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Stories | 2016

Reconnecting with and fucking an old crush. (m/f)

This past weekend I hooked up with an old High School crush I hadn't seen in about 13 years. We'll call her Storm.

My wife and I decided a long time ago to have an "open" marriage. Like a lot of such things, this started with a few threeways with an ex-girlfriend of mine that I was still friends with. Since those trysts came to an end I've been unsuccessful in finding a woman good enough to actually sleep with me.

Just fucked [M]y [T]rans girlfriend in the back of my Volkswagen in my office parking lot

So, my girlfriend wanted to borrow my car today to go visit some friends but I had to work. So she drove me to work this morning and dropped me off at work. When she dropped me off, she told me she would do anything later tonight to thank me for it. I had been sitting at work all day getting rock hard anytime I thought about all of the stuff I could do to her tonight.

My first threesome! [MFM]

So my boyfriend(James) and bestfriend(Kevin) had been joking for a couple weeks about having a threesome. It was almost constant. I had really wanted to do things with Kevin for quite awhile but I knew James would never go for it. See, James is about average size and build. He's about 5'11" and a little chubby but still muscular. And Kevin's about 6' but he's bigger. And I hadn't really been into bigger guys until him. For qhite a long time now I had been almost constantly daydreaming about getting to do stuff with Kevin. I wanted him to fuck me.

My neighbor fixed my sink! (M/F)

So I was asked to tell the story behind this GIF by /u/ivegotwatuwant so here we go...

First of all my neighbor is pretty hot. He reminds me of Zeus (see my previous story) because he is tall and very well built with dark hair and glasses. He also has a very good job and is pretty heavily involved with the community doing volunteer work and stuff. He actually owns the house he lives in and the duplex I share with my sister.

The night I found Zeus (FF/M)

Edit: obligatory "thanks for the gold!" PM me for something special

I was a bit of a party animal in college. Bars, clubs, the occasional house party - you throw it, I'm there. I maintained good grades and showed up to work on time so I never saw a problem with it.
