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Well that is exciting [MMF] | 2016
The situation below is mostly real, names and a few details have be changed up and switched about. Mark put this together for me with my input for the POV. I write code not porn. He did it for my filthy pleasures in reminiscing, me not wanting to lose the details a few years on/me with my boyfriend expecting my first. It doesn't get straight to the action, no apologies. I lurk here often and bugged him to post one of the stories he wrote for me. The throwaway is his so if you pm you will get a guy, just saying. But I will be looking for your comments.
The background, as they say the devil is in the details: My name is Sophie and I am a 26 year old software engineer with brown hair, pale complexion, green eyes, 5 6" with a decent rack (c cup for you lads that need specifics). I wouldn't call myself slim but I work hard to ensure my weakness for cheesecake is not detrimental to my dating outcomes. I am not some liberated godess of sex and debauchery and since 16 I can count the amount of boyfriends I have had on two hands and the amount of sexual partners on one.
My latest gig had been a six month government department contract, long story short: Department goes to market and buys a shiney new system, and as always got what happens when you get the lowest bidder to implement your complex project: A complete and unmitigated disaster, new system failing to work with the old ones still in place, data loss, corruption and lots of downtime. Exactly the scenario that has kept this gal in gainful employment and my overpriced studio I moved into when my boyfriend and I broke up. The very unofficial name we gave our enterprise, "Project Unfuck".
Around three o'clock on the last day of Project Unfuck I had been dutifully pretending to be busy finishing up documentation when when my supervisor Dan dropped passed my workstation. He announced that the contracting firm we were engaged by was paying for dinner and drinks in celebration of the project's end. Basic spirits, beer and wine. This was very unexpected (not to mention totally unorganised same day notice? RUDE!), we were finishing up on a Wednesday and as the project was fix work not new system delivery work the idea of anybody paying for anything was out of the ordinary. I started listing off in my head the pros and cons of attending. Free drinks and dinner sure, but it was mid week and I had planned on taking a week off before the start of my next contract reading trashy novels, not getting out my pyjamas and definitely not going to the gym (I am positive if there is a hell there will be a spin class scheduled three times daily). Good sloth work takes practice and I needed to make a start immediately. I told Dan no, I wouldn't go and then tried racking my brain for an excuse that didn't make me look like a social loser at the same time as thinking about how if I could get next bus home I could be a goodly portion through the tub of boysenberry by seven. As I sat there working on my excuse Mark approached Dan with some documentation to sign off on.
Mark is an interesting guy, athletic build, mid thirties, white but with the slightest touch of something else... maybe mediterranean? Dark shoulder length hair with no sign of receding which he always wore brushed back, a shaped full beard and by my highly accurate calibrated guesstimation is six foot. A nice smile and a deep voice, he worked as a BA so I really hadn't had that much to do with him on the project other than riding in the elevator with him a few times and the odd chat in the breakroom. When the few girls that were working on the project had gotten together we had immediately compared notes and I found to slight disappointment he was in a long term relationship to a gorgeous waif who had been seen dropping him to work several times. NIX! He had taken the pause in conversation between Dan and I as a sign we had finished and when he realised by Dan's reaction we hadn't finished Mark immediately apologized to me for interrupting. Instant merit points.
As Dan signed the papers Mark asked me "Talk about late notice on the thing tonight but should be good pretty much everyone has opted in, I have been to the place before and it's nice, are you going?"
Dan started in "Sophie isn...
"Sure!" I blurted out "they had me at open bar" I smiled and slowly turned back to my screen.
Dan looked puzzled, Mark smiled and I was pretty sure he took a parting glance down my top. Cheeky ;)
I then realised the gravity of the situation, Queue total panic. Laundry day was tomorrow and by tomorrow I meant it was laundry day a week ago and I had begun recycling items to the point that today's outfit had casual Friday written all over it. A pair of jeans that had last been comfortable 3 years ago and a snug low v neck cut black top from target was my current ensemble, it was going to be slim pickings indeed. I finished up pretending to work, said goodbyes to those who weren't going to the dinner and due to the now important task of picking something to wear ditched the bus and opted for a taxi to allow more time for the hunt.
