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Wednesday Addams and No Face (F/M) | 2016


Mark made me give college parties another chance: “Trust me: no hidden drugs this time. Any and all drugs will only be given if you ask for them and pay the right amount of money.”

“Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise. I also pinky promise there’s going to be a shit ton of candy and you can dress as weird as you want and no one will judge you.”

It was a Halloween party. I fucking love Halloween. Aside from Mark and my love for Halloween, I had other reasons to go: a girl I was close to, Julie, was dating a guy who was part of the frat that was throwing it; other friends of mine like Carmen and Anna would be coming along; and Charlie was almost begging Mark to hang out with him and his other buddies. Plus candy. How the fuck could I say no to candy?

I went as Wednesday Addams. Wednesday Addams is a fucking legend, and Halloween was a time to be creepy. I had a black dress with a white collar, braids, black thigh-high socks and black boots. The attitude wouldn’t be much of a problem.

Mark picked me up from my room at nine. When I opened the door, he was dressed in black jeans and a long-sleeved black turtleneck with a No Face mask.

I frowned at him. “Seriously? That’s seriously the best thing you could do?”

“This guy scared the bujeezus out of me when I was a kid!” Mark took the mask off. He looked me up and down, and smiled. “You look cute. Wednesday Addams but without the Addams.”

I frowned at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re cute.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“I’m an asshole that thinks you’re cute.”

“How am I cute?!”

“The resting nice girl face does have something to do with it. You’re adorable.”

“I’m manly as fuck.”

Mark stared at me, then laughed. I punched him in the shoulder. He grabbed my wrist. He pulled me in for a kiss, bending down, one arm lifting me up. The hallway was fairly crowded: anyone I knew could have seen and misunderstood things. I pushed him away—a lot more gentle than I intended—and landed on the ground.

I hoped no one saw that. I’m still hoping no one saw that. A lot of girls liked Mark; it was hard not to, and people seeing him kiss me would lead to a lot of trouble on my end. Being his friend was already getting me a good number of stares.

He was still smiling. “Someone’s blushing.”

I covered my face with one hand and gave Mark the finger with the other.

“Don’t worry about tonight, Sofie,” Mark said. “It’s Halloween. You aren’t you, I’m not me—we can pretend to be other people for a while.”

“You think Wednesday Addams would fuck No Face?”

Mark laughed again. He took my hand and we went back to his room, where Charlie and the rest of Mark’s friends were. The second the door opened, all of his friends started cheering and saying welcome back and ruffling his hair and pulling him closer. I didn’t realize this many people missed having him around, and sort of felt bad for always stealing him away to take care of me and my fucked up head and over-active hormones. There must have been, what, ten, fifteen guys crowded in that one tiny dorm room? Did they all get there in that short amount of time Mark was gone??

Mark has very nice looking friends. I met around four of them aside from Charlie before. The first time, they were grimy with sweat from playing a game and all covered in dirt from the field. They’d cleaned up now. You know how pretty people are always surrounded by more pretty people? Like they gravitate toward each other? Mark was like that—his friends all played some sort of sport, most soccer, they were all tall, they were all either adorable or extremely attractive. There was a Superman, a Mario, a Luigi, the eleventh Doctor and a bunch of others I would have drooled over if I’d seen them on the Internet.

Mark managed to pull himself away from his friends after some pats and cheers. He went back to where I was, hair a mess, smiling bigger than I thought he was capable of, and I was feeling horrible for being some sort of friend thief. I couldn’t let him know that and ruin his night.

I pulled Mark down to my height. “Why the fuck are all your friends attractive?” Mark looked at me like I’d said I didn’t have a crush on Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. “I’m serious. Do you not know any ugly people besides me? God fucking dammit.”

“Sofie, I do not know what you’re talking about,” Mark laughed. Charlie put an arm over Mark’s shoulder. Charlie was dressed in a goddamn Pikachu onesie.

“Welcome back to where you belong, man.” Charlie waved at me. “Mind if I steal him for awhile?”

“No, go ahead,” I said.

“I mind,” Mark said.

“I wasn’t asking you,” Charlie said. He dragged Mark towards the rest of the guys while I hung back by the doorway. I started texting my own friends. They’d meet me at the party. Great. Just great.

A couple of Mark’s friends went over to where I was. I guessed they were Jenko and Schmidt from 22 Jump Street. At first they asked me if I was Mark’s girlfriend; obviously I said no to that, and after we just started talking. Jenko was Ian and Schmidt was Kevin. Both of them were about to graduate and had been asking Mark to join the varsity team for the past two years. They asked me if I played. I laughed. We moved on to a different topic.

