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Stories | 2016

27 [m]arried business man, [f]un with tinder

So this story is a bit long so stay with me. A little bit about me: I am a 27 year old young professional and i travel a lot for work. I do some consulting (I won't say what for) for different types of firms in and around the country. This time I was in Kentucky and it isn't strange for me to be traveling for a couple of weekends every month. That being said, I am very happily married..mostly. Most of you know that sometimes things slow down when you get married and for me, I miss that excitement that meeting a beautiful stranger brought. I miss those reckless college nights.

Having my first sexual experience with a Milf.

So a buddy of mine directed me here, he said you guys would probably like my story. It happened a few years ago, so I may as well share now.

I was freshly 18, and by fresh I mean literally a week past my birthday. I had never been in a relationship, never one for going out to parties, never one for trying anything on with anyone. It wasn't that I lacked confidence or anything like that, I just didn't ever try. So, I was a virgin. I wasn't really ashamed of it, but I did want to lose it.

[M/F] Rimming my GF while she skyped her ex boyfriend :D

So I (25m) recently got out of a 2 year relationship with a very kinky girl (26f). We explored and experimented with a lot of things and I wanted to share one of the most exhilarating experiences I had with her last spring: giving her her first rimjob while she’s on skype with her ex boyfriend:

Boring back story, skip this if you don’t care:

A helluva day for me [M] and my GF in the middle of a dry spell

My GF and I have been going through something of a dry spell of late. We've probably gone 6 weeks without sex -- with two very notable exceptions, as I will detail -- for a whole host of reasons: a combination of my work and travel, her work, her getting sick, her period, and a lot of other things has just shut the door on everything. What’s funny is that just as I was beginning to really be lamenting my state is when there was the slightest respite from this dry spell -- though a temporary one.

Dennis and Janelle

Janelle watched as the wooden door clicked open and scraped against the linoleum floor, like all the doors did in all the dorms, and Dennis walked in, finishing a plastic cup of coffee, his hair pointing out on all sides. Janelle had put her bra on by now, but she still couldn’t find the motivation to get up from this gross bed. She could tell by the way Dennis paused that he was studying her legs. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She made a face that said she’d expected him to bring back food.
