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[x-post from /r/hastories] Bud and banging in Belize with /u/xxx_highavailability | 2016

Previous posts are in /r/hastories

Note: This story has some background for some really good sexytime. If you already have your cock white knuckled in your hands or you have been rubbing the bean in slow circles you might want to scroll down to the next bold next where sexy begins

So we are in Belize and enjoying paradise. It was actually one week ago today that me and /u/xxx_highavailability were getting ready to go out for a day in Caye Caulker. It was about 20 minutes by boat to the area and once we got there my girl needed her coffee fix. We went down the main strip and went into a place called coffee and beans and met a very pleasant chap named Marco. He was previously from Poland and fell in love with Belize and moved there. He dropped some deep sage type advise on us but more importantly he turned us on to the idea of enjoying some of the local cannabis.

This was something we had both thought about before so we thought it would be a fun distraction later. Marco told us the local Rastafarians who were selling carved wood also sold “other” items so we headed off in search. About two blocks down the road we see them and what looks like local cops hanging out. “Shit we are going to have to come back by aren't we”, I tell her. She says, “lets go back up the street there were some other guys there as well”.

We go back up the street and sure enough there is what looks like a 50-70 year old Rastafarian selling wood carvings. I decide that since I am the man and I am also the person with the most experience doing stupid shit I would broker this deal, it goes down something like this..

Me: Hey you got some great things here, I was wondering if you sell anything else I might be interested in? Rastafarian: Yes we also got some nice necklaces for you pretty girl! Me: No I was wondering if you have anything herbal? Rastafarian: What do you mean? Me: Do you sell anything that I can smoke? Maybe I should look elsewhere? Rastafarian: Sorry you'll have to speak up I cant hear so well. (I'm starting to think hes some cop or that he is fucking with me) Me: Do you sell anything to smoke? Rastafarian: OH YOU MEAN GANJA! Yes how much? Me: (hands him a 20$) This much.

He takes off to some other guys standing around a cooler. Talks to them all hush and then they spread out like this is an episode of the wire. They grab a bag out and it exchanges several hands and then he comes back to us. He grabs a wooden statue on the way in and tries to convince me to buy it and says “ahh maybe after you smoke you come back”. I'm trying to figure if this guy just went Omar on me and took my shit but apparently /u/xxx_highavailability has gone all splinter cell and received the delivery and is motioning for us to leave. It is getting close to our meetup time with the boat back so we buy some “cigarette” papers and a lighter and make our way back to the dock.

I feel at this point that I should let it be known that neither of us are smokers or subscribed to /r/trees. On the island we had no access to the internet and were basically 1980's high schoolers trying to figure out this smoking thing. I had done pot about 20 years ago and I never rolled before so I let her have a try at it. It seemed to go well but the paper was a little moist and it didn't burn even. I told her about how when I was younger we made a makeshift pipe out of a soda can and I could prolly still do that. We go in search of a can on the small island we are staying on.

We head to dinner slightly bussed? High? And ask the waiter if they have any soda drinks in cans....NOPE! Goddamit we get our dinner and then I ask if they have any canned beverages at all and he says they dont. SON OF A BITCH.../u/xxx_highavailbility asks the security guy that we befreinded if he had a soda type can of any kind ant we would buy it. Nope....Well fuck me. She grabs the foil from my baked potato in case we can use it and we leave dinner.

We head back to the room and start going full of MacGyver mode. She starts grabbing everything metal and I grab anything cylindrical, I know with a combined 12 years of post high school education we can come up with something better than wet joints and tears. She comes to me with the metal lid from our coconut oil and the foil and I have just found the empty plastic Pringles can. I take the lid from the coconut oil and BEHOLD that motherfucker fit in the Pringles can perfect without falling down. I punch some holes in the lid and place the foil over and use that to cinch it down and we are in business. She cuts a hole in the side of the Pringles and we are smoking.

So we are new to this weed thing but we manage to smoke through about one of the three tiny baggies that he gave us and have coughed our asses off. Neither of us even smoke cigarettes and I have at one point took a hit that was so heavy I coughed until I about puked. We finish off the remnants are are about as relaxed as we have ever been. We tried to describe how it felt to each other and we both agreed that it felt as if our brains were on vacation.

sexytime commences

Then with glazed eyes she turns to look at me and says, “ I am soooo relaxed right now, but I sure could go for some dick”. Who am I to turn away a perfectly reasonable request? I pick her up and we head into the bedroom and toss her onto the bed and start taking my clothes off as I go to the close the door. By the time I turn around she is already completely naked with her legs spread beckoning me to come join her. I grab the coconut oil and do my patented dick dip and by the time I crawl between her legs she is impatient. She grabs my cock at the shaft, lines it up, and wraps her legs around me to drive me into her full depth.

We typically take it slower and since I know she is sore from the previous days I am shocked by her exhalation of ecstasy rather than pain “Oooh yes thats what I needed, now fuck me”, she says. We are missionary and I am kissing her neck with one arm wrapped under her lower back pulling her hips into me and I thrust downward. “I want to be fucked harder”, she whispers to me.

She typically cannot take a lot of the angles I have used in the past because again, she is a 125 pound woman and depth is an issue when it comes to our sex. I take her left leg and put it in the crook of my right arm and lift it up towards her shoulder. “Ooh yes like that”, she purrs at me as I begin to pick up speed, going harder and deeper than I ever have with her. She starts gyrating her hips and I think she is getting close to orgasm when she says, “I need it harder”. This sends me over the edge because she has never told me before that she wants it harder and I am more than happy to oblige since she is enjoying it.

I grab her right leg and put it in the crook of my left arm so now her legs are spread wide and I can achieve maximum depth. I had done this in the past and she has always gasped more in pain than pleasure because of the depth. I thrust downward the first time and she just exhales, “oh yes like that I am going to cum”. I pick up speed again and I feel some resistance as I hit bottom repeatedly but instead of being in pain her ass is gyrating and she starts shaking at the impending orgasm approaching. “Oh fuuuuuck yesssss”, she says loudly as she grinds her hips into me and I pound harder than before knowing that she likes it hard when she is cumming. Her body gets rock solid and it feels like she has been cumming forever until she finally goes limp, gasping for air. “Oh my god I just came so fucking hard”, she says between pants. “Roll over, I want to fuck you”.

I roll onto my back and she climbs on top, immediately taking all of me inside of her and grinding her hips rocking back and forth. I put my hands on her ass squeezing it and pushing it down into me and push her back in forth. It's not long before I feel the tingle of my own orgasm approaching and she knows it. She smiles down at me and starts grinding faster, knowing that I love it when I orgasm and can't control the speed. I explode into her and she can feel the hot waves as she grabs my shoulder and digs in her nails as my orgasm pushes her over the edge again. She collapses onto my chest, both of us breathing heavy and having had the longest orgasms of our lives. “I really love the orgasms from being high”, she says as she rolls over and curls up with me until we fall asleep.