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The time I fucked my girlfriend's roommate, while my girlfriend was in the shower. [M/F] | 2016

This happened during my second year of college. I should probably describe them a little before I get started. Alison(girlfriend at the time) was a brunette with longer hair and glasses with deep blue eyes. She had pale skin and a great set of tits. Alison, was a calm and reserved person, what most people would call shy. She had no problem talking to me, but she would clam up around anyone else. Chase (the roommate/friend), on the other hand, was more outgoing and flirtatious. She had blonde hair with a shorter pixie cut and green eyes. Short and skinny, she also had pale skin. She wasn't flat chested, but if I had to guess, I would say she was bordering on a b-cup. But I'm not one to complain.

I had first met and started dating Alison the summer right before college. She was entering her senior year of high school, while I was going off to college. We did the whole "long distance relationship" thing. Granted, we were only an hour apart, so it's not to say we couldn't see each other very often.

It was during my freshman year that I first met Chase. We met through a mutual friend and hit it off very quickly. We shared a lot of common interests and it wasn't long after first meeting her, that she expressed interest in me. Had I not already been in a relationship at the time, I would have easily taken her up on the offer. Even though we decided to remain friends, she was always flirty with me. She would always jokingly invite me to sleep over. I just brushed it off as being part of her flirty/sarcastic personality. So when Chase and Kyle (our mutual friend) started dating later in the school year, I assumed that was the end of any feelings she may have had towards me.

It was the end of my first year of college, Alison had graduated from high school and had been accepted to the same school. She was a little apprehensive to the idea of staying in a dorm, but she didn't have any high school friends that she could stay with. Chase suggested that she could room with her in her apartment, since she also needed a roommate. At the time, it seemed like the perfect solution to our problems, Alison could join our small group of friends and I would no longer be the third wheel.

Soon my sophomore year started, and things were going pretty well. Alison and Chase were friendly enough with each other, but I would never say they really hit it off. I would often hangout at their apartment. It was closer to campus as well as being much nicer and bigger than my one bedroom apartment. I would say that I spent more time there, than I did at my place.

Being there all of the time, caused them to be more comfortable around me. Sometimes, I would come over after class or work, and Chase would be walking around the apartment, wearing only a t-shirt and her underwear. It didn't seem to bother Alison. Being a guy, I would try to sneak a peak when no one was looking. She may have been skinny, but she definitely had a nice ass. I thought I was being pretty sly and sneaky, until one time she caught me looking. My heart stopped. I thought I was busted, but she just gave me the most devilish smile and kept walking.

After that time, I noticed she started to get more flirty with me, like she did when we first met. When the four of us would go out, I would often catch her staring at me. She would try to get us in situations where it was just the two of us. She would ask me for help with her homework, even though I knew she knew how to do it. And when she did, she always made sure she would touch me in some slight way. A hand on the shoulder, a slight brushing of hands, her knees bumping up against mine, etc. I have to admit, I liked the attention, but I was always worried Alison would notice. But she never did, she was often oblivious to social circumstances.

During spring semester, after coming back from the gym, I stopped at their place for the evening, as I so often did. It was a Thursday, which meant Alison had class that evening. When I got there, she decided she was going to jump in the shower before class. Alison, was notorious for taking long showers. There was usually no hot water left when she was done. I sat down and started watching tv. I can't remember what it was, it was probably the news, but that's irrelevant. As Alison is walking back to the bathroom to take a shower, Chase is coming out of her room. She was wearing a gray t-shirt and some short red gym shorts.

I hear the door shut and then Chase sits down on the couch next to mine. (There were two couches positioned in an L shape.) When she sat down, she put her feet up on the coffee table. As I was watching tv, I kept noticing her legs in my peripheral vision. I became more and more distracted as I kept stealing glances in that direction. Then she pulled her legs back and was sitting in such a way that her knees were up. I did another quick look, and that's when I noticed. She wasn't wearing any panties under her shorts. It was only a quick glance but I noticed and when I did, I could see that she was looking at me. I quickly looked back at the tv. It felt like a lifetime, I'm sure it was only a few seconds. But I was too nervous to look back. She had seen me looking. She wanted me to see. I was afraid of the consequences if I dared to look back.

I hear the shower start. Then out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that she was moving around. I used that as an opportunity to look in her direction. When I looked over, she had her hands in her shorts. She was rubbing herself. In that moment, I could no longer look away. She had one of the nicest pussies that I have ever seen. Smooth and hairless with milky white skin and the most perfectly pink vagina lips. And her shorts were loose enough that I could see her rubbing her fingers through those perfect lips. I could feel that I was instantly hard. She noticed as well. She took her foot closest to me and placed it on my knee. Her foot ran up and down my thigh. Her eyes closed, she breathed heavily, but silent.

Soon after she slid down off of the couch and crouched down in front of me. She ran her hands up from me knees to under my gym shorts and grabbed my cock. She stroked it a few times over my underwear. The whole time staring right at me with a hungry look. She pulled her hands out and placed her fingers in the waistband of my shorts. She pulled them down just far enough for her to slip her hand in and wrap it around my cock. She pulled it out, stroked it a few times, and without looking away from my eyes, licked the tip before she took me into her mouth. I have had other girls suck my cock before, but this... Maybe it was the fear of getting caught, but this was best I've ever had. Her mouth was so warm and the way she used her tongue. She knew what she was doing.

She then stood up and straddled my legs on the couch. Her face was right next to mine, staring right into my eyes. I looked to the bathroom door and they quickly back to her. She put her finger over my lips and quietly shushed me. I could feel her breathing heavily. She grabbed my cock and pulled her shorts to the side. She ran the head between her lips. Then with a silent gasp, she pushed herself back and I was all of the way inside her. She was tight, and warm, and wet. Oh was she wet. She continued riding me, I was getting close. Her breathing kept getting heavier and heavier. I told her that I was about to come. All she did, was look at me and nod. With that, I let everything go and I came deep inside her. She continued to grind on me until everything came out. (I had known from previous talks with her, that she was on the pill. In hindsight, still not the best idea.) While still mounting me, she looked at me, smiled, then kissed me on the lips. As she climbed off of me she bent over and took me once again into her mouth, as if to clean me off.

The shower was still running, she laid there on me for a little while longer. She told me that she wanted to have me at least once and that nothing needed to come of it. A few minutes later, I heard the shower shut off and then she climbed back on the other couch sitting with her knees up and her arms around her legs. Not to long after, Alison came out of the bathroom, with a towel on. She said hi to us as she walked into her room to do her makeup. I don't think I took a single breath from the time she came out of the bathroom to the time she went in her room. After she went in her room, Chase got up and walked towards the bathroom. As she did I could see some cum running down her leg. She just looked back at me and smiled.

I sat there for a while, not knowing what to do. Alison, came out and kissed me good bye and left for class. I left just a few minutes after she did. I was too nervous and felt too guilty about what I did. I ended up breaking up with Alison later that week out of guilt. I didn't tell her what had happened but I felt she deserved someone better. They finished out the year as roommates, but didn't room together the following year. We all still remained friends afterwards, but it wasn't the same. I ended up dating Chase a few years later. We were together for a while, but ultimately it didn't last.

Well, I've never really told that story to anyone before. Hope you enjoyed it.

Edited: A few typos.