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Stories | 2016

New Years sex behind the wheel [Xpost from /r/Hastories]

Happy New Years everybody. XHA and I figured what better way to kick the new years off than to celebrate it with each other.

New Years' kiss leads to sucking, licking, and doggy style. [m][f]

Incoming wall of text!
To/dr: normal sex life but last night we spent an hour and a half fucking, including first time anal fingering.

Backstory: my wife (34) and I (34) have been married for almost ten years and have a fairly normal sex life (whatever that means now-a-days!). We both enjoy sex and like to experiment a bit, but haven't done too much outside of the usual PIV and oral....

(m/m) He gave me (straight) my first, and most intense orgasm with a man.

Let's start with a description of myself and Joey first. Joey is six feet tall, muscular, brown hair, blue eyes, chiseled jaw and a great smile. A very handsome guy.

I'm a little bigger, topping out at 6'5", 200lbs. I have short thick brown hair, dark blue eyes, a swimmers build and very thin body hair. I have a bit of a baby face and could be defined as a twink.

I love it when he asks me if I want the belt. (F/M)

We had been listening to music on the floor sharing a strong drink when he asked. I love it when he asks me. He is a sweet, caring man, but when he has the belt, he is commanding, uses me, and will slap me around.

NYE teasing (MF)

So I have written about the threesome experience I had and the a lot of you have asked me to write my other experiences with the couple. Link above. I have had 2 more "encounters" with them but his is a story of what happened last night. I'm feeling a little ashamed to tell my friends about it...I will eventually. Until then, you guys will know first.
