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Play with fire, enjoy the burn [F/M] | 2016

First off - apologies for bad grammar or writing. I'm writing this to get a story off my chest, please enjoy and post your thoughts.

This is a true story and I hope you enjoy.

There comes a time during every mans life, where he must decide what is important to him. What does integrity mean? How strong can I be? This time came for me about a year ago, and I was stronger than I ever thought, but ultimately giving in was the hottest thing I could do. It started early in the year. I was at work, just a normal day, doing my job. One of my friends birthday was that week, and we agreed to go out for post work happy hour. I didn't know it, but that was the day that would change the course of my entire year. On the way out to happy hour, a girl showed up, a girl that was not one of our normal group. I immediately noticed her, her dark brunette hair, flashing dark eyes, and luscious skin tones were a tempting feast for my eyes. Immediately I was drawn to her, so I carefully worked to ensure we were sat at the same table. Through our mutual friends, I was introduced to Rissa. During this happy hour I used all of the tools at my disposable to be engaging and try to draw her in, but found that I was outmatched at every turn! Not only was this girl beautiful, she was able to skillfully engage in conversation with me and turn my cheap conversation tricks away to make me look the fool. Her skillful wordplay coupled with exotic beauty inflamed me with desire and left me no other option but to stay seated or otherwise show off my bulging jeans at the table. As the night drew to an end and I met little success in my word play, i finally managed to extract myself from the conversation and gracefully exit the conversation and happy hour, to head home and consider the eventful evening, and also to give me time to lay alone in the comfort of my bed and care for the aching need that had been gifted to me by this beautiful woman from the pacific islands.

The next day at work, I casually brought up the happy hour at work, seeing more information on this woman named Rissa who had so made an impression on me the previous night. I skillfully navigated the conversation, waiting for someone else to mention her before asking for her story from our mutual friends. This was the moment when my hopes were ruined. I found that she had a boyfriend. Not only did she have a boyfriend, but she had a long term boyfriend, and one who was potentially the jealous sort. And yet, I had to wonder, why had she not mentioned him? In all our hours of table side banter, why had he never casually entered conversation? Perhaps I had a chance after all, and so I resolved to keep working towards satisfying the sexual fantasies and daydreams clouding my head that included this woman. Carefully I worked to organize more social activities with my friends, casually dropping hints to make sure Rissa was invited. We continued to go out in group session. Continually she inflamed me with desire, and continually she managed to dance away from spending any one on one time with me, or ever mention the fact that she had a boyfriend. The perfect tease, my desires were slowly flamed with time and continued to grow from a tiny flame to a roaring fire. And still, no satisfaction aside from countless hours alone in bed thinking of the endless possibilities.

And so enters the worse chapter of the year. For all of Rissa's hard work and careful banter, one day at lunch she accidentally mentioned the fact that she had a boyfriend. Instantly the dynamic of our relationship changed. Full of a sense of integrity and right vs wrong, I felt like I could no longer in good faith pursue the sexual satisfaction I craved. And yet, as we unspokenly agreed to be "just friends", the sexual tension and mutual magnetic attraction continued to surf just below the acknowledged line. As my hopes and dreams started to fade, our friendship stretched out with time. Over the course of six months my dreams faded away to almost a distant memory, occasionally brought back to life by the occasional look or comment, but always her boyfriend and my sense of integrity stood between us.

But, I wouldn't be writing this story if that was the end of our relationship. No, I write this story because of the day that everything changed. Our careful friendship which had coasted forward in perfect unity, showed a change. After Rissa returned from a vacation and having been parted from me, something was different. From the second her that her IM popped up on my screen, i sensed a new eagerness. Immediately the hope rose that her relationship had ended and my fantasies returned in crashing, full force. But I was wrong. Her relationship status had changed. But, even so, our conversations had changed. The tone had changed. And the conversations got better. A little more heated, a little more sexually toned. All of the old feelings returned.After a particularly tense day, I finally decided that the time for my passive attitude had come to an end. I messaged Rissa, asking her if we could meet up and talk. She asked me if we could go to a happy hour, one on one. While my mind screamed that this was a recipe for potential disaster for our friendship, the blood pumping through my body immediately screamed yes. And so, a date was set. The following night, happy hour after work, just us and no one else

That night was spent in restless sleep as all of the sexual tension of the past six months crowded the forefront of my mind. As morning dawn, i prepared for the day. In my mind, I promised myself that it was just happy hour, and I would not have any part of a sexual escapade making me the willing accomplice in ruining Rissa's relationship. However, even as my mind told me that, my cock hardened in the thought of finally enjoying this body that i had admired and studied for months on end. As the evening drew near, I finalized the plans with her. We would go get drinks together while leaving everything we didn't need at work, we could pick that up later. And so, we headed out to get drinks together, unspokenly carefully concealing the fact that we were going out from our circle of friends of work.

