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Stories | 2016

stalking her (MF)

So one of my FWBs told me about her friend. She's a good girl type, and rarely goes out. It's only a matter of time before her high school boyfriend proposes. Her entire life, she's only had one sexual partner.

But she had this fantasy. She wanted to be stalked by a complete stranger. She wanted to be taunted, sent filthy messages, pictures of her sleeping or at a club or at work... Something.

She didn't expect someone like me.

Thought My Night Was Done Last Night Until Little Miss 18 Year Old Muppet Came Bounding Down The 101 Hwy [MF]


It has been a pretty interesting past 2 or-so weeks sexually for me, and this even makes it more so.

Earlier in the week, a friend asks me if I want to go to a Black-Tie Charity Event that she had an extra ticket for and that she didn't want to go stag. So I said, for sure. We go to the event, was fun, everyone was dressed up and good scenery was abound, of all ages.

Al(M)ost (M)ating with my best friend

This is my first time posting so if it is poorly laid out/written I apologise. This is the story of the first (and certainly not last) time I hooked up with my best friend. I will call him Rod to protect his identity.

Rod and I are both about 6ft, both fairly muscular as we go to the gym fairly frequently. I am leaner than he is but I wouldn't say he was fat. I am a typical Aryan - short blonde hair, blue eyes, reasonably fair skin. He is mixed race from various sources, predominantly Mediterranean, with short brown hair and brown eyes.

College sex outside...the president's house. (m/f)

Long time lurker, first time poster. Be gentle :)

This is one of my fondest memories of the time with an ex girlfriend of mine, as well as one of the most adventurous! Names omitted to protect privacy.

The ti[m]e I fucked my best [f]riend.

Long time lurker, first time poster blah blah blah. I'm on my phone and I'm not the greatest writer so please excuse any mistakes I make. I'll try to format as best as I can.

First some back story.

I've known my best friend Emily for about 4 years now. We met through a mutual friend during my senior year of high school. We hit it off instantly and quickly rushed into a relationship.
