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Fiery Latina | 2016
Marizelle was this hot Latina chick. Actually she was half Latina and half Philippine. But she was a knockout! I knew her from work. I tried talking to her but we just never seemed to hit it off. Then one night I was at the office late getting ready for a presentation the next day. On the way out I notice Marizelle at her desk. It looked like she was getting ready to leave. I said "Hey, it looks like we are both burning the midnight oil. Want to walk to the parking garage together?" She said she did and that she was glad I was there since it was late and getting dark. I struck up a conversation with her. It turns out that she is a huge fan of jazz like I am. After we arrived at her car we stood there and talked for 20 minutes about what musicians we like and about what shows we had recently been to. I also found out that she was coming out of a bitter divorce and had not been out in a while. It was a prime moment to ask her out, but I choked. DAMN!!!
I thought about her all night. How it would feel to hold her, feel her soft skin, feel my cock in her ass! By he next day would be my chance. I was going to make my move come hell or high water!
That next day I found Marizelle - I even love saying her name, the way it caresses my tongue as it whisps from my mouth - looking as lovely as ever! She had her hair pulled back, wearing a black top and business skirt with nylons tightly wrapped around those gorgeous legs!!! I worked up the courage, right before lunch, to ask her to lunch. She happily agreed!
We walked down the street to the Burger King to grab a bite. She brushed up against me a couple times while we were walking and waifishly smiled each time. Was this a sign? After lunch Marizelle confided that it had been a long time since she had a night out and that she knew a cool local jazz guitarist playing at a local dive bar that night. She asked if I would like to go with her. Hot damn, I thought! This has really turned in my favor! I said "of course" and agreed to pick her up at her apartment at 7. I was floating on air the rest of the day!
7 pm could not get here fast enough for me. I did not want to be early and seem desperate so I circled the block a few times. It was a little weird because it was a bad side of town. She must have really gotten fucked over in the divorce.
She came to the door dressed in a short skirt and sleeveless top, revealing just a hint of cleavage. Her long, curly jet-black hair was flowing and free. The skirt was short, but not so short as to look trashy. It was perfect! I told her how nice she looked. She thanked me with a smile, then looked me over and returned the compliment. "Nice", I thought.
Then it happened. My dream night came crashing down around me. This masked prick jumped out and pointed a pistol right in my face and demanded all my money. Marizelle let out a yelp. Honestly, I was terrified, and so was she. She was holding me so tightly that it was hurting. After we gave this dirty shit all of our valuables he turn and ran. We were fucked. I lost all of my cash, credit card, ATM card, drivers license, insurance cards.... Everything.
Marizelle was terrified and shaking. I put my arms around her and comforted her as I told her we needed to get back to her apartment to call the police. Then this look came over Marizelle's face. She said we could not call the police. This was weird and confusing. "Why?", I asked. She looked uneasy then finally came clean. She was carrying a pack of blow in her purse to deliver to someone at the club we were going to.
WTF? All I could say is "What? What are you talking about?!?" She explained that since her divorce she has had to do things she was not proud of and she asked me to please not judge her. The judge had ordered her to pay a lot of money to her ex, something about an investment scam or something. Sensing my confusion Marizelle grabbed my arm and said "Let's go. I am going to make it up to you."
I was stunned from what just happened, and from learning that the girl of my dreams is a coke mule. When we got back to her apartment she asked me to have a seat while she changes. The place was kind of nice, but a little funky. There was some tye dye stuff on the wall and lots beads. This is not where I would have imagined my dream girl lives.
After about 5 minutes Marizelle called out to me: "Hey, want to come on back? I have something to show you". I walked back into what I assumed to be her bedroom. It was. And there she was: lying on the bed nude. My jaw must have hit the floor! She was so fucking sexy! My cock immediately started getting hard!!! "Come on over!", she said. I obliged.
We started pawing each other and kissing feverishly. It was so hot. She was so hot! Finally we got down to real business! We wanted to taste her! I worked my way down to her pussy, kidding her body all the way down!
I immediately jumped in and started eating eating her out! It was great! Then something weird happened. I felt something foreign in my mouth. I raised up a bit and spit out a piece of corn. "What the hell?!?", I thought. I didn't eat any corn. Marizelle was still writhing. After a very brief moment I resumed eating her pussy. Then it happened again. Something was in my mouth. I rose up again and this time I spit out a piece of carrot.
Perplexed I rose up and asked Marizelle, "Baby, are you sick?" She said, "No honey, but the last guy was".
Last guy?!? Seeing my confusion she sat up and said "I have had to do some stuff I am not proud of since the divorce." I asked her what in the hell she was talking about and she told me that she is moonlighting as a prostitute to make ends meet.
I was totally sick to my stomach! Then I threw up. She got pissed over this and then threw me out of her apartment, telling me to never talk to her again.
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