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Stories | 2016

Fighting all day leads to orgasmic ending. [MF]

Like the title suggests, my girlfriend and I were fighting all day yesterday. Stuff that was out of my control and kind of hers as well, but it crept into our lives none the less. I'm gonna spare you the details, but let's just say we have never fought like this before. She originally was not going to stay the night at my place because of the fight but she changed her mind later on in the day and decided she would spend the night. Only downside... She wouldn't get home till late and I had worked a double and needed to get up early.

[M]y [F]avorite Car Moment

Hey All,

I'm back for my second post. I hope you enjoy it.

I [F]ucked a [M]arried man while I was on the clock [F19M?]

Long time, no see GWS. I've been saving a few juicy stories for you all and figure that there is no better way to celebrate me leaving my hotel than to share my sexual escapades from my time there. First, I'll share the last experience there because it was my personal favorite! Apologies in advance for any formatting issues, as I am on mobile.

College Sex Diaries #1: "opening her vaginal lips" [MF][virgin][teen sex]

The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had a few years ago — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Electra, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Her Father was a professor of classics at a midwestern university -- hence her unusual name. The exact locations have been disguised — otherwise everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts.


My strange sex life with a stranger [MF]

Right after college I lived in the city in a downtown apartment. Tall building, huge windows, . At that point in my life I was ultra career focused and single. I was in a new city, so when I started living there I didn't have a lot of friends to go out with at the time.
