmed pubic mound and then down the inside of her thigh, reaching her knee before reversing course, traveling up her leg over her bikini line and down the other side. He had brought his lips toward her, drawing in a deep breath before diving in and hearing her gasp in pleasure as soon as his tongue had finally made contact with her clit. Soon the hand that hand been lazily tracing on her skin found its way to her vaginal opening, and a finger pushed its way in, enveloped suddenly by both warmth and a slick wetness as his tongue lapped furiously at her clit. the finger did not last long in her; no, he had other ideas for tonight. Instead, it had made its way a short distance down her body, targeting the tight opening a few centimeters further south. He pushed in, finger well lubricated by both the oil applied before and her own juices. He had continued to work on her clit with his tongue as she had sighed her approval. His other hand had then been called into action, first gliding across her body, moving in, what he had hoped would be perceived as, "a sexy way." This was often the hardest part, where he had fingers buried, fingers dancing, and tongue occupied at the same time, all in an attempt to bring her to incredible heights of pleasure. Today though, he had wanted her to be especially turned on, so she could forget all her anxieties about the act to follow and concentrate on the pleasure she was receiving. As his hand came close to his tongue, he had paused, and looked at her, splayed out on the bed and in obvious pleasure, he guided his left pinky into her vagina, feeling it through the thin walls separating it from his middle finger on his right hand. He felt himself flex as he was pulled back to the present, his lovely girlfriend smiling back at him, as if she was wondering what was taking him so long.
She wondered what the pause was for, and she wished they were married already, and that his wide cock was headed for her vagina, not a the tighter orifice a few centimeters down. "Damn," she thought, "I'm so turned on, it would be nice to have him intentionally in me, regardless." He had brought himself closer to her, sliding his cock up her slit, and as it connected with her clit, she shuddered slightly. "Let me help," she said, as she brought a hand down to help guide him in. She was afraid if it didn't go in now, she would lose her nerve for the whole thing.
As his girlfriend's small hand wrapped around his oily dick, he watched as she brought it lower toward its target. She brought her hand back up to her feet, and he leaned into her, pushing against significant resistance with firm but gentle pressure. He watched her face grimace slightly before relaxing into a deep sigh of relief and a faint smile as his head popped inside her. Inside her! It was so exciting and hot to him, that he almost blew his load right there. He held off and held her at that depth, letting her get used to the significant intrusion. She had let go of her feet and beckoned him closer, pulling him against her. He obliged and pushed a little deeper, his dick involuntarily flexing and causing another grimace. "You okay?" he breathed, and she assented with a smile, "You're very wide." He hadn't really thought about wideness before he had met her, thinking himself to be very average. Further research had revealed that while in length he was indeed right at the average mark, she was right, in girth he was well above average. He had paused again to try to let her get used to the feeling, but again his dick betrayed him, flexing against her anal walls and causing another grimace. "Can we try on our sides?" She asked. "Yes we most certainly can," he affirmed, "I was just trying something new, it wasn't guaranteed to work." He brought himself slowly out of her, then leaned in to kiss her. "I love you," He said, looking into her brown eyes. All he saw reflected there was love. "I love you, too."
She felt bad that his fantasy didn't work right, but the angle simply was too uncomfortable to her. Maybe if he wasn't so damn wide it'd work out. She got on her side and felt more oil being applied to her ass. She reflected that he always spent a good deal of time there, and she was surprised by how much she had liked his dick there the first time, even though it was an accident. He'd been so worried about her, not wanting to hurt her. He was just so damn adorable the way he tried to protect her. She lifted her head up so he could get his arm underneath her head and wrapped around her upper body. He pressed his body into her back and his dick fell easily between her butt cheeks. He slipped beyond her asshole a couple times before she adjusted the angle of her hips. This time, he caught her squarely, but stopped, poised at the proverbial doorstep. She reached back with her right hand and grabbed his hips, backing her ass up onto his cock. It slipped in much easier this time, and she loved the way it made her feel so full. He held her there a little while before his hand began to sneak down to her clit, first rubbing some of the juice from her pussy before settling in to bring her off. She encouraged him to begin moving and she pushed his hand aside as she began working over her own clit, as her boyfriend started to slowly pump in and out of her ass. She couldn't believe she was doing this, as it felt so naughty, and yet so good at the same time. She hoped that he was having as good of a time as her, and that was among the last of her coherent thoughts as she concentrated on the pleasure.
As for his part, he loved the feeling of her tightness around his cock, and loved that she wanted him to not just hold still. His finger had started out on her clit and now had wandered lower, slipping into her vagina to look for her G-spot as her fingers had replaced his in working over her clit. He breathed how hot it was and how good it felt, even though mere words couldn't describe the euphoria he was experiencing right now. He nibbled on her ear and called her sexy again. If he could think in more than two syllable words, he might have realized how repetitive he was, but it was as if his mind could only use small words to describe his feelings, as it was busy concentrating on the feeling of her pressed up against him, his cock pistoning deliberately in and out of her tight anal passage. She gasped as she tried to keep herself quiet, "I'm about to cum!" He asked her if he should keep his cock inside her, and she whispered "yes" before her back arched and her muscles clenched around his cock, her hand continued to work on her clit and she tried to keep her moans of delight quiet, before starting to buck her hips, pulling herself off of his cock as she reached the height of her orgasm. He held her tightly, wrapping both arms around her as she wriggled and twitched next to him. He whispered in her ear as she became still, "Oh my God, that was soooo hot!"
All she could do was smile as she went limp in his arms, engulfed in his warmth. Now, her mind - which had been mush before - was clear, but was moving at a million miles an hour. Was she too loud? Did her roommate hear? Was it good for him? Was anal too naughty? God, it felt so good though, and it was so hot to hear her boyfriend panting into her ear as she came. Her ass actually felt empty now, and she wanted him to fill it back up, but she was so exhausted and he was just so comfy to lay next to. Her breathing started to regain its normal rate, and she felt him squeeze her tighter against him. "Damn, I love that man," she thought to herself, and she thought about falling asleep right there, naked and in his arms. She started to slip into the land of nod as she heard from behind her, "I love you." She smiled and quietly replied, "I love you, too."
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