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Stories | 2016

I shared my girlfriend with my best friend(mfm)

I wrote this myself, throwaway for obvious reasons. This happened last December while Katie(18) and I(20) were visiting my family for Christmas. It started at the mall with Katie and Dylan(22). We were shopping and getting food, so we invited Dylan over to my grandfathers where we were staying. My grandfather had already gone to sleep in the other room. So we went into the garage (he has a studio apartment in a basement). We had just hung out for a while talking and joking with each other. We had decided that Dylan should call someone so we could smoke weed.

[M]y physics teacher makes me [f]ucking wet - Part 2

So as some of you know, I had sex with my physics teacher towards the end of my senior year of high school. I never got to tell you much about Sir Ryan, so here goes:

Weekend with /u/highavailability, part 2: shooting loads, a double entendre...with a few pictures

Saturday morning, we slept late. We always seem to sleep in the spoon position. His arms totally envelope me, and it’s the most secure and comfortable feeling. I don’t remember what time we woke up, but I definitely remember how. I felt HA’s rock hard cock poking into me. Apparently, he had been awake for at least a couple minutes because it was already covered in lube when I felt it slight effortlessly into me. I gasped into full consciousness as he pulled me close and thrust in balls deep…slow at first and then with increasing ferocity.

My first older woman (M/F)

First let me apologise for an grammar mistakes, writing isn't my strong point. Anyway last night was my cousins 18th birthday which, here in the UK, means a night out partying. So a few drinks and shots later we are all on the dance floor where an attractive older woman (late thirties/ early forties, with dark hair and pale white skin) comes over and starts dancing with me. A few more drinks later she then turns me around and starts grinding against my ass, it starts getting later and she invites me back to hers. Obviously i accept.

[M]y physics teacher makes me [f]ucking wet.

I recently graduated from high school. If you're wondering about the whole 18+ thing, don't worry - I was held back a couple years because I had a health condition so I started first grade when I was around eight, so I'm around 19 now. Pretty sad when you're older than most of your classmates, but hey, at least I survived my disease, yeah?
