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Stories | 2016

Unexpected Coworker (M/F)

I had recently taken to working out at the company gym. I was able to beat traffic, it was free and most of all, it was part of my making changes. I had amicably ended things with my fiancee. I was offered a job in another state that was far too good to pass up. She had reasons why should couldn’t leave. That was the end of that. Few people took advantage of the gym and despite thousands of people working for the company, there were never more than a dozen people working out in the morning.

Your best friend..

We sit in your living room having drinks and laughs, you and your boyfriend, your friends Jamie and Stacie and me, your boyfriends best friend Jeff.

Watching me (FM)

I was reminded of this experience when I read this post yesterday. I thought I had posted about it, but couldn't find it in my post history, so here it is.

[m/f] Matching with my middle school best friend on Tinder

I've had this sitting on my laptop for a week. Not really debating on posting it; I just haven't gotten around to it until now. It's pretty long too because I felt like you needed to hear all the backstory to appreciate it.

I was browsing Tinder like any other night, sitting on the toilet while swiping left and right. Then I saw an old friend that I haven't seen since like 10th grade because she moved away with her dad while her mom stayed here. She would come back for Christmas and summer break, but I would always be gone with family.

I (m)iss being her houseguest...

This happened about this time last year, so not all the details are 100% accurate, but I'll do my best.

I was away from home for work, and had started chatting with people on Kik. Met some really cool people on there. Anyway, I met a couple that were funny and down to Earth, and ended up getting invited over to their house for dinner and drinks. That led to me staying the weekend quite a few times due to copious amounts of alcohol being consumed.
