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Stories | 2016

[FM] fucking while traveling is so much fun ;) / both views

There is something sexy about writing these stories from the air. Been traveling so much recently that I have not been able to keep up with writing these stories.. Going to crank out three stories in this trip, hope they are enjoyed as much as I loved writing these. (Never finished writing them and finally found free time to try again)

Theatre kids adventures at backyard parties [Group]

I apologize in advance if there are typos in here. I was too tired to go back and edit...

The girl who took my V-card was two grades ahead of me in high school and we started dating right after I graduated. She was more experienced than me. She had had sex, drank, and smoked weed on occasion. Her name was Becca.

Fucking my Southern belle roommate [MF]

The summer after my senior year of college, before I went off to grad school, I interned in Washington, D.C. I took whatever housing I could find, which was student housing in these coed six-person suites with other students from across the country. One of the suitemates was Tori, who had already moved in and I got to know as she helped me unpack my stuff. Tori made a few comments about my wardrobe and its lack of pastel colored shirts and shorts. She explained that she was from Alabama, and she definitely wasn’t used to that.

[MF] Catching up with an old friend of a friend

While on the road for work, I posted on Facebook about staying over in Philadelphia until Saturday. Surprisingly, a connection through a close friend reached out to grab a drink. We had met 2-3 times in college, when I would visit my friend. Since I always thought she was hot and always a fun time, I jumped at the chance.

After some texting back and forth, she said there were some great places near my hotel, and we could just meet there after work on Friday and figure out where to go.