The wardrobe was bare, it was terrible. The clothes hamper was overflowing but any attempts to double dip had been ruined by dropping the contents of my gym bag on top yesterday. The funk of hot yoga clothes isn't something that perfume will tame. The sum total of my wardrobe was my prom dress, and a black pin striped tailored three piece suit that I wore to a friend's wedding as a groomsman last summer. There was no way I was fitting into a dress last worn in highschool so I went with the KD Lang option. I ditched the jacket and wear waistcoat tight and shirt buttoned low. Make up was winged eyes and red lips, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail held with an antique silver clasp and gave my eyes a break from the contacts for my solid frame glasses. The underwear was not much better in the way of prospects than the outfit. I did have an incredibly flattering and extremely sexy black lace lingerie set. It has a push-up bra and G string that came complete with lace topped suspenders and garter. Which sounds fantastic for an erotic adventure however it also had the bra from hell, the underwire dug in like a sonna bitch and the lace edge on the g string defied all efforts of woman and fabric softener to make comfortable. Which is why my ex most likely loved the set, it looked great and if I was wearing it I was guaranteed to be out of everything but the garter and stockings in five under minutes. The last choice was a pair of some what holy black wide bummed cotton panties (girls you know this pair and purpose) and a lime green half cup bra that had defied all manner of lack of delicate setting washes to be my go to bra for slobbing about when the girls were achy, comfort, yes! Style, no. Comfort it was, besides I had no plans on the night beyond free food, drinks and at best some flirting should a subject present itself. A situation reinforced by the state of my floor as I shut the door... total disaster zone.
The bar/restaurant was as Mark said nice, low lighting, rich decor and had a central area for tables and booths to the outside. We had a big table in the centre where platters were left after they had been offered around and wait-staff taking care of drinks on the floor. Suddenly the suit and therefore low shoes was a plus, my calves and feet will be thanking me tomorrow. Mingling I caught up with one of the infrastructure guys Brett, Brett is slim, straw blonde, as pale as me and only a few inches taller, he wears his hair short and has a pretty boyish face and very blue eyes. He had dressed in slacks, a button down shirt and a light jacket that fit him well. Tailoring boys, a girl notices. Brett and I made small talk, about the project, its end and what we were going to do next.
We talked for a while a then Brett checked his watch and said "I hope Mark makes it, he needs a night out, I'm going to message him and see where he is at"
Sipping on my drink I casually stated "Oh I am sure he will, he said as much this afternoon, what do you mean he "needs it"? Little lady keeping him on too short of a leash?". Then berated myself for the use of the term "little lady" in polite conversation.
Without looking up while texting away Brett said "Didn't you hear? He and his fiance' broke up two weeks ago, he has been staying at mine while he sorts a lease"
Now THAT was an interesting development, and threw an immediate pang of hopeful joy to my stomach. Flirting target may have just presented itself! I kept talking with Brett for a while, got another drink, and picked at the best offerings on platters while chatting with various now former co-workers. In the meantime Mark turned up and displayed no outward sign of a wardrobe disaster or no ill effects of a recently ended serious relationship (my breakup had left me red eyed and house bound for a week, prone to burst into tears months later). A grey two piece suit and black tie, tied well and polished shoes he looked good. Brett noticed his arrival and rushed over to chat, I made sure I didn't make a beeline. Eventually I made my way over and a few other guys had joined their group.
"Good thing you made it Mark, I think Brett was going to start to fret" I started in trying to keep my tone playful.
Playful or not, mocking a man in front of other men is never a good form and I regretted it immediately as Brett blushed visibly even in the low lighting as the other guys chuckled. Nice work Bitchy McBitchson, way to go.
"Brett's been a good friend" Mark said meeting my eyes "It has been a tough time made better".
Now it was my turn to blush and the conversation died a horrid death on my faux pas, luckily some guy from the same section as Brett jumped in with some frippery and I used the tact to break off and made plans to drink myself into oblivion .
I was consoling myself with a drink when Brett came and got me, he laughed off the incident and asked me to come sit over in a booth he had claimed. When I got there I found Mark was there too, Brett to the rescue!
We had been sitting and talking in a booth for a while, the drink tab had ran out so we had slowed down considerably. Which wasn't a bad thing, everybody was pleasantly squiffy.
I can't remember who brought it up but Mark's break-up became the topic.
"Well she decided she wanted to go back and study business but changed first year into gender studies" Mark offered
"And you're against those uppity women getting the vote and they really shouldn't be chaining themselves to things?" I quipped with a smirk.
"No no" Mark chuckled and didn't seem the least bit defensive "she just started reading more from sex negative authors and well that had some impact on the relationship as well as the change itself. Business was going to help her career so supporting it wasn't a drama, gender studies well..."
Brett and Mark started in debating the pros and cons of various feminist authors the movements within and what that meant to the broader community. I however was lost, I am officially the worst feminist ever, I barely know the difference between waves, the only book I have on shelf from a feminist author is The Female Eunuch and that was my mom's in college (it is still unread gathering dust). I focused my attention on stirring the remaining ice around the bottom of my drink with a straw and occasionally nodding along to any point that seemed reasonable.
