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What it's like to have your best friend help you out of jeans two-sizes-too-small and fuck him right after. (F/M) | 2016

Another week-late post and I don’t even know if my grammar is right in most of the parts but brace yourselves for another long one!!

Mark's grandma died Wednesday, September 30, and he's been feeling pretty down about it all. It hurts to see him that way. The guy's my best friend. He's always, always laughing; he laughs when he's making fun of himself, he laughs when he runs, he laughs when he's in class, he laughs even during sex. When you listen to his voice it's like he has a permanent laugh in it. But he wasn't like that this week.

Here's another thing you should know about Mark: he has (had) only one grandparent left alive, and that was his grandma on his dad's side. He never met the other three. Both his parents are doctors. Both surgeons. Both still working despite their old age. Mark has five older brothers and one younger sister – all of them were pretty much raised by his grandma. If you check his phone, most of the time he’s texting his family, his grandma especially.

When Mark gets sad, you just know. You know and you feel like you just kicked a puppy in the gut even if you haven't done anything wrong. I skipped class to stay with him the day he found out. The guy was a mess. He wasn't talking much, he wasn't laughing much - I had to find out through his roommate.

I wanted to take him out so he could enjoy himself - so I did. Saturday, we went to a shopping center near campus for lunch. We ate at a great Italian place, watched Hotel Transylvania 2, and just walked around together. Mark was a lot more smiley than a couple days ago. And that was good, I guess.

We were talking together, not really planning to go anywhere, just talking. He didn't try to pull anything. No subtle handholds, no arm around my shoulder. It was just walking. Walking and talking. I even managed to crack a couple laughs out of him.

Mark said he was doing a lot better - he missed class for three days to get his head straight. His roommate would take care of him when he could and I'd drop by to check on him when I wasn't studying or in class. He needed space.

We were passing by one of my favorite stores when I saw a pair of skinny jeans I really wanted. It's rare for me to want pants. It was always dresses and skirts. Why struggle with putting on pants when you could just throw a dress on and enjoy your day?

I asked Mark if I could try them on. Mark said he'd buy them for me if I wanted them.

"You don't need to," I told him. "I have my own cash." It's just that I don't like spending it.

"Sofie, my dad sends me more than I need every week," Mark said, smiling. He dragged me into the store and we walked over to the rack displaying the jeans I wanted. "According to him it's still his responsibility to take care of me, so I honestly do not know what to do with my money."

"I'm not letting you buy anything for me."

"Okay, fine, but at least try them."

I frowned at him, but obliged. I asked the nearest saleslady for my size and she handed me a pair. We walked over to the dressing rooms. The dressing rooms were the kind that had an actual door on them that allowed for real privacy instead of curtains anyone could open. It was a full room: not something where people would be able to hear you. Mark sat down on one of the chairs in front of the doors while waiting for me.

I headed into a room and slipped out of my dress. While I was looking in the mirror before putting my clothes on, I kind of praised myself: My underwear wasn't that embarrassing today. I thought I looked like a train wreck but the lace teal bra and panties kind of fixed me up a bit.

The normal struggle of putting on skinny jeans ensued: jumping, sucking in my breath, wriggling - that kind of stuff. I've worn skinny jeans before but that particular pair felt way too tight for my everywhere. Aside from berating myself for gaining weight, I started to peel myself out of them. Big problem: I couldn't.

No matter how much I pulled, or wriggled, or sucked in my breath, the jeans wouldn't seem to roll off my ass like I wanted them to. How did I even get into these?

Ten minutes or so must have passed and I didn't have any luck. I was sweaty, tired, breathy - this was a job I couldn't handle on my own. I opened the door just enough to peak my head out and saw Mark, sitting on his chair, scrolling through his phone.

Mark looked up. "One pair of jeans is taking you pretty long in there," he said.

"I need your help," I whispered. Couldn't have the saleslady coming in there.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm stuck."

Mark stared at me. "Huh?"

