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Thought My Night Was Done Last Night Until Little Miss 18 Year Old Muppet Came Bounding Down The 101 Hwy [MF] | 2016


It has been a pretty interesting past 2 or-so weeks sexually for me, and this even makes it more so.

Earlier in the week, a friend asks me if I want to go to a Black-Tie Charity Event that she had an extra ticket for and that she didn't want to go stag. So I said, for sure. We go to the event, was fun, everyone was dressed up and good scenery was abound, of all ages.

It begins to wind down around 930p and am super horny, especially since the hottest girl there was this blonde college student in a micro-mini dress and super high heels kept eye fucking me from across the room between talking with her dad and mother. Too close for comfort though, so me and my friend call a cab, but i suggest that we go out in our local town because it'd be fun to be out dressed up. She agrees especially since it's only 10p. As we take the 10 minute cab ride, i'm joking that we'll tell people that we're in an open relationship and she's bi and I'm straight and we'll bring a girl back to the house just for kicks.

We get dropped at local bar/lounge, and yes, everyone was asking why we were dressed up.
We're dancin, having drinks, talking, etc. Dude starts dancing with her and I start talking with a cute brunette that was new to town, things are going well.

I then tell brunette that, "i bet she's going home with this guy." I know her type well, and sure as shit she lets me know they're headin out. So stay and talk with brunette another 20 or-so minutes and she and myself are starting to get pretty drunk. She asks where to go dancing and i say across the street or next door.

We all go across the street and i get inside and the dance floor is packed, I'm hot in a long-sleeved shirt and getting tired, so I decide to make an honorable exit and call it a night. Good times were had and I'd call a cab.


I begin to get my drunken walk on up the hwy (i live about 4 miles North of this place) when after about a mile, i decide to call a cab. While i am propped up against a rail, along comes this thick haired brunette bounding down the sidewalk. She is wearing a not-so-flattering looser dress, almost like what a conservative mother would wear to Easter Brunch in the 1990's.

I can tell she's drunk and she sits down next to me complaining how her friends left her and they have her keys and she lost her fake i.d. and she couldn't get into the bar with them, blah blah blah.

She then starts to divulge how the previous night she was the subject of basically being a sex doll for a group of guys (not sure how many), which included blow and god knows what else. She's telling me how sore she is and how traumatic but hot it was. Wow.

I tell her a cab is coming and she asking if she can crash at my place. Next thing i know we're in the cab.

We get to my house, and i direct her upstairs. She flops face first on my bed and as she's telling me that "this is the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on" i cant help but want to know what that little 18 year old ass looks like under her dress.... so i pull it up, and i wasn't disappointed. No panties and a perfect heart shaped ass, but then i noticed her super dirty feet and told her to go wash them in my shower, which she did. She then comes back and flops back on my bed naked and i begin to massage her back and she's loving it.

Between moans and groans she exclaims how horny she is and wants to fuck but is too sore and tired from the previous night. I can feel my cock starting to get hard and i shed my pants and boxers, she looks back as i grab her by the hair and pull her over to my cock as i'm resting ass on heels and leaning back, so my cock is straight in the air for her to service, and she starts going to down. Lots of spit, giggling and loving having a big cock in her mouth.

After about 10 minutes of this, i reach down her back toward her asshole and start tapping it with my middle finger. I then lay her on her back and begin playing with her pussy and holy shit it was wet. Soaking. I begin to start finger-banging her (i know, high school style) and pressing her lower abs with my other hand into my other hand in her pussy to get that G-spot. After about 1 or 2 minutes of that she's squirming and cumming all over the place.

We talked and rolled around in bed for about 30 minutes. About 10 minutes after i turn off the light, i hear her sneak out of bed, grab her stuff, and cruise out like a good girl about 3a.

Thank you naughty 18 year old. :]