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Stories | 2016

[F19/M22] How the cookie crumbled. Other people's Birthdays and such.

This might be long, but fuck it.

My boyfriend, let's call him Darren, invited me to go to a small get together celebration for his older brother's birthday. It was held at his parent's house. Now, Darren's parents are more on the conservative side, and I know they wouldn't be happy knowing that Darren and I have been having sex. So, naturally Darren decided he wanted to have sex while his parents (along with all his family) were in the room next to us.

Years later I hook up with my geeky friend from high school (M/F)

So I've been away for a little bit but I thought I'd share another story. I was debating which one to tell, but this is a pretty good one. I got flustered just trying to write it.

[M/F] Quickie at work

My boyfriend and I work together as AV techs for a popular hotel chain. Most days it consists of listening to white haired execs in fancy suits blabber on about dividends and bull shit. Well, this morning, we were not needed in our positions for the meeting, but we aren't allowed to leave the room. He and I have always been adventurous in the bedroom, but I hadn't seen him in a couple weeks and I just couldn't wait for the bedroom today. Luckily, there were several, dark spots among the drape and road boxes behind the set.

Breaking the Bro code (m/F) Sort of long sorry.

So some quick background one of my closes friends broke up with this girl lets just call her "K". they broke up and she was talking to me trying to tell my friend to give her a other chance so like a good friend i did but he would always say no and i felt back because she would be really sad over it.

One day while im in class "K" sends me a text

k- wyd me- im in class why ? k- go to the teachers parking lot i meet you there
