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Teacher's pet [m+f](long!) | 2016
I call him Simon when he plays “Professor” with me. (!! is where the fantasy takes place, happy reading)
It had been a few years since we met, and I finally worked up some nerve to answer him late one night when he asked if I ever fantasized about him. Of course I had, he was beautiful. We grew up together in a disjointed kind of way and I watched the skinny boy turn into the stout man before me. Bronzed skin, full lips, just a few freckles over his nose to compliment those beautiful blue-green eyes. He had started to wear his hair in dreads and I have to admit I was enamored by him. Having just secured a Teacher’s Assistant position at the University, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking of him.
“Yeah,” I answered. “Yeah, I do fantasize about you. It’s pretty mundane, a fantasy that many women have I’m sure.” He quirked an eyebrow up and started to smirk, “Oh? Please, do tell.” Was that a blush I saw sliding up to his cheeks? Simon never blushes unless I call him gorgeous, which he is, and so I do often. I cleared my throat and tried to keep my own blushing in check. I could feel heat rushing up into my face and down to my collarbone as I realized there would be no avoiding this now.
“Well, I… kind of… have this teacher thing. I mean… I’ve had crushes on teachers since high school, you know? It’s something about their intelligence and maturity. Man, I would have shown my Sophomore European History teacher a good time if only he weren’t married and I weren’t 15.” I laughed; embarrassed to be saying something so ridiculous out loud, but it was completely true. My cheeks burned with the flush that broke past my control. He laughed softly, but only replied “Mmhmm?” Both eyebrows rose with this deeper tone and I felt my heart race, I was tingling all over as I prepared myself to confess, “So… with this new TA position, I have been daydreaming about being your student. You know, coming in during office hours and throwing myself at you. The catch… well… the catch is that you cannot be your usual suave and dominating self. I need to you be nervous, inexperienced, willing to let me take over your control.”
He exhaled roughly, it was just one of those “That’s too bad” sort of sounds, but I knew his body and I knew what I’d just done to him. That tingling from before moved to concentrate itself further south than before as I waited for his true answer. He stared to the side for what felt like forever before looking back to me with a broad smile, “That… is very naughty, Anya. Very bad. I don’t even have an office… I just share it with the professor and a few other TAs. I don’t know if I could even secure time….” My smile turned to a pout as I realized he was probably right. Oh well, I thought, there goes that one. He put his finger under my chin and tilted my head back He was grinning now. That was usually a very, very good sign. “Anya, I’m kidding. I have time in about five hours. I’ll see you there. Wear something… tempting.”
Everything spun for a moment and I’m sure the blushing ran through to my fingertips and up into my hair. I blinked quickly, my face was lit up as I breathlessly answered “5 hours. And you’ll be wary, doing what you can to fight off my advances? I’m not going to give up until I have what I want.” His face was almost indescribable in its pleasure, and he simply nodded with that grin again. I was on fire inside. Five hours? Five hours and I won’t be able to stand it anymore, the bastard. “See you then,” I replied, smirking, and walked back to my apartment.
I knocked tentatively at the door, my thighs brushing against one another as I enjoyed the private knowledge that I had nothing on underneath my skirt. I decided against the played-out plaid and went with something a little more professional: three inch heels in black, a black skirt that held onto my curves, and a frilly little ivory top. I peeked around the door to find him wearing his work attire. Good boy. A vest, tie, long sleeved shirt with his sleeves pushed back. “Hello, Simon? May I come in? I know we said 3:00.” He shuffled some papers and put on his best I’m-trying-not-to-look-at-your-ass-in-that-skirt face I’d ever seen.
“Yes, Anya, please come in. I, er, was just putting in some grades here. How can I help you?” he said, his face was calm and innocent. I was so turned on, it was everything I could do to play my part out.
“Thank you, Simon.” I settled onto the edge of the seat, squeezing my thighs together. “I was wondering if we could discuss that partnered project you mentioned. I’d love to work with you, even if it means nothing for my grade.” I looked back to the door, then to him. Did I see a lock? It can’t be possible that this would work out so well.
“Uhm… project… oh.” His eyes snapped back to mine as I turned back to him, and he blushed, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the collar. He was playing his part so well, I wanted to come around the desk and rip his clothes to shreds. The tops of my thighs were getting slick and I forced myself to stop squeezing my thighs together, lest he see me orgasm right in front of him. “That… uh… that project would be great. Did you, er, have any thoughts on the topic?” He’s playing this nervous, halted speech thing so well, I almost forgot it’s an act.
