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Stories | 2016

So dreams to come true! First MFF (23M,19F,19F)

Hey /r/gonewildstories we thought we'd post this story here as it isn't really /r/Hotwife material which is where we've posted a few times.

A little background for those who haven't read nor are going to read our other posts. Myself, Oliver, and my girlfriend, Jess, have been delving into the wonderful world of group sex and general sexual promiscuity whilst still maintaining our relationship... and it's awesome!

A raobj/raomd success story [mf]

He was so nice and sweet from the moment we started chatting. He welcomed me into his home, made me feel comfortable and relaxed, and showed me a great time. After a few drinks, a couple of bowls, and some great conversation, I see he's itching to kiss me. It's cute seeing his squirm around coordinating his next move, so I sit back and watch just a little longer to build the tension. He finally leans over to kiss me, and it's not long after that he's found his way between my legs.

[M]y Wi[F]e and I go to the movies for some fun...

My wife and I like to go to the movies during the week. It gives us some time to relax together and check out a good movie. We got to the theater and we went into the movie. Not surprisingly, it's pretty empty because it was a weeknight and it was a movie that has been out for awhile. Normally, I choose the seats because I really like being on the isle but, this time I let my wife choose and she wanted to sit all the way in the back for some reason. I had no idea at the time but, I'm glad that we did.

The BBB: The Booze, The Balcony, and The Butt

I've never been a hookup kind of guy. I've always been the serial monogomist to a fault. It was late junior year in college and I hadn't even kissed a girl outside of a relationship (yeah, that's the kind of lame shit that'll win you Never Have I Ever in a hurry) let alone gone any further. Don't get me wrong, I had plenty of experience and prided myself on every ex girlfriend raving about my abilities with my hands and tongue, I just hadn't taken my abilities out on the free agent market per say.

Having sex with an ex, and it started in the pool. [M/f]

This was "that ex" — the girl who I thought was "the one" while we were dating, and who I had dated longer than anyone else prior, and with whom the breakup fucked with my head for at least a year afterwards. Her name was Rosa. (Editor's note: Fortunately, I met another girl about 2 years later who helped me get over Rosa and realize that we were never good for each other. Rosa and I eventually made our peace and went our separate ways; we haven't talked in years and that's probably for the better.
