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Then and Now (group sex) | 2016

The beginning. My first wife of nine years passed away when she was only 39. We were married only nine years (no children) and the first five it was all about us. We were both in the military during a time when work hard play harder was the name of the game.

We had a mutual friend who was divorced and would hang out with us. I could tell he lusted after my wife and they would flirt alot. My wife was very fit with peircing blue eyes. One night after playing sofball and a few beers we ended up back at our place. We all showered and settled in for more drinks.

Eventually I was getting tired from the being out in the sun all day and the beer. I told them I was going to bed and they could keep at it. I lay down the hall and the talking became whispers. Eventually my wife came into the bedroom and said my friend needed to talk to me. She stayed in the bedroom.

I went back out to talk to my friend and he looked like he got busted with his hand in the cookie jar. Nervous and wringing his hands. He finally came out and said he asked my wife if we could do a threesome. I asked what she had said and he told me it was my call. I let him sweat it out a minute. Then told him to head on back I would be there shortly.

I gave them a few minutes finished a beer. I walked quietly down the hall until I heard soft moaning. When I peaked in our friend was eating her pussy while she was squeezing her tits. I walked to the side of the bed a d she graduated bed my dick and sucked it with an attitude.

Our friend took off his shorts and slowly started to enter her. He started slow and after a few minutes picked up the pace. She continued to suck me and play with my balls. I could tell she was close because those amazing blue eyes went half way closed and were completely glazed over in lust.

I told her I was close she held me in her mouth u til I exploded. That put our friend over the top. He slammed into her and came. We layed around awhile and talked. Everything was cool and my friend seemed like a new man.

I was beat and my friend got up to go sleep in the bedroom next door. I told him to hold up. I said I needed sleep and I knew my wife was revved up. I told him to stay I would go next door. He looked at me then my wife she just laughed.

I layed down and was asleep in seconds. Then my bladder woke me up a in rude fashion. After orienting myself I could her moaning. I went into the bathroom from the hallway which also shares a door with our bedroom. I noticed towels laying outside the shower and realised this must be round two.

I peeked in the bedroom and they were in a 69 and trying to out moan each other. This went on until my wife climb up onto his dick. She rode him slow and then tried to break his back. He finally flipped her over and put her on all fours. He was laying the pipe and she was giving it right back. She came and he followed right after.

That is how it started.....we eventually included a single coworker of my wife a short red headed beauty with beautiful green eyes. We did threesomes and foursomes for a while. Then we met an English couple that lived in our neighborhood we became friends we would take them water skiing.

They eventually asked the four of us to a house party. We went and their were already seven other couples there. Most lived in our neighborhood. Their house was the ultimate party house. Big pool...huge hot tub. Garage converted into full bar with pool table. People were spread out swimming playing pool etc....I was enjoying the hot tub with others and my wife was in the pool. After a bit I got out to cool off and noticed most people were inside.

My friend was in the pool with another couple and I left a couple in the hot tub. I noticed they were not a married couple but were sitting really close. I dried off grabbed a beer and went inside. I went to the party room looking formy wife and noticed a few couples there and the hostess making more margaritas. She saw me and asked if I was looking for my wife. Smiling she grabbed my hand and led me mind went into overdrive. I could her music then people obviously having sex. The hostess opened the door and there was my English host drilling my wife with the biggest set of balls I have ever seen slapping her ass. On the bed next to them was my little red head friend with another husband.

We must of watched for a while and the she grabbed my hand and led me back down stairs. By the time we got back to the party was full swing. Myhostess was the perfect hostess and we went out into the livingroom and had sex. The constant sound of people having sex amazing.

We had many adventures at the party house until she passed away. Two years later met and married my current wife she is originally from the Dominican Republic. Dark skin and athletic body. I had to give up the lifestyle as she would not have any part of it. I was open with her and she knew about it and desire to remain open. I loved her so I let it go.

The forward 10 years we live in a different state. I had friend from my past come to visit. He was with me back in the house days.....and far and away the best endowed of the group. My wife played the perfect hostess but had asked me if my friend was in my little group. I was honest with her. She said just dont get any ideas.

For two days we had a blast my friend is tall but really thin.I would catch my wife looking at his hands and sneaking looks at his crotch. My friend asked me if there was any chance and sadly I told him no. We were chilling and my wife said she needed to run an errand and left with or young daughter.

She later returned but alone. I asked where our daughter was and she said she wanted to stay over at her friends for the night. Then she asked me to make her a drink. We sat and talked for a while and my friend said he needed to make a call and left the room. I told my wife he asked if you would do a threesome and I told him no. She said yeah right. I told her I knew she was curious with all the looking she had been doing. By this time he had returned. I could tell she was in deep thought. My friend must of picked up on something and asked if something was wrong. She looked at both of us got up and grabbed ny friends hand. She led him upstairs and from experience I knew to wait a few minutes.

It was silent for a long time. Then I heard start to moan. I stripped and went upstairs. What I saw simply stopped me in my tracks. She was face down and ass up with half of his big dick in her pussy and both hands covering her ass. It took a bit for him to get all the way in and by that time she had cum. I sat in a chair and watched them fuck for thirty minutes in multiple positions. He finally came all over her ass.

We just returned from a Vegas where we hooked up with him and his wife.... trip where we hooked up with him and his wife