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Stories | 2016

20 [M] Two days ago I fucked and creampied a MILF 31 [F] while her kids were at school

Someone asked if I would make the post here, so I will...

Back in March, I had a random woman follow me on Instagram. Her profile was locked, but by the looks of her profile picture, she was much older but gorgeous. I requested to follow, and instantly was accepted. I scrolled through her feed. My eyes lit up; she was a complete milf.

Hat Trick: 3rd date, used 3 times in all 3 holes [MF] [public]

I've been instructed to post this story for you all of me and my guy's third date. We'd already fucked before this (and in a group setting, but that's another story...) and it's been nothing short of amazing so far. You know when you meet somebody and you just kind of click across the board? That's me and this guy, particularly when it comes to sex and fantasies.

[MF] Sex with older, former co-worker

During and after college, I worked at my neighborhood supermarket. After I graduated, it was a much more miserable experience, but you bond quickly with other employees. One of which, was a middle aged single mom that had some similar interests as me. Those interests included sex.

[M]y neighbor [F] long

This happened to me a last year after buying my first house, painstakingly renovating it and finally getting to enjoy it. I live in a two story house, open concept and lots of light. This all began after some flirting with my recently divorce neighbor, mom of 2 and a real Milf. We would often talk after work and during the weekends she didn’t have her kid we would talk during yard work or share a beer or 4.

Breakthrough [MF]

Crazy that this is my first post ever on any site. I've been lurking for some time now and felt compelled to take the plunge.

My wife (call her Jen) and I (call me Steve) are happily married and have had amazing sex from the start. We first met in high school and formed a strong bond with a really tight group of friends. We both had long term relationships throughout this time, but I always had a thing for her.
