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Stories | 2016

Stripped in a parking garage, followed by a blowjob and public sex out in the open.

By request, here is a story of a time when I got naked and had sex in a parking garage.

I met up with one of my regular fuck buddies at a parking garage because we were SUPPOSED to go to a party. Him and his buddies were at a movie, that I didn't care to go to, but were going to a party afterwards, and invited me. However, when I got there, it became clear they had other ideas in mind, and the party never really left the parking garage. It was him and about 4 or 5 of his friends in a garage after they had went to some movie.

[mf] First post; an afternoon with my boyfriend. (Vanilla, squirting, toy)

My first post here and first time putting a sex story into words, but reading others' posts always turns me on so I thought I'd share.

Myself and my boyfriend are 18; yesterday he was at work all morning waiting tables, I spent a lazy few hours playing video games and reading. I then took a hot shower. Apart from my long chocolate brown hair, I stay fully shaved and I love the feeling of having a soft, shaved pussy. After my shower I had a few messages from my boyfriend, who is also brown haired and very muscley, particularly his legs and shoulders.

Meeting my Reddit crush...second cross-country tryst with /u/highavailability. Picture of us! (f/m)

If you're interested in some background, here's the story of our first irl meetup:

This is going to be a quick, stream of consciousness post while we’re rehydrating and coming up for air.

Saturday petplay & bondage fun between my girlfriend and me [M/F]

Hi! This is my first post here, I just have to share the experience we had yesterday with you guys. Hope you like it as much as we did! :)
