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Stories | 2016

[M]y night of [F]irsts

So a little backstory on myself will be helpful. I grew up in a pretty religious home and the standard was always "wait till marriage to have sex." That was my own standard for most of my life as well. Even when I ended up having sex at 19 with my gf at the time I broke up with her because of how guilty I felt. I'm 23 now and since then I hadn't had any. Well I decided to leave my religion about two months ago for many reasons and said "fuck that!" to how I used to think about sex.

[M/F/M/F] Hot tub fun

Me, my GF Lisa, her best friend Sally, my best friend, his GF, and my best friend's buddy Scott rented a beach house for the week. Sally and Scott were both single and it didn't take long until they started hooking up. Maybe it was because there were only three bedrooms, or maybe they were into each other, regardless there soon were three "couples" in the house.

[M/F] I wish you'd fuck me like that every time.

Background; M= 31 F= 19. We were dating 3 months, broke up 'cos it just wasn't clicking emotionally. Physically though... fuck. Decided to become fwb, something he has never done before and was unsure of.

[M]y early BDSM experience with a former internet [f]riend, turned fwb

This story happened about 10 years ago. I was young, she was 7 years my senior, my second lover, and in an open master/slave relationship at the time. I haven't seen or heard from her in years.