"I. Am. Stuck." I beckoned for him to come in.

Mark stood. "Stuck as in you can't get out?"

"Yes, now come in here and help me!" I hissed.

Mark's eyes widened. "But you're naked, aren't you? I can't go in there! I'm not that big of a pervert!"

I glared at him. He seemed genuinely concerned. "Really?" I said. "You're really going to say that?"

The smile on his face was so bright you would have confused it for a sunrise. Mark walked over. I let the door open, he walked in, and I locked it behind him.

The dressing room was pretty cramped for two people. Right in front of us was the mirror. Mark looked at it, then at me, then back at it, then back at me. His brows were lifted, eyes hooded, mouth almost open. "Wow," he said.

"Never seen a girl in jeans and her bra before?" I pointed toward the pants. "Now help get me out of this."

"Okay, okay, turn around."

I raised my eyebrow at him.

Mark shrugged and laughed. I missed that guy's laugh. I turned around and bent my hips out to him. Mark hooked his fingers into the waistband of the jeans. "It's unbuttoned, right?" he asked

"Mmhmm," I told him.

"I'm going to pull in 3 seconds. The second I say one, suck in your breath and tighten up your ass. Understand?"

"This could sound a lot like anal. But sure, yeah, I get you."

"Before I try anything, what size are you? US Numeric."

"Usually a 4 or 6. These don't fit me though so I think I might have gained weight."

"Sofie, these are a size 2."

I was quiet.

Mark threw his head back in laughter. I watched him in the mirror, laughing, smiling, even starting to giggle myself. I was surprised the saleslady didn't walk in and ask us if anything was happening. Mark's laugh was loud enough to fill up the entire room.

After he calmed down, Mark managed to make a miracle happen and yank me out of those jeans. It wasn’t easy. By the end of it, both of us were sweaty, tired, breathing hard – it was more of a work out to get out of one pair of pants than it was to run for half an hour. I ended up sitting on the one stool inside the dressing room. Mark sat on the floor, leaning back against the wall, legs bent up in front of him. He still had the jeans bunched up in one hand. With me sitting there in my underwear, hair a mess, and both of us breathing hard, one might have thought that we’d just had some intense, earth-shaking sex.

Mark ended up laughing again for some reason I didn’t know. His shoulders shook, the biggest smile was on his face, and he was laughing. I watched him from where I was. Mark was a good looking guy, even without trying. He looked up at me from the floor. “Thanks,” he said.

“For what?”

Mark smiled. I swear to god that guy must have worn braces at some point in his life to have teeth that straight. “You do a lot more for me than you think, Sofie.”

I frowned at him. “You’re welcome?”

He laughed again and motioned for me to come over. I sat down on my legs. Mark pulled me over onto his lap and leaned my head against his shoulder holding me there. Mark kissed the top of my forehead. “Really, I mean it, thank you,” he said.

I punched him in the arm. “And I said you’re welcome.”

“Do you even know why I’m thanking you?”

I rolled my eyes. “Because I’m fucking adorable?”

Mark laughed. “You aren’t just adorable.”

“Why else do you think I added the word ‘fucking?’”

“You’re beautiful, Sofie.”

I laughed at him. Mark frowned. He stood both of us up and positioned me in front of the mirror, with his arms around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder.

I was never really a fan of the way I looked. If I’ve never described how I looked like before, I’ll do it now: I’m 5’5, 125 lbs, half Spanish and half Japanese. I have dark brown hair, brown eyes; my measurements are 36-27-39, and my frame’s pretty small. Along with that I have a couple scars on my body. Maybe a couple hundred, all from self-injury when I was younger. I’ve got the world ‘ugly’ on my hip and some others that, well, aren’t very friendly.

We looked at each other in the mirror. Mirrors and I weren’t very good friends, but Mark made me somehow like them, even just a little bit. As long as I could look at him I could force that bitch to cooperate with me.

