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Skinny dipping was colder than I thought... [M/F] | 2016

Big fan of GWS, so I finally decided I'd give back to the community. If this is received well, I might return with more stories!

Backstory goes here. Turn the page when you hear the shimmer sound effect to get to the sexy bits.

I've always been an awkward guy. Puberty came and went, but it wasn't until my 20s that I grew into my looks. 6', dirty blonde, blue eyes, fit. (Not swole, to my ego's dismay, just lean.)

Cue 21 year old me. I was dating a lovely girl. We had met in university through a mutual friend. Celia was a spitfire, a real Mediterranean dream girl. She may have had a love/hate relationship with her hair, but her raven curls were worthy of Olympus. Short and athletic, she had small but perky breasts, but her real asset was her ass. (My new favorite word after dating here? Callipygian.)

She was a year older than I, and so after she graduated, we eventually went for the long-distance thing. There's an old saying that goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." Among other things, as I found out more than a few times. But I digress.

It was only a few months in to the long-distance relationship, and we were both feeling the strain in our own ways. I had just started work as a camp counselor at a sleepaway camp, and she had hit the ground running with getting ready for her next job.

True to form, working at a summer camp was stressful in more ways than one. At a time when most of the other counselors were shacking up, I held back; I've never been one to cheat, and I had some significant feels for this girl.

So when a chance came for her to visit, I jumped at the opportunity. My family was throwing a 4th of July barbecue, and Celia was dying to see me too. As we do every summer, we celebrated at a family friend's house, which sat on a lake in lush hills that were right out of Naboo. To our shared delight, the friend would be out of town this year, and let us stay the night, make ourselves at home.

After a day of swimming, waterskiing, and strenuous sunbathing, we were all pleasantly tired. My parents headed home shortly after dinner, leaving us with the run of the house. We had brought a few beers with us, and sat out on the deck, catching up until the sun went down. Making ourselves completely at home, we soon appropriated some of our friend's fine herb, settled ourselves on a wicker couch on the deck facing the water, and began to smoke.

Though we always enjoyed it when we could, we weren't frequent smokers, and it wasn't long before we found ourselves in the clouds. For some, weed can be quite the aphrodisiac, and it was for both of us that night. I always enjoyed that about Celia; sometimes, our collective body high would be so much that we would just make out for what seemed like hours.

Star shimmer Sexiness ensues

Our itch sated, I put the bowl down. Celia had been nuzzling my shoulder for a few minutes already, and I began to feel a wonderful glow in my cock. I turned, and took her chin in my hand, and kissed her deeply, long and slow. She moaned, and pressed into me. My hands wandered to her waist, sliding over her beautiful hips.

I pulled back, my mind abuzz. While the deck was secluded, the neighbors still had a clear view if they decided to step- or look- outside.

"Hey Celia, I've got an idea."

"Mm. What's that?"

"Ever gone skinny dipping?"

Her ochre eyes gleamed mischievously. "Not with you!"

I rose, hand in hers, and motioned her to follow me to the water. We crept along the dock, giggling softly to ourselves. At the end of the dock, we paused. "Clothes!" Never one to shy away from a show, we began to undress each other. I went first, lifting her simple black v-neck slowly, making sure to rake my fingers up her sides. A sharp intake of breath, a moan. I teased her, holding her shirt over her head as I gave her a slow kiss. I don't know who enjoyed it more. Her shirt free, I leaned in, kissing the nape of her neck, down to her shoulders, as I wove my arms through hers to unclasp her bra.

Her nipples stiffened in the cool July air. I kissed lazily down her chest; her breath grew hoarse as I neared her right nipple. I swirled my tongue around it, teasing her before plunging my mouth fully on her breast. She gasped as I sucked, dancing the tip of my tongue on her areola.

I pulled away. "Your turn," I managed with a grin."

Not to be outdone, she tore my maroon shirt over my head, kissing up my tan and not-so-hairy chest before planting her lips urgently on mine. My knees buckled; she was always the better kisser.

And just like that, she was gone, dropping to her knees and unbuckling my shorts. I shuddered as my cock sprang free. I'm a little over 7", cut; one of my past FWBs used to say it was "really, a very nice cock." Not sure if I can put that on my resume, but such is life.

Celia quickly took me in her mouth, slowly, coating me. I closed my eyes and found heaven. She moved away, and in one move, straightened up and dropped her own shorts to the dock.

With a wet peck on the cheek and a giggle, she jumped into the water. Dumbstruck, I dove in after her.

While I've always been at home in the water, something about watching 10+ years of awful monster movies on TBS has me wary of dark water. But the only denizen in the depths that night was Celia, who decided to pinch my ass as she swam by.

Eager to keep her petite hands from roaming further, I took her by the hand and pulled her to me. As the water was up to my chest, Celia found it a little hard to stand on the bottom. (Side note: zebra mussels suck.) Celia soon wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck.

"This is nice," she purred. And it was. With a nearly full moon reflecting off the surface of the water, it seemed right out of a Sparks novel (an early one, not any of the later dreck!).The only problem: I was cold!

Thankfully, Celia was quick to stoke my fire. She reached under the water, guiding my cock into her, gloriously wet. We shared a moan as she began to slowly ride up and down. Throwing her head back, she ground into me, pushing me back despite my solid footing. I grabbed her head and gently pulled her close. Soft moans escaped each of us as we kissed, Celia still shuddering her way up and down my cock.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing shuddering: my teeth were chattering! My characteristic Stark-esque affinity for the cold had left me, and it seems that my body was calling it quits.

"How about we dry off, and get into something nice?"

Celia pouted, but was compassionate to my concerns. We quickly got out of the water, collected our clothes, and ran inside to towel off.

Enjoying one of the many benefits of being alone in a huge house, Celia and I half-ran, half-kissed our way to the master bedroom where we found an almost comically large bed. (California king, they call it? Ostentatious!) Celia jumped onto the plush comforter, and turned to me with hungry eyes. I leaned over her, kissing her briefly before my lips wandered south.

I kissed my way down her olive skinned chest, pausing to draw my tongue along the inside of her thighs. She leaned back, eager for what was to come. I kissed around her, slowly, inching myself closer to her already wet pussy. As I discovered with Celia, eating her out while stoned was better than most of the meditation I had tried to that point. That night was no different, and I lost myself in her. My tongue danced in slow circles around her clit, I kissed her thighs, I sucked on her lips. She soon shuddered, her legs squeezing towards me.

I rested, waiting for her to raise her head, with a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Fuck me," she demanded. I stood by the edge of the bed, and rubbed the head of my throbbing cock on her glistening slit. I slowly slid in, thrusting ever so slightly, before filling her up. She groaned in ecstasy. I slowly pumped in and out of her, lost to the moment. What felt like hours of lovemaking to that point had brought me to the edge, and I was struggling to last. Celia knew this, and raised her legs over my shoulders, drawing me in further. "Come inside me," she managed to breathe.

Ever nerve alight, pumping faster and faster, I leaned in and kissed her deeply as I came. Two weeks of self-imposed celibacy shot into her, filling her up. After what felt like an eternity, I heard myself breathing again. I kissed her, she kissed back. "Wow." "Yea." I giggled. "What?" Celia asked. "What are we going to do when we have to get up?" She frowned. In our haste, we had forgotten to throw down a towel, a shirt, anything. And his comforter was rather nice.

"Eh, we can wash it."