Mark was making some long point while I was staring at his lips wondering how kissable were they and I was nodding away ".....and the change in social attitudes regarding sexuality has been positive. When I was in my teens there is no way I would have been comfortable as openly identifying as bi but here we are"
Once again for that day.. THAT was interesting. I nearly sat bolt upright, my secret fantasy was guy on guy action, my pornography habits pretty much centred on it. I have no idea why, it just is and it does it for me. Hunky guys going for it, hmm. I had once expressed my wish to see a boyfriend kiss another guy and that didn't go well so I kept those thoughts for alone time. And now imagination was treating me to a scene where Mark was grinding on muscular guy, kissing him passionately and then me.
While my mind played out this debauchery I noted the flush and look on Brett's face, the nights interactions all fell suddenly into place. I had no idea in which part of the bell curve Brett's sexuality lay but it sure as heck wasn't straight and from that long look he just shot he was totally into Mark! Hot... but dammit, Brett now had a prior claim and now for reasons unknown I bestowed upon him without his knowledge the privilege of the sisterhood. Mark was off limits, Brett liked him first and well .... if I wasn't going to get to kiss Mark he might as well. And hey maybe if I was lucky I would see it happen.
We talked more, now sexualiy had been discussed the ice was definitely broken, the topics got more and adults only. Firsts, most ridiculous locations and experimentation. I found i was the least liberated of the company and the boy's were surprised to find out I had never once kissed a girl and had absolutely no desire to. Right then one of the staff told us as we were the only ones left and it was a quiet night they were planning on shutting up soon. I checked my watch, not even 9:30. Dammit people, things were just getting good!
Then Brett said he had good bottle of scotch at home that was begging to be opened in good company and we should all grab a cab. Evening saved, my quest to watch two boys kiss continued! On the cab ride home in between jokes and banter I wondered what Mark's type in guy was and panicked thinking maybe Brett wasn't it? Was he masculine enough? Or perhaps he liked black guys? Get it together Sophie, you are just trying to help a hook up not marry them off.
-------- sex stuff starts here----------
Brett's apartment was a modern living space/bedroom apartment with only the two main spaces but they were quite large. The scotch was very good, and Brett served them in proper crystal tumblers, nothing like the repurposed jam jars I used at home. I kicked off my shoes and we flounced on Brett's large L shaped black leather couch, which from the fact Mark's bags were beside must be serving as his crash space. We chatted some more, me sitting beside Brett, Brett next to Mark. A drink in Brett got up to put on some music and found myself between Brett and Mark and then I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked down to see Mark's hand there, CRAP! It felt warm and good but I didn't want to blow this for Brett. I turned to Mark to say something to brush him off nicely but he put his hand under my chin and lent down and kissed me. Protest died right there, Mark's kisses are wonderful. Firm, slightly opened mouthed, I returned in earnest playing with the tip of my tongue on his just to make sure he knew I very much appreciated this attention. Breaking away I turned to Brett to say something, anything as a way of apology and Brett lent in to my shoulder with his lips on my neck kissing his way up to my mouth! So that curve business, Brett is noooooot gay. Was Brett into me and I just totally screwed up? Whatever! I was a good few drinks into the evening, the project was over and kissing two lovely guys. No awkward work situation tomorrow, I was just going to let this play out Brett's kiss was much softer but more playful.. the contrast was divine. Melting into the couch with my legs ever so slightly spreading Mark's hand worked up and down my thigh getting higher each pass until he was pressing his hand onto my crotch through my suit pants, while Brett worked my breasts through my shirt, kissing my neck. As Mark worked his hand into my pants and I felt Brett unbuttoning my shirt from the bottom down I was in heaven. I had no idea how I was going to manage this, could I keep up with two guys? What was the etiquette here? Pop. My pants button was open and Mark had my zipper down, and a finger rubbing over my clit and lips, I was so wet I had definitely leaked through my panties into my pants. PANTIES! Shit, the holy rather embarrassing underwear. Panic lead to me instinctively slap Mark's hand and hard! Now I wasn't trying to reenact Bridget Jones here but I was hoping to be a little more sexy in front of Mark. The slap was a lot harder than I intended and both Mark and Brett froze.
"Is everything OK" Mark asked
"Do you need us to stop" Brett added.
For the second time that evening I had managed to murder the mood, it was just underwear... who cares? It really wasn't a big deal.
"I need you to.." voice cracking, my mind searching for something to say to get things back on track "I need kiss Mark".