“My grannie had scars, too,” Mark said. He kissed my shoulder. “Not just stretch marks, mind you. She was around 26 during the bombing in Hiroshima. To make matters worse, she was pregnant with my dad.”

“Your dad came out okay, right?” I put my hand over both of Mark’s at my waist.

Mark kissed his way from my shoulder, up my neck, until he stopped at my cheek. “Healthy baby boy. He’s seventy now and is still capable of acting like someone my age.”

I laughed at him. “Your dad’s seventy? How old is your mom?”

“Sixty four,” Mark said, grinning. “Remember: five older brothers and one little sister. When my sister was born, I was two and our eldest was thirteen.”

“Sounds nice to have such a big family.”

Mark ran the tip of his thumb over my stomach, almost absent-mindedly. “It was. When we would go out, one of the adults always had to tell us—with all seriousness—not to throw each other out the window or down the Grand Canyon or into an open sewer. Imagine, five boys and one little girl. Can’t believe I ever got used to the noise.”

I laughed at him even more. People’s faces kind of change when they talk about their family – you can really tell how much they loved them. Mark loved his family more than he could probably express. “How did your parents even handle you?”

“They didn’t, granny did.” Mark’s face went sad again. My throat tightened. “She would have loved you, you know. A lot.” Before I could say anything to try to make him feel better, Mark said, “For one thing, she’d ask me how my ugly mug ended up getting a piece of ass like you to even consider being my friend.”

“I’m sure your granny wouldn’t call you ugly.” I said that mostly because it’s near impossible to call a guy like Mark ugly.

“Uh, yeah she would!” Mark laughed again. “Granny wasn’t the most polite person. That’s why I said she’d like you. You’re just as polite as she is.”

“Fuck you.”

His smile could have lit up an entire morning. “My point exactly,” Mark said. He pressed his lips against the crook of my neck and shoulder. My breath caught. Hard to believe I didn’t notice how close he and I were standing. My back was to him, his front was to me. He could feel the curves of my ass and could let his hands wander to who knew where in the position we were in.

Mark caught on and just barely pushed his hips forward. The tip of his hard on poked my butt. I pushed back against him. My fingers tightened their grip on his hands in front of me, all the while never breaking eye contact with him in the mirror. His mouth was just barely open, an almost-smile still on his face, staring at me, eyes hooded, breath stirring my hair. I could barely even recognize myself. My lips were pursed, my cheeks flushed—when did I ever start to look like that?

“Sorry,” Mark apologized. He kissed my shoulder. “Can’t help it. Never can when it comes to you. Say the word and I’ll leave so you can get dressed.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“I’m always asking you for sex and expecting you to give it to me. And I’m sorry for that.” Mark pulled his hips back and started to move his hands away from me. “I can’t just do that to yo—“

I spun around and kissed him. My arms went around his neck, pulled his head down and brought our mouths together. Mark didn’t protest. His fingers knotted in my hair, the other hand going down to squeeze one of my ass cheeks over the flimsy cloth of my underwear.

A knock on the door. Not this shit again. Mark pulled away from me, looking more frustrated than I’d ever seen him and opened his mouth to speak, but I cut in: “Yes?”

“Miss, is everything okay in there?” It was the saleslady who’d given me those too-small jeans. The walls around us were thick enough for her voice to sound almost too soft for either of us to hear. “Your boyfriend seems to have left.”

Mark mouthed the word bathroom. “He went to the bathroom!” I shouted. I was more horrified by her calling him my boyfriend than I was by the fact that what we were doing may or may not have been illegal.

“Are you in need of any assistance in there?”

“No, no, I’m fine! We just got some other pieces to try on.”

“Alright Miss, just let me know if you need any help!”

Three seconds passed before Mark burst out in laughter. “Why are we always the ones getting caught in situations like this?” he asked.

“People always want to see you fucking me, I guess.”

Mark leaned down and kissed my forehead. “I do have a very good view of things.” He laughed and kissed me again, picking me up, so my legs wrapped around him and my slit was pressed up against his hard cock, with only my thin panties and his jeans in between.