After awhile the guys started to file out of the room to head for the party. I was talking to this really funny one named Tyler, who I’d met before, when Mark caught up and told Tyler and the rest of the guys to go on ahead, saying we’d meet them there. We hung back for awhile in his room, alone, while he asked me if his friends bothered me. I said no. I asked him if his friends hated me. He said no. He asked me what I thought of them.

“They are all really, really gay for you. Did you know that?”

“Even Tyler?” Mark looked like he was in serious thought. “Do you know if he turned gay for me before or after I slept with him? Or wait—was that Patrick? Kevin? Bobby?”

I stared at him.

“What? I can be a manwhore.”

I kept staring at him.

Mark smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. “I’m kidding. Don’t worry.”

I slapped him on the chest and both of us laughed. After awhile that laughing turned into him kissing me. After awhile his kissing me turned into my hands going up to his shoulders and his resting on my waist, and after that tongues came along and started to do all the talking. It wasn’t long before I could feel myself getting wet.

Mark played with one of my braids. He tugged my head to the side and let his mouth move down the curve of my neck. One of his other hands hiked the skirt of my dress up to my waist, and started to laugh. “I didn’t think Wednesday Addams owned pink underwear. Not to mention lace.”

“They’re light coral!” I frowned. He started laughing even more, and picked me up from the ground to carry me over to his bed. We landed together with him still laughing and me just starting to. He had his arms around my waist, thumbs hooked into the band of my panties and head resting on my chest. “Weren’t we going to a party? Your friends are going to miss you.”

“We can catch up in the after party.” Mark inched himself up higher to kiss me. He edged my panties further down my hips. “Besides, they had me for an entire year already, it’s your turn.”

“I want my candy.”

Mark kneeled on the bed and lifted both my legs with one hand, using the other to slide my panties off with a pace so glacial even I was getting frustrated. “You’re better than candy.” He kissed my knee before letting my panties pass over them, moving his mouth after the path of my underwear. It was ages before they were finally off.

I sat up and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him. I pushed him onto his back. He ran his hands along the underside of my thighs. He dug his fingers into my butt cheeks. He squeezed. He pulled them apart. I groaned, and he laughed against my mouth and pulled away far enough for me to look him in the eye with the scariest glare I could manage. “What’s so funny?”

“You can go from adorable baby panda to thoroughly and undeniably fuckable in less than five seconds,” Mark said. “How could I not—“

The door opened. I rolled off the bed and forced my dress down. Mark and I yelled “fuck” simultaneously. Charlie poked his head in through the door, looking like he was both frustrated and uncomfortable. “I saw that,” he said, stepping into the room quickly and shutting the door behind him, leaning on it. “Are you sure you two aren’t together?”

“Man, why do you always have to interrupt?” Mark sat up on the bed and started running both his hands through his head. “Couldn’t you at least have, you know, knocked?”

“I’m interrupting because you owe me and the rest of the guys some of your time and attention,” Charlie said. He looked at where I was on the floor. “And Julie asked us where Sofie was the second we got there. She is legit waiting right outside the building for you.”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. I knelt on the ground and started to fix my dress. Julie was a good girl. I couldn’t just let her wait there, and I couldn’t just keep stealing Mark away from his friends. “We’ll go. No messing around until after. And I’m sorry again.”

“It’s not your fault,” Charlie said. He went over to where I was and helped me up to my feet like it was nothing. “It’s his. You didn’t do anything to make him want to spend so much time with you.”

“Aww, do you love me that much?” Mark said from the bed. He got up and put both his hands in his pockets. “So all of you really are gay for me!”

“In your wildest dreams, fucker,” Charlie said, but he was smiling.

I looked from Mark, to Charlie, and frowned. “Are you like his man-wife?” Both of them looked at me confusedly. I held my hands up. “Just asking. Not just because I see a lot of sexual tension between you two whenever I visit but because you—“ I pointed to Charlie. “—are a bit of a nag, and you—“ I pointed at Mark. “—are a bit of a clueless nut.”

Mark laughed and slung his arm over Charlie’s shoulder. “We would make a cute couple,” he said.

Charlie looked mortified. “You know how hung this guy is, even my ass wouldn’t be able to take it.” He stared down at me. “How are you even still walking?”

I shrugged. That was just as much a mystery to me as it was to him.

