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Stories | 2016

My "Sex Rampage" (or, That time I fucked five guys in the space of 10 days). [MF] - PART 1 of 5

This all happened four years ago. I was reading through my diary from my college years, where I would write these things down in quite a bit of detail. I thought you guys might enjoy some of the stories. EDIT: This is the first story of five. I'll post the rest soon!

Background: I was in my senior year of college. I had just turned 21. It had been four months since my boyfriend of two years (the first person I'd ever slept with) and I had broken up, and I had been in a self-inflicted dry spell ever since. But finally, it felt like time to move on.

A sum(m)er (F)ling

She walks in wearing a short black dress. Her tan skin is radiating in the dress, and her brown her makes it look even better. I haven't seen my ex-girlfriend in 2 years, and you can already feel the tension between us. She walks over, and we hug. I feel her fit body press against mine, and it brings back memories of when we were together. The passionate sex we used to have. I hand her a drink, and we start to chat. We are catching up with each other when some of my friends come over. We greet them and go gather around a table for some drinking games.

(F)ootball at Mr. Right's (long) (fm)

After our last date I was excited to have alone time with Ben again. He invited me over that Sunday to watch football with him (which I will admit I didn't watch too much at the time). I put on some leggings and a t-shirt trying my best to look slightly sporty and head over to his house.

When I showed up he greeted me at the door and apologized saying that he forgot to tell me he invited friends over. "Thats okay, Im excited to meet them" I explained. Ben introduced me to a few of his friends and sat down next to me on the couch bringing me a beer.

Homecoming Tailgate.

This happened this morning so I'm a little hungover/drunk. Sorry if they're any spelling/grammar issues.