Mark’s finger tugged down a cup of my bra, forcing one of my boobs out. I gasped. He pinched and squeezed; he rolled my nipple in his fingers and tugged just light enough for me to groan against him. My body was heated and my panties were wet and I didn’t know I could get that turned on in that short amount of time. Mark smiled. He moved down my jaw, to my throat, to my shoulder – I couldn’t think of anything aside from his lips, his teeth, and his mouth.

He was slow—as usual. He was slow and I loved it when he was slow. I liked his gentleness and his sureness and the way Mark did things in general. Mark was the only one that was ever slow with me. I didn’t even know I liked slow.

But I couldn’t afford anyone finding me in this position with him. That and I missed being treated like another hole to have fun with. I pulled back. Mark leaned forward. I put a hand on his chest, stopping him. Mark pouted. “Why do you deny me my affections?” he whined.

“Calm down, Shakespeare. We don’t have time for this,” I told him.

Mark looked genuinely distraught. “Oh. Should I leave now?”

“I mean we don’t have time for you to treat me like a princess. Just make it quick, okay?”

“Riiiiggghhhttt,” Mark said. “Oops.”

I frowned at him. “You’re a genius.” I hooked my finger into his shirt and pulled Mark forward. Mark’s a lot taller than I am. Standing this close only made me feel even smaller. “Now hurry up and fuck me already.”

Mark didn’t even say anything. He smashed our mouths together, tasting my tongue, and reached behind to unhook my bra. Mark threw my bra to the side of the room. I threw his shirt along with it. He was quick with his jeans—they fell to the floor and Mark kicked them aside. He leaned his back against the wall and stretched his legs out, positioning me on top of him, my legs on either side of his.

I wrapped my fingers around his cock. My wrist moved up and down, just barely twisting, my eyes trained on every reaction on his face. Mark was flushed. One of his hands squeezed down on my waist, nails digging into my skin. He pursed his lips, still smiling, never breaking eye contact with me. He was watching me. He was watching me. Every move I made, every breath I took, every time my face changed, he would see.

Might as well give him a show.

My other hand wandered down to my panties, finding their way underneath the cloth to my very wet and very wanting slit. I was soaked. Mark balanced me with both his hands. I found my clit and rubbed, keeping pace with the hand that stroked the length of him. Not once did we stop staring at each other.

Mark took my face in one of his hands and pressed our foreheads together. His breath was hot. I’m sure mine was too. He didn’t kiss me like I wanted him to – we just kept looking at each other. Brown, almond shaped eyes filled my vision.

The hand on my face reached down and tugged my panties to the side, exposing my slit. Mark ran two fingers over me and raised them up to my lips. I took them in my mouth, swirling my tongue around him, moving my hand faster on both of us. Mark’s breath hitched. He yanked his fingers out my mouth and kissed me.

His hand went back down, fingers trailing over my chest, over my nipples, over my belly button – he may as well have left a path of fire over me. I was gasping against his mouth and groaning and grinding and dear god I fucking needed him to use me.

Without warning, Mark slid two fingers inside of me. My gasp was louder than I intended. He was slow at first, moving in and out, then he built up. He went faster. Then faster. Then faster. I pushed my hips forward, trying to force his fingers deeper inside me, groaning on his mouth, begging for him to cum, begging for him to let me cum.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Sofie,” he whispered, and his fingers quickened. His voice was hoarse and his breath was tight and every rasp that escaped his lips drove all thought from my head. There was only him. There was only his voice. There was only his fingers. And there was only my pussy tightening around those small actions. “So fucking beautiful.”

I came. My back arched and my voice would have been heard outside the room if Mark didn’t silence me with his mouth. As soon as I relaxed, Mark pulled his fingers out, took my hips, positioned his cock at my entrance and pushed himself in.