After that, Charlie left the room and said he’d give us time to clean ourselves up like he believed we’d actually had sex in that short amount of time. I realized I was still panty-less. I checked Mark’s bed. I checked the floor. Nothing.

Nothing but a cheeky smile on the face of the asshole I call my best friend, anyway. Mark still had both his hands in his pockets and had his shit-eating grin on. The fucker. He balanced from heel-to-toe, staring at me while I looked around, being the smug little bastard he is.

I frowned at him. “Give them back.”

“No,” Mark said.

“I said, give them back.” I jabbed a finger into his chest. “I’m warning you!”

“Please?” He brought one arm around my waist and pressed our foreheads together. “It’ll be fun.”

I was going to regret this. A lot. But more than half the people at that party won’t remember anything that happened – what did I have to lose? “Fine,” I said. “But if I ask for them some time in the middle you better give them back!”

Mark picked me up and kissed me. We left the room together, met up with Charlie and Julie outside the building, and made our way to the frat house. Mark was with Charlie and I was with Julie. Julie’s a really pretty girl – she’s got the nicest red hair and she’s the kind of pretty you get from Instagram photos that actually don’t need any editing. She barely ever needs to wear make-up, and her wardrobe neither shows too much skin nor makes her look like a conservative nun. Julie was dressed as a ladybug. Not even the slutty ladybug, mind you.

It was a pretty cold night, windy, even, and I had to keep my hands planted firmly on my thighs just to give me a false sense of security. Everyone was out in costumes and lingerie that were supposed to be costumes. Mark would ask me how I was doing every now and then and I’d just give him the finger. He’d laugh. Julie and Charlie would look confused.

The frat house must have been three or four floors high. The lights were on inside and you could hear the music before you saw the house itself. People milled about outside, sitting on the grass, drinking, while others still arrived. Julie took us inside and I lost Mark after being in there for about four seconds. People were crowding, and dancing, and drinking, I’m pretty sure more than a handful of them were already on drugs, and I was wondering when the authorities would show up because goddamn this place was wild.

I hung around with Julie and met up with Anna and Carmen. Anna was halfway towards drunk and Carmen at least looked sober. They took me over to play beer pong (which I seem to be good at?), they drank (I had orange juice and water because alcohol makes it hard for me to breathe and gives me stomach cramps), I got my candy, they introduced me to some pretty great people, they even got me to try dancing. Which I did. Horribly, of course, but I tried. The music was loud enough for me to forget who I was and just be a part of everyone that was there, even though I wasn’t drunk, even though I wasn’t on drugs, even though I wasn’t as sane or as normal as everyone else. I was just a part of something bigger. The music was shit, but I tolerated it.

Some time later I found myself alone since Carmen took Anna back to her dorm room after Anna threw up a couple too many times, and Julie was helping her boyfriend with some guys from another frat that were causing trouble. I was thinking of leaving already. The party was still in full swing. The music was loud, the drinks were almost unlimited, and I’d almost forgotten that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. I only remembered when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a little alcove hidden behind some thin curtains. I guessed it was where they were trying to hide some extra beer since the walls were stacked high with six packs. I started screaming rape (as if someone could hear me) and then realized it was Mark when he started to laugh.

I frowned at him. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, nothing,” he said, trying his best to calm down. He leaned on one wall of the alcove while I leaned on the other. It wasn’t a very big alcove, and you could see everyone outside the curtain. “How’s the party been for you?”

“No one’s puked on me yet, I’m probably going to have three cavities tomorrow morning, and I’m drunk on orange juice,” I told him. Mark smiled. “But I’m having fun. How’s it been for you?”

“That’s good,” he said. “I walked into the bathroom and saw two girls making out in a puddle of vomit so I think it’s time I headed back.”

“What about all your friends?”

“Either having sex or wasted.” Mark shrugged. He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips. “I missed you. Where are Anna, Carmen and Julie?”

“Carmen took Anna home and Julie’s off with her guy.”

“You’re with your guy.”

“You’re not my guy.”

“So am I your girl?”

“You wish.”

Mark looked appalled. “Are you trying to tell me I have neither dick nor vagina? Or both? Do I have no genitals? Have I been a hermaphrodite all my life?” He started to fake cry. Mark pulled me in for a hug that I almost drowned in. “Have my parents been lying to me this whole time?!”

I laughed and hugged him as tight as I could. “You’re an idiot.” I squeezed tighter. “A big, stupid idiot.”