Wait, what did I need? Where the hell did that come from? Well I knew where but.. Mark didn't skip a beat, he lent around me and putting a hand behind Brett's head pulled him, and kissed him. Not a peck but a kiss like he gave me, watching it happen right in front of my now heaving chest was exhilarating, my heart was beating so fast. Mark's slapped hand was sort of in the way so without thinking I guided Mark's slapped wrist down to Brett's crotch. Mark took the guidance without hesitation and rubbed Brett's cock through his slacks while still kissing him.
"Like that?" Mark asked as he broke from Brett's lips for a moment.
"Y..yes, just like that" I managed
They continued kissing, Mark stroking Brett and I couldn't help it I had a hand inside my soaked panties and my finger inside me, rubbing my clit with my other hand as they made out in front of me.
"What now?" Brett asked me
I have no idea how this dynamic happened, but between the slap and the request I had gained complete control over this situation. A situation where two guys were happy to touch each other right there in front of me. Emboldened I thought I would see where this would go.
"Take Mark in your mouth"
"Ok" said Brett. Brett looked at Mark and he nodded so he got up from the coach, knelt down infront of Mark and together they worked Mark's pants and boxers down to his ankles. Mark's cock was hard and needed no coxing, I guessed he was maybe 8 or so inches and quite thick. Brett worked it into his mouth grabbing it by the base, this was certainly not Brett's first rodeo. I would have to work myself up to that size slowly but Brett was taking Mark's cock deep, working his mouth up and down his shaft. I couldn't believe my eyes. Mark started grinding his hips forward and Brett took those thrusts without missing a beat, working that rhythm for a while, Mark thrusting and Brett greedily sucking. After a while Mark started pulling away from Brett's mouth and I assumed he was trying to hold off, not wanting to cum yet. I could appreciate that sentiment as I had slowed the pace of my hands working my pussy as not to finish too soon. When I cum everything is super sensitive for a good while and I didn't want to miss a moment. Brett took the hint and stopped, holding Mark's cock in hand he looked to me.
"Do you want to take this to the bedroom?" he asked. I nodded and we all headed to Brett's bedroom, it was a spacious room nearly the size of his living room, with walk in robes there was plenty of space along side his king sized bed, which was dutifully made with some decorative throw pillows on top. A single bedside table held a lamp on top and Brett killed the main light, turning on the lamp The only other decoration was a large contemporary print that hung over the bed head with a simple wooden chair in the corner.
Brett said he need to do some preparation, so he disappeared to the bathroom for a while. Mark and I started to make out on the edge of the bed, warming to my new role of being in charge I playfully shut down any attempt to undress me while removing items of clothing from him as we kissed, hands all over each other. I soon had him entirely naked, his hard cock in my hand. Mark had some large chest piece tattoos and half sleeves I hadn't known about and the look very much suited him. Strong in build and with the beard I approved but my guess on the touch of mediterranean must be way off base. Mark barely had a patch of hair on his chest and what hair he did have indicated he didn't shave or wax. Brett reappeared in a white bathrobe, with a tube of lubricant and some condoms in hand. So much as the "in charge girl", I hadn't even thought of that. Brett climbed up onto the bed and I pushed Mark away from me and towards him, taking a seat on the chair. I wanted the opportunity to watch some more, I wanted to be able to play back these memories for a long time.
The boys took their queue and started back kissing, Brett's cock soon poked out of his bathrobe and I didn't even need to order him to disrobe, they both ditched it quickly and continued to rub each other all over as Brett lay onto of Mark. I sat there just watching for a while, not even touching myself transfixed at their cocks rubbed together, Brett rubbing his hands over Mark's chest. I could see he was enjoying Mark's build and physique as well. Brett was no slob mind you but he was all stringy muscle and lean to Mark's more impressive bulk. I also noted Brett had not a single hair of pubic hair that I could see. I didn't know if he waxed or shaved, but by the low light of the bedside lamp I couldn't see a single ingrown hair or cut. He had to tell me his secret.
"What next?" asked Brett breathlessly as he sat up straddled across Mark's hips slowly grinding their cocks into each other. Oh that is right, they were looking to me.
"You should return the favor Mark" I suggested.