“Well,” I stood up and backed myself to the door, watching him carefully as I flipped the lock into place and drew the mini-blinds closed. I’ll have to stay relatively quiet today. “I was thinking you could help me there.” I crossed the room and pushed myself between him and the desk.
He pulled back, wheeling himself into the wall and looking startled. I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face, but I pulled it back and gasped “I’m so sorry. Please… I’ll… I’ll leave.” I turned to walk out and his hand softly touched my wrist. I turned back and looked up into his face. “No, it’s alright. I’m not upset. I just thought I’d caught you looking at me the way I look at you.”
He ran his hand softly up the outside of my arm as he silently regarded me, and went to kiss me, but stopped himself. “I really shouldn’t be doing this. You’re a student and… this is not good. I could lose my job.”
I looked to the floor and nodded, but this was where I worked best. I looked back up as my hands slid up over his vest, to his shoulders, and rested them behind his neck as I pressed up for a kiss. He let out a small moan of protest as his body pulled back, but I wouldn’t let go. I sucked on his luscious lips before turning to his neck, nipping and grazing his skin with my teeth, and he moaned again. This time, there was no attempt to fight me, and I grinned. “Oh, Simon… I knew you saw something you wanted.” I slid my hands to his broad chest again and peeled aside his shirt, sucking against his collarbone. He groaned this time and pressed his hips against my stomach. I pulled back and didn’t try to hold off the grin this time. “Simon? I want you out of those pants. Now.”
He gulped and tried his best to look terrified, and I barked it again “I said now! Get them off.” I liked this way more than I thought I would and I could not wait for him to take me against the desk. My heart was slamming inside my chest as he removed everything below his waist, letting me see every inch of what my teasing had done to him. I nodded, “Now get over here.”
He walked toward me, his hands on my arms as we met for another kiss, pushing the backs of my thighs against the desk, and I guided those hands to my ass, then down to the hem of my skirt, pushing them under and grabbing his forearms, urging him to push the skirt up over my hips. He gasped against my lips as he realized I wasn’t wearing panties, and then a groan came as he shove the fabric up. I moaned softly, partly in amusement but mostly in lust, as I whispered next to his ear “Why, Simon… do you want to fuck me?”
He exhaled shakily and simply nodded his head. I asked him again as I wrapped my fingers around his arousal, playing my fingers along the length, I loved to make him groan. “Simon, I asked you a question. Speak.”
He thrust his hips gently in my direction and nearly growled “Yes, Anya. Please.”
That was all I needed, and I wrapped my legs over his hips, guiding him inside of me and pulling him in until he could go no further. I released the softest of moans and ground against his hips. I had to remember: be quiet. No need to lose him his job just because I was hot for teacher. He moaned and lowered his body over me as my hands slid out behind me, bracing myself. I finally released my hold on him, keeping my legs loosely draped over his hips, as he started a slow thrusting pace. I was already so turned on that I must have cum in twenty seconds, shuddering against him as I softly called him name, “Yes,” I whispered, “oh yes.”
He let out a pleading little moan as his thrusts became more fervent. He was being careful as well, fighting again the urge to take me with abandon like his usual self. He pet my hair at first, then laced his fingers into it as he rested his forehead against mine. He was gentle and attentive as he kissed my lips, tongue dancing with mine, muffling the moans that fell from my lips with each thrust forward. I couldn’t help it, I was a talker and this was as quiet as I could be. It was hot in a totally different way than the face-down-ass-up sex Simon wanted most days. I held on, my eyes rolling as my back arched without my control, and he leaned in to suck against my neck.
We lasted maybe another three minutes before it all became too much. Somehow, we had managed to find ways to cum nearly at the same moment, and the sounds were held in only by sucking in our breath sharply. I pulled him deep inside again, grinding against him as he held himself firm, letting me have my way until we had both relaxed. He grinned at me as my eyes opened, and I grinned back. I leaned up next to his ear again and whispered “That… was fucking incredible.” I sucked his earlobe, only teasing as I knew we were pushing the limit, and let my legs slide down his thighs and to the floor as he pulled back.
He regained his teacher-like composure as he struggled to pick up his clothes and “hide his shame.” I simply smirked at him, pulling me skirt but into place and fixing my hair. “Well. I think there might be an excellent semester-end review in store for one TA I know.” His face paled and I laughed. “Only kidding, Simon. You should learn to relax.” I turned and left the office, closing the door behind me on my way out.
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