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Virgin adventures with my[23] reddit sex mentor[30] - Meeting and Lesson #1 | 2016

Thought it would be fun to share these chronicles. Writing it all out so if it's too wordy for you, don't read. It's late and I'm just unloading as much as possible. Will edit later. Have never posted before so please forgive any annoyances!

A little while ago, I posted looking for a fwb/mentor on reddit. It was done on a whim and I didn't expect anything to come out of it, but was ideally looking for someone nice, respectful, patient, and that I would be attracted to. My virginity has been a pain and I was looking to have a fun experience losing it and learning some skills along the way. Relatively untouched, my lack of experience made me self conscious and I wanted to learn from the right person. After sorting through many messages, one finalist stood out. As a poster in /massivecock, I was originally weary he would be too large, but he was funny, sweet, and very real in answering my questions. Confident, of course considering what he was packing, but not arrogent, and very laid-back. He made an effort to chat and ease my nerves for a full week before we met. We sent naughty photos back and forth and I was impressed with both his size and his sexy mischievous smile.

We agreed to meet in a bar and laid out the situation ahead of time. Things like no hard feelings if the attraction wasn't there and neither looking for a relationship, but mutual respect would be important. I shook off nerves and met him in an upper level near the back of a ritzy lounge. Oh. He was cute. Tall, lean, sexy stubble, large bright eyes, and an easy smile. Instantly put me at ease. He was sweet and kept saying he couldn't believe how cute I was and how attractive. Me being short and fairly curvy was his type. We chatted innocently enough for the first part of the evening, before getting cozier on a couch. He threw questions like why this, why reddit, what I wanted, and marveled how crazy rare it was that we were meeting and clicking. He made mention he was talking so much when he should probably have been making out with me. I laughed and said not in public.

We made plans to watch a movie together a couple nights later. We both knew not much movie watching would happen. Got a very late showing of Jurassic Park and walked into a completely empty theater. Let the fun begin. I showed up in a skirt and an off shoulder top. If we were going to get frisky, might as well make it easier to push and pull things into place in case people came in. I was ready for anything at this point. I was inexperienced, but had always had a high sexual interest with many kinks to explore. Two minutes into the movie, his mouth was on my neck sending shivers down my body with his stubble, "we're not in public anymore". I answered shyly that we weren't. Two minutes after that his hands had somehow found their way along the upper edge of my skirt to stroke my thighs and hip. Then before I could even process, his hands decended fully under my skirt along the edges of my panties then under and straight to my awaiting wet pussy. I get wet easily but I was soaked the second he touched me. His mouth found mine and it was on. We were a hot mess and would have probably been arrested. (Slight exaggeration.) But it anyone saw us, it would have been bad. His fingers in my pussy, legs spread, panties soaked, itty-bitty skirt was laughable. His mouth all over me. It was naughty and hot and was making me crazy. At some point he had pulled me onto his lap, yanked down my shirt and bra enough to get a faceful of my 34C tits and mouthful of my nipple. His hands alternating between stroking my pussy lips and grabbing and spanking my ass. Thank god for the empty theater because he really loves spanking ass. I reached and unzipped his pants. Surprise, no boxers for the special occasion. Should have known from his naughty smile all night. I was only able to get about half of him out, but at almost 8 inches and 5 in grith, I don't think I could have handled dealing with the whole thing right away. We spent the full two hours of the movie making out, me stroking his cock, and his mouth and hands all over me. At some point, he pushed me down flat on the seat and got his tongue on my clit. I'd never been gone down on before, completely didn't expect it and pretty much lost it. It was fucking fantastic. He wouldn't let me touch him too much because of how big his usual load was and knew we'd really make a mess. We'd have to save that for the privacy of our homes. We walked out of there without having seen a second of Chris Pratt on screen.

Later that night he texted me RIP panties. With how things were going, I went shopping the next day and got 15 more in case.

Lesson #2 coming up.