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Summertime is [F]or New [F]riends, Pt. 1 | 2016
Names and locations changed, of course. As I wasn't an eye witness to these earlier parts, this is more of an appetizer to make you feel the same way I did at the time of these events. Thanks for reading.
I was spending the summer at home, studying for my boards and working. My girlfriend at the time had taken a short-term job in the city. We'd see each other about every other week. Usually I would go and visit her. Let's face it, spending time in a suburb pales in comparison to what the city can offer. I'd describe us as a typical, early 20s couple. I'm John, I have dark hair, blue eyes, and a good body from spending most of my life playing sports (though with less frequently given the demands of school). She's Caroline, a lithesome brunette with a stunningly beautiful smile and hazel eyes — and an ass to die for. That's my biggest weakness.
On one of the weekends that I was staying in town, Caroline was out with friends. I was up late, watching a movie, having one too many cups of coffee during the day. I was hoping to hear from her before I went to bed. It was around 2:00am when I received a few texts messages. To this day, they are burned in my memory — though unfortunately this was before I had a smart phone.
CAROLINE: Hey babe, you awake? JOHN: Yep, was just getting ready for bed. CAROLINE: Mm, good ... So I've got some news for you. JOHN: Oh yeah? CAROLINE: I've got a new girl crush ;)
I should pause to explain that, a few months prior, she'd admitted that she thought watching girls kiss turned her on (following an episode of OISTNB). Which in turn was followed a few days later by another admission that she had a dream about a threesome. I bet you can see where this is going: when news arrived that she'd be spending the summer in the city, she wasn't slow to make the mischievous hint that maybe she might explore the feelings she was having. Whether it was a big tease or the truth didn't matter much to me. I did my best to act nonchalant about it. Privately, I felt like I'd won the lottery.
JOHN: Oh really? How am I ever going to compete? CAROLINE: I don't know if you can. We're definitely going to make out tonight. JOHN: You sound confident. CAROLINE: Probably because she's currently touching my thigh... JOHN: That sounds promising I suppose. And what are you doing? CAROLINE: Touching her back. JOHN: Doesn't sound too convincing CAROLINE: Well I want to make out with her, hope that's not a problem. JOHN: A problem for me? You just owe me details, and maybe something else... CAROLINE: What do you mean? JOHN: Well I wouldn't want to be completely left out. CAROLINE: Mm, I'm hoping she'd be down. JOHN: So what's your plan? CAROLINE: I'm not sure, we're both really drunk and heading to the next bar soon. I want to make out with her, then with you, then with her again. JOHN: I would love that. CAROLINE: We'll see... You have no idea what I'm thinking about. JOHN: Try me. CAROLINE: I would love to kiss her and then take her fingers and put them in my mouth while you watched and slowly sucked, and then have her put it inside me. JOHN: That was pretty close to what I was thinking about. I was imagining you running your hands over her body as you kiss. CAROLINE: Oh really? Now I'm thinking about straddling her with only my lacy panties on, me touching her breasts and French kissing. Then she flips me over and sticks her finger up my panties. JOHN: I wonder if she can please you as much as I can. CAROLINE: That's what I'm hoping to find out.
I was rock hard by the end of this text exchange. I wasn't sure if I should keep soliciting details or not. Even though it was clear she was drunk (the actual texts weren't perfectly grammatical and sober Caroline usually didn't text me such explicit details), I didn't want her to be too focused on me. It was almost 3:00am at this point, and I knew I should go to bed. But I also didn't want to miss any future texts. I was too anxious to fall asleep. Eventually the hour of the day caught up to me, and I drifted off to sleep. I woke to a single text: "We just kissed."
I sent her back a short message, something along the lines of that was a nice message to wake up to. I didn't hear from her for a few hours, as it was still early in the morning. You can't imagine the anxiety I was having. Later in the morning, she gave me a call. I could hear the hangover in her voice.
"Morning babe," I said, "How are you?" "Struggling, as I'm sure you can tell," she said with a laugh. "Yeah, just a little bit. Well, how was last night? Did you have fun?" "Yeah, it was a lot of fun, I liked all of Nicole's friends."
Nicole was a mutual friend. I assumed that the girl Caroline had fun with last night was one of those friends. I did my best to contain my curiosity, but it was hard not to ask just straight up for more details. I was dying.
"It sounded like fun," I said casually. "Yeah," she laughed, "Sorry about the texts, I was real drunk." "It's okay, I enjoyed them." "Yeah I'm sure. I didn't mean to be so dirty," she laughed again. "It happens." "Yeah, well, I don't know if you're like jealous or, uh, anything like that, but nothing happened. We just kissed while we were dancing and yeah. That was it." "No, it's fine, it's nothing to worry about." "Okay, good, well I better run, I need to get my life together and stuff. I'll talk to you later love. Bye."