Mark crossed his hands at Brett's waist guiding him to sit up and turn around and soon Mark had Brett's cock in his mouth in a 69 position with Brett on top still. I had a great view of Mark working Brett's dick in and out of his mouth. Brett had smaller cock, and certainly thinner, uncut but large enough to please anybody that wasn't a size queen. Mark had his hands on Brett's butt pulling him down to him as he worked his head up. I freed myself from my inactivity and took the opportunity to disrobe, pushing my clothes into a pile under the chair and sitting back on the plain hard wooden seat. I was glad there wasn't a cushion as I could feel that I was slowly dripping juices onto the chair. Mark looked back to me as he guzzled down Brett's cock now to the root, staring at my breasts and me working my hand around in circles on my clit as I watched them. That was it, I was now not just enjoying my role I was into it.
"Do you want to fuck him Mark?" I purred.
"Yes" said Mark still staring at my chest while stroking Brett's cock in his hand.
"Do you want him to fuck you Brett?" I asked with a grin right across my face stopping working my clit for a moment and leaning back in the chair.
"Y...yes" Brett managed obviously lost to Mark's mouth and touch.
"Then get to it" I commanded
Mark got out from underneath and I was eager to see how they were going to go about it, Mark rolled a condom onto his cock while Brett stayed on his hands and knees moving around to allow more room on the bed for Mark behind him. Brett tossed the lube back to Mark and Mark ran a line of lube down in between Brett's butt cheeks and then another along his cock rubbing up and down his shaft with a few strokes. Mark worked in behind Brett grabbing onto his hips and I watched the muscles of his arms and chest work under his skin. BLISS! Brett gasped as Mark side his cock up along his ass his head teasing around his anus and after a few more strokes he started to work it in. Mark pushed forward and Brett worked back and forth slowly accommodating his size. I could see it was some effort with for him but it didn't take too long before they were working into a rhythm with Mark thrusting with slow long strokes and Brett reaching back with one arm at Mark's thigh pulling him forward urging him to fuck him all the way. I had to get closer, so I stood up and walked to the edge they were closest to, feeling a small bead of my excitement running down the inside of my leg.
Mark looked over to me and I smiled at him, I ran a hand over his butt as he thrust into Brett's willing asshole. There is something I will never forget about two guys working each over, there is a musk, that sex smell but just that bit different. Brett's eyes were closed and Mark was grasping hard onto Brett's hips. Leaving my hand on Mark's backside I lent forward and reached under to Brett's cock. I started stroking it feeling precum ozing onto my hand mixing with my own wetness still on my hand. Leaving my hand on Mark's butt meant I had to lean in quite a way and my heavy breasts were now resting on Brett's back. I loved the way my nipples felt being brushed back and forth as Mark pushed into him. Stroking Brett's cock made him give up reaching behind him and he now planted both hands hard into the mattress pushing back hard each thrust. I wet a finger on my left hand and then reached as far as I could behind Mark. I had no idea if he liked ass play but at this stage I was willing to make assumptions and best I could ran my finger around Mark's asshole while stroking Brett's cock. I felt Mark pulling back towards my finger but that was throwing the stroke out with Brett pushing back. So I pushed my finger into Mark, he looked right at me with lust in his eyes and so I pressed it deeper into him, feeling his ass tight on my finger. I was no expert with guy's butts but I figured slow and steady to start with was the best idea. Brett gasped as Mark pushed back into him again, and they increased pace with me working a finger into Mark's ass and stroking Brett's cock. I was loving every minute of this, the control, the feeling, everything.
I could feel the tension rising, the anticipation. Breathing quickened. "I am going to cum" Brett gasped.
Which slightly surprised me from the way Mark was groaning and how could feel his ass clenching I was certain he was closest. I was trying to work out what was the sexist way to deal with Brett cumming without trying to catch it in my mouth (I am not a fan of the taste of cum) when he groaned and started squirting a thick stream. Giving up my hold on his penis I caught as much as I could with my hand cupped more as a thought to save his bedspread, and loving the feeling of Mark's ass gripping on my finger as I pulled it out.
"So I am going to avail myself of your bathroom" I laughed as I held most of Brett's warm cum in my palm and my finger outstretched on the other hand.
Both of the guys laughed, as I walked down the hall I tossed over my shoulder.
"You know Mark, you really worked Brett's ass hard, best kiss it better".
I washed my hands and checked my reflection. Hair still OK Check, make up not totally ruined Check. An internal debate started up. Should stay for more or do I leave Matt and Brett to it? I did know I wanted desperately for Mark to fuck me, I was so turned on I had no idea how I would manage a cab ride home home if i did leave. And again how does a girl manage two guys? What do you do? I wasn't keen on any spit roast action, I had seen it in porn it really didn't hold any appeal. But wait, these guys were happy for me to direct, nothing I didn't want to have happen had to. I stared back at my reflection
"Go get 'em tiger" I told myself.
Part 2 can be posted if you want it.
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