So ladies and gentlemen Chapter 2 is here. My work wife and I had a great few weeks at work flirting and alluding to our last encounter. We sent some dirty texts back and fourth, but we never actually talked about what happened. That is until Christmas Eve at work when I asked her with a smirk if she got me a present. She replied with, "Only if you wrapped up mine." A great shiver went down my spine at the reference to me not having a condom the last time.
So after being inspired from some posts on here I decided to go for a run today but with a slight twist, I was going to do it with my buttplug in. I had done it before so it wasn't really anything new but it had been too long and I decided I should do it again.
I originally posted this story in another subreddit, on a throwaway account a few weeks ago. Mostly to protect identities until the dust settled. So here it is now, on my regular writing account...
The summer before my Freshman year of college was full of memories. I had a girlfriend that understood we weren’t exclusive in our dating, I was really enjoying time with my FWB, and there was also the challenge of the chase after a couple other girls that summer as well.