Mark pulled me against him, one hand holding my ass and the other digging its nails into the small of my back. I threw my head backwards. His mouth found my throat, kissing, nibbling, sucking – you name it. Mark moved. He moved in and out of me, holding me against his body, against his chest, feeling the sweat all over him. I wrapped my arms around his back and dragged my nails over his shoulders, listening to him suck breaths through teeth.

He was slow at first. Slow, getting ready, building up—moving me first then moving his hips for us to meet. I looked to the side, at the mirror. It was us. Mark’s legs stretched out in front of him, making something like a right triangle, his feet jammed into the corner where the floor meets the wall, his body pressed against me, our underwear and clothes all over the ground, forgotten.

Mark followed my gaze and we stared at each other through the mirror. He was smiling at me. He was smiling at me while moving faster, pulling me closer to him, breathing harder against me. His pace quickened. His balls slapped against my wet cunt. He filled me up and pulled out and I squeezed around him every time he did.

My body was on fire. Drool ran down the side of my face, spilling onto my chest, my tongue just barely hanging out of my mouth. Nipples erect. Hair a mess. Sweat covering me in a fine sheen and running down my spine. Small, soft gasps mixing together with the sound of my best friend fucking me the way I wanted him to.

I turned to look at Mark, and not at the mirror. His brows were furrowed and the restraint was obvious in the veins of his forehead. Somehow, through all of that, he was still smiling. He brought our foreheads together and said, “Please tell me you’re close because I cannot fucking take this anymore.”

I kissed him. I kissed him – sloppily and messily without any regard for composure – and whispered against his mouth, “Let me cum first then I’ll give you a surprise.”

Mark raised an eyebrow but slammed his cock deep inside me. I almost screamed. He moved in and out, slamming back each time, making sure he would occupy every inch of my insides , making sure I would squeeze his cock, making sure my pussy would know nothing other than the shape of him. He was fast. He was hard. And he never stopped looking at me.

I came around him but Mark didn’t stop moving. No time to waste. No time to go limp in his arms like I wanted to or kiss him until my lips fell off. I dropped to my knees and took his cock in my mouth, still wet from being inside me. I stared up at him through my lashes, his eyes wide, his mouth open, genuine shock on his face as I moved my lips around and over the length of him. I wrapped my arms around Mark’s legs and forced him deep enough for my nose to meet his stomach. I swallowed—the muscles in my throat closed around him, and he came.

His load filled my mouth and I had to swallow everything down just so nothing would be wasted. Mark grabbed my head with his fingers and held me there while his cum ran down my throat, with me trying desperately to keep up with how much and how fast he was shooting in me.

Mark calmed down, breathing heavily, sweat on his chest and looking at me from where I was on the floor with his cock still in my mouth. I smiled up at him. Mark motioned for me to stand up. I frowned.

“What happened to doing things quickly?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Suck me off like last time and I’m going to keep you here until closing.”

I pouted, but obliged. I got to my feet. Mark pulled me closer and kissed me – softly, gently, the same as he always did.

“Shopping with you seems nice,” he laughed.

I smacked him in the arm. “Only as long as I always get the wrong sizes. If I get the right one I’m just going to end up asking you how I look in everything.”

“And I’m always going to tell you you’re fucking gorgeous.”

“And I’m never going to believe you.” I stood on my tiptoes and pecked him on the lips. Mark frowned. I stuck my tongue out at him and bent over to pick my bra up.

“You will one day. I promise you that,” he said. I gave him the finger.

We helped each other get dressed. I left the dressing room first and he came out second. The salesladies were too busy fawning over this one dad who’d brought in his tween daughter with every intent of going on a serious shopping spree. Poor, unfortunate soul.

The day after, Mark sent me this text. I agreed to go on a friend date with him, and surprise surprise, it didn’t end in fucking. It’s Saturday noontime right now, a week after it happened, and I’ve just finished editing what I wrote the day after. Mark’s got a date tonight with a girl he was set up with by a friend. The girl’s gorgeous, so fingers crossed!!