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Winter Break with Sexy Results (M/F) | 2016
When it comes to women, I've always been what you might call a late-bloomer...a really late bloomer. In fact, I lacked the confidence to approach a woman until I was 19 years old.
Her name was Taryn. I'd known Taryn from high school, because we were on the public speaking team together. She wasn't a particularly attractive girl: she was thin as a rail, a bit tall, and wore pretty nerdy glasses. Her clothes were unfashionable, her hair was jet black and unstyled, and the only thing remotely sexy about her was that she had a pretty big ass. However, we were both nerds in high school, and she paid slight attention to me, so naturally I developed a crush.
However, I lacked any degree of confidence back then, so nothing came of this crush, save for a few poems and songs I wrote and burned afterwards. But Taryn came back into my life when I was 19. I was a changed man by then. College had brought confidence to me, and we were both in the town we grew up in for winter break.
My buddy and I met her up at a Seattle's Best Coffee House. It was kind of a group thing going on, and I hadn't seen her in over a year. We instantly reconnected. That very night, her and I got some alone time as we went to buy some groceries for the whole group of us, and afterwards we looked at Christmas lights together.
Throughout the course of the break, I started seeing Taryn more. We went to museums together, and the movies, etc., but I never had the balls to make my first move (save for holding hands during a late night walk), until the last week. At this point, Taryn told me that she was sad to see me leave for school again, and that she wanted to have lunch together every day until the break was over.
I decided it was finally time to man-up during the first of our lunches. We were watching George Orwell's 1984 in my bedroom, when I ballsed up and put my arm around her. Taryn seemed a little nervous at first, but eventually eased into the situation.
Eventually, her and I ended up laying on my bed together, holding each other. While deep down I knew this was the moment to kiss her, I still lacked the confidence. We laid together for quite some time, until it was time for her to go do other errands. We agreed to meet tomorrow, and I swore tomorrow was the day I'd make my move.
Tomorrow came, and the first thing Taryn did was head directly to my bedroom. I laid on my bed and she laid on my floor. She looked at me sexily and said why don't you come join me down here...and so I did. She looked at me starry eyed and told me I was awesome. And as I began making my move, Taryn's face changed a little. She started talking fast and got a little upset.
You see, Taryn was planning on moving in a few months, and started ranting about how she wanted to tie up all her loose ends...she started getting irritated at me saying that I was making her feel bad about moving. She told me that you can only have one true master. She essentially went through a painful monologue that I've for the most part mentally blocked out, and left and told me she did not want to see me anymore.
I sat in my room, on the floor, and stared blankly at the wall for a good ten minutes. And then I just walked around the town I grew up in crying.
Years later, Taryn and I reconnected, and she mentioned on more than a few occasions that I could've fucked her that day we watched 1984 if I wanted to.
I don't talk to Taryn anymore guys. That girl is fucking insane.
I hope you all enjoyed my erotic story.
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