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Stories | 2016

The tales of blaxploitation : My stories of interracial loving Part 2: first creampie

Hello again gwstories. So it seems like some of you guys actually read my story and a few of you actually liked it so thanks for that. You gave me warm fuzzies. So just a recap these are the tales of several of the black women I had amazing times with over the years. Some could say I'm obsessed with beautiful black women. So what? Sue me. Black chicks rule. Anyway this is going to be the first sexy story in the series. So enjoy.

Taking my boyfriend at work day… /u/highavailability makes a surprise visit. Pictures and a video.

/u/highavailability and I have gotten into the habit of having two standing phone dates everyday during our commutes. We live in different time zones, but I work an early shift so it works out well. I’ve never been much of a phone talker, but since we began this cross country romance, HA and I have developed the habits of 14 yr old girls. Previously, the most minutes I’d spent on the phone in a month was 500. Now, I’m averaging about 2200 min/month. Thank goodness for unlimited talk time.

Sex with the girl I used to see walking home from work [m/f] *pics*

Like I've said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. I'm generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.

Cheating On Her Boy[F]riend Abroad [M]

This summer, a group of 17 students from my uni in the States traveled to Brisbane, Australia to study abroad. Most everyone in the group had relationships back home, but apparently that doesn’t mean anything when you’re 9,000 miles away.

The tales of blaxploitation: My stories of interracial loving Part 1

Hello gwstories after having read and (ahem) enjoying many of the stories posted here I felt inclined to write my own. As you can tell by the title these tales will delve into the many memorable times I've had sleeping with several different black women; Developing what one could only call an immense attraction to them. Out of all the fetishes I have black women is the biggest one of all. Enough about that though onto some details and then the good stuff.
