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Visiting my Best Friend and her Husband | 2016

Me and Sarah have been best friends for about 3 years now. My family thinks it's weird with me being a single guy and her being a married women. We have bonded over our mutual love for all things Halloween though. Our talks also turn sexual a lot. She is a bit of a freak who is up for almost anything and I've lead a pretty lackluster life in the bedroom with my past girlfriends. So I live vicariously through her some.

A little over a year ago Sarah and her husband moved about 500 miles away and since then all I've heard is when am I going to come visit. So I finally made arrangements in November to go up for a weekend. We didn't have much planned. We were just going to spend the weekend visiting some of her favorite little shops, drinking, and catching up.

I got there on Friday afternoon and we immediately hit the bar for a few drinks and then over to a Mexican place for dinner. I hadn't slept in almost 36 hours and my allergies were acting up, so I took some benadryl and we decided to call it an early night around 10. The next morning we got up and decided to head to another small town to visit a few shops there and a little diner that she swore by. So we headed out and were gone most of the day. Her husband didn't come with us because he had some work he had to get done that morning. When we got back that afternoon, he was home and sitting in the living room with a neighbor playing video games. I'm not a gamer but I made small talk with them while Sarah tended to a few things around the house.

After about thirty minutes me and Sarah headed out again. Her husband Jon decided once again to stay home and to keep playing games with Tim the neighbor. While we were out though, Sarah started to get a lot of text messages and as the night went on, she kept asking how I felt and if I was ready to take my benadryl knowing that it knocks me out. We headed back to her house around 9 and she kept asking me if I had taken the Benadryl yet. I finally said yes even though I hadn't. A few minutes later Jon said he was tired and headed downstairs to their bedroom. I could hear some banging but didn't make nothing of it. Finally by 10 Sarah was really pushing me to go to bed. So I gave in and headed down to the guest bedroom which was right next door to the master bedroom.

I wasn't tired at all and still hadn't took the benadryl so I just laid there and read on my kindle. I had a fan on in my room since I can't sleep without one and it was pretty loud. I could still hear some movement in their room though and figured they were messing around and that's why she kept asking me if I was ready for bed. Then it really started. I could hear skin slapping skin. Loud. Sarah was taking it hard. Then it got even louder as their bedroom door opened and someone went into the bathroom. I couldn't believe it. There was someone else in their room with them all while they thought I was sleeping in the room right next door. I heard who ever was in the bathroom finish and flush. Then open the door and head back into their room I thought. Their door never closed again though. The sound got louder and I was really fighting the urge to go see what was going on. I was also admiring Sarah's ability to keep it quiet. I knew from our talks that she was very vocal especially during rough sex.

After about 15 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to know who else was there and what was going on. So I decided to act like I was just getting up to go to the bathroom. I got out of bed and headed to the door. I was nervous as I turned the door knob and then opened the door. Sitting there on the chaise in the little sitting area between the steps and bedrooms was Jon. He was naked and staring into his open bedroom door. He didn't look up at first, so I stole a glance into their bedroom and there in their room, was Sarah bent over the end of their bed as Tim the neighbor plowed her from behind.

Now Sarah is pretty petite. Long blonde hair, 5 foot, 100 lbs, small breasts but a nice little ass that I had longed to see. From the looks of it, Tim was pretty well endowed. I was guessing a good 8 inches and he was using every inch of it as he fucked her harder than I had ever seen someone fucked before. How he had kept up this pace for so long was beyond me. I also saw why I hadn't heard a peep from Sarah, she had a ball gag in her mouth.

I finally looked back towards Jon and he was staring at me now. I whispered sorry, I had to go to the bathroom. He just motioned beside him for me to sit down and enjoy the show.

As a I sat down, he leaned in and whispered that Tim had won the video game earlier and that Sarah had been his prize. All of the text messages earlier was setting this up and that Sarah had insisted on doing it tonight. That having me in the room next door and trying to do it without getting caught, would make it even hotter for her. He said when he had gone to bed earlier, that he had let Tim in the sliding glass door in their bedroom.

A series of loud smacks caused both of us to turn back towards the show as Tim left handprints all over the ass of Sarah. A few seconds later, Tim noticed that I had joined the viewing party outside the door. He spoke up and said to Sarah, well it doesn't look like you need this anymore and reached forward to remove the ball gag. This caused Sarah to glance over and notice me there too. Her eyes kind of went wide but it didn't last long as Tim let loose with another series of slaps to her ass. Without the gag to hamper her, Sarah let out a series of yelps as each slap landed.

As the fucking continued, Tim finally grabbed Sarah by her hips and picked up his pace even more. Sarah responded by letting out a series of moans, gasps, and screams. Then finally, me and Jon both watched as her whole body started shaking as it was overcome with an extremely intense orgasm. Sarah let out the most intense moan I had ever heard as her eyes appeared to roll back into her head. For his part, Tim just held on to her hips and kept fucking her at the same pace that he had started before the orgasm started.

As the orgasm subsided, Sarah collpased on the bed, her legs no longer able to support her, Tim, finally slowed down and said that it was time for some real fun. He pulled out of her pussy and said it had been to long since he had had that sweet little ass of hers. He repositioned his dick and slowly to shove it into her ass. Sarah cried out and begged for him to use her like the little slut that she was. That got Tim even more worked up and he buried his dick in her ass with one fell swoop.

This caused Sarah to cry out again as Tim started to slowly fuck her ass with his entire length. He quickly picked up pace and was soon fucking her ass with the same intentisity that he was fucking her pussy a few minutes earlier. Sarah continued to loudly moan and reached back to rub her clit as Tim pounded away. Sarah started really getting into it again and was slamming her ass back to meet Tim as he pounded forward into her.

It only took a few minutes of this before Sarah was once again crying out in another intense orgasm and as Tim's balls slapped up against her ass one more time, he cried out in his own intense orgasm. After leaving his cock buried her in ass for a few seconds while both of them regained some sense of reality, he quickly pulled it out and peeled off his condom. He then grabbed Sarah by her hair and forced her down on to her knees in front of him. With her hair still wrapped around his hand, he pushed her face towards his still hard cock and ordered her to clean the cum that was still oozing from the end it.

Sarah began to lick the head of Tim's dick and then before long, she started to take more and more of it into her mouth until she started gagging. Sarah slowly pulled her head back and then started going down again. This time she took it all in and Tim grabbed her hair again and said "Oh god, that's it, hold it in there baby". Tim then looked back over towards Jon and said, "Why don't you set the swing up and get the toys out, I'm just getting started with this little whore.