Once arrived we immediately ordered a drink together, but the conversation was tense and did not come easy. Our normal banter and light sexual foreplay was absent. Unable to be passive anymore, i finally asked Rissa what was wrong. And she came clean. Turns out she had concealed from her boyfriend that we were hanging out. After this confession, the floodgates opened. As Rissa shared how she had never before cheated, but had been dreaming of fucking me and was overwhelmed with desire, i tried to play it cool while dealing with my raging hard on. And still, my mind screamed that this was wrong, I shouldn't do it. So we talked about otur mutual desires, but did not touch or otherwise act on them. And eventually we agreed to leave and head back to work and pick up our things. This was the moment my ironclad defenses started to melt. Rissa's light tough as we walked, the desire in her eyes while looking at me, and the pent up months of tensions were overhwelming. My sense were on overload from the sexual desire and rush through my body. Eventually we arrived back at work. As we rode the elevators, the tension in the elevator was electric. No longer was it below the surface. This was full on hot, open, raw desire, staring each other in the eyes. As I waited for her to gather her things, I struggled to keep my voice calm as I made a comment about bending her over her office chair and fucking her right there. The way she looked over her should and casually leaned over that chair, I will never forget. Her voice dripped desire as she slowly whispered to me "I want that". I swear I blacked out at that moment as the blood roared in my head and I tried to sort out the overwhelming tide of desire surging through me. Unable to react, I sat there and just watched as she continued to gather her things.

And now comes the moment where the flames got so hot, they burned any last thought of right or wrong, and only left the moment. As Rissa turned to leave, and the night would be offically ended, I saw her body framed against the conference room door. Her ass hung in front of me, beautiful as always, taunting me. No longer in control of myself, i lunged after her, pushing her through the conference doorway into the wall. She barely had time for a startled gasp before I had one hand holding her ass and the other encircled around her waist. I leaned in dragged my lips across the back of her neck before softly biting her ear. Her half moan half yelp encouraged me to press in and slowly ravage the side of her neck while i grinded my hard cock against her ass through the press of our jeans. As enjoyable as this was, it wasn't enough, and it wasn't enough for rissa. She turned, pushing me back by the hips until i ran against the conference table and sat back. I sat in stunned admiration as she lifted her shirt off, exposing her perky breasts fully in front of my face for my review. The review was short however as she leaned in and pressed her hot lips across mine, her hand snaking down undo my belt and work inside my pants, grabbing my hard cock already covered by pre cum. Her animal like moan right inside my ear as she felt my size and girth swept away any possibility of rational thought. Pushing rissa back, I staggered and half fell to get ouf of my pants, simultaneously trying to undo hers. In what felt like an eternity but was really only seconds, we were both naked. As sexually charged as that moment was, and as swept away as we are, I can't forget the dim lighting in the office that showed her beautiful curves in a way I'd never seen before or will ever see again. Her erect nipples cast shadows against the wall, and my hard cock swung between us. Breathless in the moment, we paused, both enjoying this consumption of months of desire. Quickly, before the moment could pass, i grabbed her, lifting her up against the waist. Rissa half laughed, half moaned in delicious surprise at my sudden movement, and wrapped her legs around my waist for stability. As she leaned in to again taste my lips, i slowly lowered her and slid inside. No longer was it a half moan half laugh, now it was all moan as i penetrated her hot and wet folds. I went slowly, letting one inch in at a time, savoring the feel of her tight clamp on me, and making sure we enjoyed every new experience together. When I reached final penetration, I swung around, and laid her back on the table, spread out before me, pointed breasts in front of me, dark hair pooled around her head, and tight pussy still clamped to my cock. I would like to say we may slow passionate love making that lasted hours but the reality is much different. I pumped inside of her, fast and hard, hammering her as hard as I could. I would have worried about being too intense, but she matched me stroke for stroke, shifting her hips into me, grabbing my ass and trying to pull deeper. Her efforts to try and stay quite at our place of work were useless, as every new stroke pulled new crys from her. I slowly shifted in, as my mind exploded in heaven. My strokes got shorter, more explosive, and her crys raised to a fever pitch. In the final moments of ecstasy, her cum coating my cock, i felt her tighten, and pull me even deeper in. One last finally moan rose up simultaneously as her orgasm urged me to completion. Our hot fires of desire were finally sated, and in a sexual explosion that can't be forgotten.