I could tell she felt awkward discussing it in person, rather than over texts, not to mention sober, and didn't want to go into any more details. But hell if I wasn't more turned on than I'd been in a long time. I tried to focus throughout the day on my various tasks, but my mind kept going back to an image of her and this yet-to-be-seen girl, dancing on each other at a loud bar, their bodies perfectly melded together, people all around. I imagined their heads close together, daring the other to make the move, with their eyes locked. And then finally, the other girl (it had to be the other girl, Caroline isn't a first-move type, but she'll load the conversation and body language with a deluge of suggestions) moved slightly forward to kiss her. Soft lips on soft lips. The image was a disaster for my concentration.
We texted a few times throughout the day, never mentioning it directly or discussing exactly what happened. Though it was clear it was often on both of our minds. Her job was pretty demanding and I was usually busy as well. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to the city again the next weekend, but I knew Caroline was planning on going out. Which of course had my thoughts running at full speed again. Would the mysterious girl be there again? Would it go a step further?
In the interest of brevity, I'll try to summarize our texts that Saturday. I was asking what she was doing that night, and she told me that she was at Nicole's with some people and that they were going to dinner before heading out. I asked who all the friends were, and, instead of answering directly, she said that I would be happy to know that one of the friends there was Jennifer. Jennifer, of course, turned out to be the name of the mysterious girl. After dinner, they went out as a large group to a few different bars, before Caroline and Jennifer "got tired" of keeping up with everyone else. Just the two of them decided to go to another bar and have a few drinks. I remember there being lots of couple talk (you know, what are you doings and I miss yous and random thoughts), so I've tried to highlight the best parts:
CAROLINE: I think I might be sleeping at Jen's tonight. JOHN: A repeat of last weekend? CAROLINE: I hope so. I mean we will be sleeping in the same bed... JOHN: Are you trying to turn me on? CAROLINE: Of course. I may go to bed in only a t-shirt tonight.
A few hours later:
CAROLINE: I love you. I know it's still kinda early but we've decided to head home. I miss you. JOHN: I miss you too. Having fun? CAROLINE: Yep, going home. Jen just admitted to having feelings for me. We're walking home holding hands. JOHN: You're torturing me. In a good way of course. CAROLINE: Good. We just made out on the street. Back at the apartment. Talk to you tomorrow. JOHN: Tomorrow? CAROLINE: Yep, I'm going to be busy.
I sent about three more texts after this, but there was no response. My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe the situation I was in. I mean, I began by thinking that most of this was just to turn me on. She knew I was home alone and bored. I had made clear that I thought watching two women turned me on, but I never had gotten the sense from her that she'd be open to experimenting like this. Sure, she would say other girls were hot without a second thought, but most girls I knew were like that. Looking back, I think part of it was the fact that we had gone from seeing each other almost every day (and fucking every day) to lots of absences. It was clear from our other texts and calls that we both were horny, not being around each other as often. And the other part, I think, was that she was genuinely curious. I don't know if she knew she felt these things until she said them aloud to me, but once she did, it opened her mind. And now, here she was, at some girl named Jen's apartment, apparently having sex with her. Eventually I calmed down, and around 2 in the morning, I was able to fall asleep. When I awoke the next morning, I found the following reply to my last text message.
JOHN: What are you doing? CAROLINE: Well I've officially touched and gone down on another girl.
The next we finally talked about it over the phone. I think both of us had been too shy to admit say exactly what was happening out loud, but I think that line was easily crossed by the events of the previous night. After some awkward small talk, we finally got into the full story of what happened. As she related it to me, I could hear her voice become more aroused.
She and Jen had gone to their own bar and were sitting at the bar having drinks. "Flirting," is how Caroline described it. After awhile, Jen mentioned that she was feeling tired and invited Caroline to again spend the night. Jen's apartment wasn't too far away, but it was late at night and the streets were quiet. A few blocks from the place, Jen stopped Caroline and said, "Is it wrong that I'm really attracted to you?" Caroline said no, which caused Jen to kiss her. The two "made out for a really long time, but the whole time I was worried someone might see us." As they were walking up the stairs to the apartment was when Caroline had shot off her last text to me that she was going to be busy. The two of them retreated to Jen's bedroom and turned on the TV and watched some show for a little bit, but Caroline said she could hardly focus on anything. Her heart was beating so fast. Eventually the two began making out again. "Everything felt so amazing," Caroline told me. They quickly started taking off their clothes and touching each other everywhere. Caroline told me that Jen was the first to go down and eat her out.
"But I have mad respect for you," Caroline said. "Why's that?" I responded. "For being able to get me off every time, because it's hard." "Did you not come?" "I did, kind of, but it took awhile. We definitely need your help," she said.
There was no way I was not going to visit her the next weekend.
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