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Stories | 2016

The most cum and biggest balls (so far)

I forget when exactly this happened, but I remember it happened during the spring semester of 2015 near the end. Probably in April or May. Anyway, I was at a party with my friends and some of their guy friends. I remember talking about guy's balls and the amount of cum they shoot. One of the guys insisted that the bigger the balls, the more cum. I was disagreeing with him as there have been some small balls that I've seen shoot what seemed like a lot.

The time [m]y girl[f]riend was horny all day at work and almost gave me her anal virginity when she got home.

***** Background *****

Posting from my girlfriends account, because I don't have my own (NSFW) one. She doesn't know I'm going to post it, but I'm sure she will enjoy reading it later. Yesterday was one of those days my girlfriend just had cock on the brain all day (its really been like 3 days in a row now, I'm not sure what's got her this sexed up. Might be one of these book series she's reading.)

[M/F] "trust me" a first step into dominance Pt 1.

Since my last post, I’ve gotten a few PMs and questions about my philosophy about how to be dominant. So much so that I’ve repeated this story privately a few times and I think I might as well share it here. Now to some of the super pros out there, this might all seem very amateur, so if you have criticisms, then please I'm all ears.

Indescretions of [m]y youth: [f]ast and furious

For those who read my last post, you know a little about me. I was stupid and brash when I was young. I posted last time that I drove drunk, but at least the story turned out well. Sadly, I must confess, that there was another instance of this completely irresponsible, and dangerous conduct. Again, I have changed the names for privacy reasons of all parties involved. Also, another long read.

The background....

Play with fire, enjoy the burn [F/M]

First off - apologies for bad grammar or writing. I'm writing this to get a story off my chest, please enjoy and post your thoughts.

This is a true story and I hope you enjoy.
