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Stories | 2016

All day anticipation on a road trip waiting for hotel [MF]

First off I apologize in advance as this is my first ever post like this. Also on mobile. Forgive me.

Consequences Poker [Group]

I'm not a virgin. I dated a girl for almost a year near the end of high school, and we did start having sex near the end. It was wonderful in its own right, but we were both much less than experienced or talented, and only had sex a few times before we broke up and went our own ways. That was my only experience with anyone, and I'm now a sophomore in college.

A Night With My Stepsister [MF]

Two weeks ago, I had an experience that I never anticipated. For many people, what I did is extremely taboo, and that’s one of the reasons it was one of the greatest nights of my life. This is the story of the time I had sex with my stepsister.

[FM] Something New, Something Blew - I [31/F] finally made my new Airman [28/M] cum.

Buckle up, we have to catch up. We’re only at the halfway mark for 2017 and I’m already drinking for two (ever go so hard on a weekend that you’re fairly sure you gave yourself fetal alcohol syndrome?) So far this year I’ve broken a toe, started a new job, gotten a promotion at said job, ruptured an eardrum from an insane sinus infection turned ear infection, had a MRSA infection develop on my face after I performed minor surgery on an acne cyst, shaved my head to support my friend with cancer… and I’ve started dating.

My adventure to getting laid by my best friends crush [MF] [Cheating]

Hello, I have never written anything quite this R rated that wasn’t for a college course. Here’s a strange set of events that I sure enjoyed many moons ago. Feedback is always welcome and I hope you enjoy. It may not be the most exciting story written, but I feel zero need to embellish or lie. There is some build-up, but I will make a line when the sexual stuff starts.