Both of us just laughed. At what, I’m not so sure, but being around Mark always made me laugh. We laughed in that tiny, dark little alcove, watching people pass by from behind curtains so thin even I could have ripped them apart. After the laughter quieted down, I stood on my tiptoes to look at him and he bent his head to look at me. Mark was smiling. He has a very nice smile. Like, a really, really nice smile. And really nice teeth. And a nice face. And a nice everything else.

I held him by the front of his shirt and pulled him down to kiss me. Mark lifted me, keeping me pinned against the wall, gripping my waist tight enough for it to bruise but tight enough for it to feel good. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled and tugged and felt his breath on my mouth between every kiss. I didn’t have any panties on. If this progressed, anyone could have seen us from outside of the curtain if they paid attention. Any of the frat guys could have come in. Anyone could have seen.

My legs went around his waist and pulled him closer. His bulge hit my slit, with the skirt of my dress just barely covering me up. I started laughing. “We’ve been making out for, what, two minutes and you’re already hard?”

Mark pulled back and pouted. “Maybe I was thinking of you having no panties the whole time we were here,” Mark said. He kissed me again. “Jumping up and down in that dress, bending over in those thigh do you think I’d stay soft with that in my head?”

I hit him lightly on the chest. “You’re a pervert.”

Mark laughed and kissed me. I was sandwiched between the length of his body and the wall, one hand digging into my side and the other slowly inching the skirt of my dress higher and higher. He kissed his way from my mouth, to my jaw, to my throat, tugging my collar to the side with his teeth and running his tongue up and down the length of my neck and shoulders. It was scary how quickly just that turned me into a mess. A wet, aching, cock-hungry mess. If any of Mark’s fangirls saw this I’d be dead.

Mark wasn’t slow this time. He wasn’t slow, he wasn’t gentle; he was more...hungry, I guess. Breathy. Rushed. Forceful. Desperate, maybe. He squeezed on my hip and pulled my hair and pressed me harder against the wall every time he brought his head up to kiss my mouth and dug his nails into the underside of my thigh every time he went back down to sink his teeth into my shoulder or move his tongue over my skin.

I wanted him to bruise me. It wasn’t long before I started grinding my hips against his front, and asking him for things I knew he’d be more than willing to give and do to me. I reached down and started to undo his pants with one hand.

Mark pressed our foreheads together. He watched me while I unzipped his jeans and I watched him while his breaths became ragged. One of Mark’s hands pushed my dress up and to the side. Air hit my bare slit. That same hand moved up and forced its way inside my dress, finding one of my breasts. He squeezed. He groped. He tugged, and pulled, and rolled my nipple in between two fingertips.

I was on fire. I watched people pass by in front of the curtain, the music loud, the drinks still being passed around. People could see us if they came in. They could see us. They could see him. They could see me. It was scary that I wanted them to.

I took his cock out. He was hard. My fingers moved up and down the length of him, precum already on his tip, his breath hitching and his teeth sinking into his lower lip. Mark nuzzled his face into my throat. His breath was harsh, warm, tickling my neck. I tilted his head up to look at me with my free hand. He looked desperate. I kissed him. I kissed him gently. I kissed him the way I was used to him kissing me, but my hands and fingers were fast on his cock and his balls and Mark’s eyes were starting to roll back into his head.

“I can’t, I can’t, I fucking can’t anymore.” That was Mark. He took both my wrists in one hand and pinned them against the wall above my head, holding me up with one arm around my waist. He kissed me. He kissed me, tongue, teeth, lips, and all, and let the tip of his cock push its way into my hole. I was wet enough for him to just force his whole thing in but he didn’t. He didn’t and it was torture. My breath caught.

“Are we really going to do this here?” I asked him. I pushed against the weight of his hands on my wrists. “Because anyone could see and—“

“And I’m at my limit with you, Sofie,” Mark said. He kissed me again. And again. He pushed himself deeper inside me, stretching. “God, you’re tight.”


“I love it.” Deeper. I was being filled. I was losing my mind and watching people pass by outside and my body wanted someone to come in and see us. “God, did you just get tighter?”

“No!” I said.

Mark laughed, and kissed me. “So you like this whole voyeurism thing.”


Deeper. He was halfway in. And deeper. And deeper. My tongue started to hang out of my mouth.

“Do you want someone to see us?” Mark asked. It was whisper into the side of my neck. “Do you want someone to see what I’m about to do to you?”

I was quiet. No, I didn’t want it. I didn’t want it. I didn’t want it. “Just put it in,” I said. “Please.”

He laughed again, but complied, inching himself inside me, almost reaching my cervix. My pussy clamped around his cock. “Answer me before we start,” Mark said. The bastard was smiling.

I frowned at him. “Why are you being mean to me?”

“I’m just asking a question!” Mark laughed. “If you don’t want to answer then I can go back to being some gentle prick again and treat you like glass in a room locked away from the rest of the world so no one can see.”

I looked outside. People. So many people. They could come in and see me with a cock in my pussy, legs spread, face probably a mess—

“Tighter again,” Mark breathed. “Tight and wet—great combo—“



“I want someone to come in and see,” I said.

Mark stared at me for a few seconds. Then he smiled. He smiled and pulled out faster than I thought he could and slammed right back in, his tip hitting my cervix, his balls hitting my opening, his breath catching—me cumming. Me cumming just from that. My toes curling and drool running down the side of my face and my pussy tightening, just from that.

Mark nuzzled his nose into my hair, his body shaking with laughter. “Still want someone to come in and see?” he asked.

I nodded. I was going to regret this.

“Then scream,” Mark said. He moved. He moved in and out of me. Faster. Harder. Faster. Harder. Grunting. Panting. Me, squirming, writhing, a breathing, cock-loving mess. I closed my eyes, feeling him, feeling me, my tightness around him and his length destroying my insides and bruising me just like I wanted him to.

It started as a tiny groan from the back of my throat. Mark thrust harder. My voice started to build up, louder and louder, while he just smiled at me, occasionally telling me I was beautiful and even laughing a little. The music still drowned out every sound I made. But it didn’t for long. It couldn’t drown out how good it felt to have his tip hit the very back of my pussy. It couldn’t drown out how much I wanted him to ruin me. It couldn’t drown out how addicted I was getting to having my best friend fuck me. I was screaming his name. Yelling it, shouting it, whatever. It didn’t sound like the voice I was used to hearing.

Mark let go of his grip on my wrists. Both hands supported my waist. I dragged my nails over the back of his shirt, leaning forward and sinking my teeth into his shoulder to stifle my screams. I could feel him laughing. “Close?” was all he said.


“Good.” Mark pulled my hair and forced my head back, kissing me, then moving faster. He wasn’t gentle. He wasn’t soft. He was hard and fast and forceful. No matter how he fucked me I seemed to love it.

Mark’s breaths became erratic. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. We nodded. His cock twitched inside of me, swelling, and he came the same time I did. We stayed like that for awhile, some of his cum running down the inside of my leg, breathing and laughing, just a bit. Mark let me down. He kissed me one last time with the gentleness of his that I loved, smiling. He straightened out my dress and zipped up his pants. “I don’t mean to be Captain Obvious, but no one came in,” he said.

I laughed, leaning against the wall. “Thank god.”

Mark handed me back my underwear and we left the party. Authorities should be showing up any second, and I didn’t want to be part of that. We walked back to our dorm building, holding hands, laughing, talking, passing by other frat houses that were throwing parties with music that was just as loud.

“I don’t get how people can dance to that,” I said, even though I did a little over an hour ago. “It’s loud and annoying.”

“I take it you aren’t a fan of EDM?” Mark laughed.

“Does that make me old?”

“If you’re old, I’m Jurassic.”

Mark took me back to my room. My roommate was probably out with her girlfriend, and wouldn’t be back until late, but it was finally quiet. He hung back for awhile. We started talking about the stupidest things, sitting on my bed, like high school and the future and all of that stuff, when out of nowhere he said, “You don’t like dancing to EDM, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“And you went with your nurse friend to all your school dances, right?”

“Yes, why?”

“And you have a soul and are a normal child from the nineties and like High School Musical, right?”

“Where are you going with this?”

Mark stood from my bed and took out his phone. He tapped on his screen a couple times then shoved his phone back in his pocket. After a few seconds, one of the songs from High School Musical 3 that always makes me cry started to play. A second into the intro and I already wanted to punch him in the face. But Mark was standing there, smiling, one hand stretched out to me, looking like the happiest dumbfuck in the world.

I got up and we slow danced like high school kids do at prom and homecoming. We were quiet. There was only the music. When the song ended, Mark forgot to turn off the shuffle and right after was a song by Nirvana, so the slow dancing ended with laughter from both of us. Mark kissed me goodnight and went back to his room, but we stayed up for awhile texting each other about god knows what.

Also apparently Mark made a reddit account that he may or may not use??? u/kanakun18 Welcome!!!