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She was crafty, like ice is cold... M24 F18 | 2016

Back story. Because it's needed. A fellow redditor told me I should post this one. I was 24 fully out of hand. Rowdy. I was that guy that your parents either loved or hated. Same with wives and girlfriends. I was just....rowdy. lol. About her, I went to one of my best friends apartments. He was like...hey...Joe's little sister and Mom were just here. They moved up the street. I was like...ok...I didn't really know joe except by reputation. He had one, and he earned it. I didn't even know he had a sister I said. My friend said its a goid thing Joe moved away. I asked why, he then said "because his sister is going to go full blown bad, she's on probation, again, and to make shit even worse, shes getting crazy hot! I laughed and said whats wrong with that?? He said, shes 15...her mom brought her over so I could try to talk to her about the shit she's doing. She's out of hand. I just shagged it off, she was 15, nothing there for me. Fast forward a couple if years. My friend moved across to the other side of the town he lived in. I go over to party with him. A few hours in, the phone rings. He hangs up and said "Ok, so Julie is coming over to get some weed for her mom. I was He got nervous a little and said...Julie is Joe's sister. I drew a blank. Then I was like....ooohhhh...the hot one that likes to go to jail for stealing shit? He said yeah...then he said "Dude...she's not 18 yet. Don't forget that!" I laughed and said don't worry man, too young and she can't be that hot, and...there's no way she could keep up with hanging out with me. He just looked at me said " limits." I said cool. No worries, like I said, I'm not going to jail for any woman. He mumbled something and went and got a beer. 10 minutes later. She walked in. My jaw dropped. She was (and still is a 12/10). Super hot. Big full tits, nice legs, world class ass, deep red long hair, more of a brownish red. Deeeep blue/green eyes and an amazing smile. A smirk really, like she knew something the rest of us didn't. And...she was funsized she was 4'11". I got out of there ASAP. Called my buddy and cracked a joke about him needing to tell me when she was 18. She heard it. And every time I saw her after that, she worked it. Flaunting it. I always bailed as soon as she showed up. It was too much temptation. About 6 to 9 months later my buddy calls me up. He needed help working on his car. He had a road trip the next day. So, I grab my weed and stuff. Hit the likker store and go help him. We got done around 10pm. He had to get up early. He told me just crash here, we'll be gone early. Then he said, oh yeah...Julie is going to come over and watch our apt. While we are gone. She won't be over until like 1 or so though. I said cool, I'll be gone by then. Well....I stayed up taking shots, smoking bong hits and watching stand up on the comedy channel. I got LIT. I passed out around 3am. I'd been working 12 hour days a lot. I slept like a rock. I wake up at 2pm. I roll over on the couch, I'm a big bag if hungover heat. I hear something in the kitchen. I look over and there she was...making coffee. Looking hot as fuck. Booty shorts and a t shirt cut down showing massive amounts of under boob. I jump up and say fuck I gotta go!!! She gave me that smile and said "Really...I just made you coffee" I said yeah...I dont drink that shit, it'll kill you. And I grabbed my shit. As I was heading for the door she said HEY! I turned around and said, what? She smiled a full smile, not her smirk. I melted a little. She stared at me and said, I'll be 18 in 2 months. I said, cool! Congrats and bolted. I didn't go back for 6 one night, im at the bar with my friend. We had this particular night planned, we were going to get shot housed and go on a party mission down town after we pre-funked. He had seen this girl, he knew the level if hotness and pure trouble that she was. We were at the bar talking about which bars and clubs we were going to damage that night. Then I was like...shit!! I have to call so and so and tell him happy birthday! He was him I said hi and maybe we'll go that direction later. I said right back....and I dig up some quarters and head for the payphone.

Take a knee Heathen's. This is where it gets good.

I mosey on over to the payphone. Dial the number. It rings, and then it picks up. She said hello. I was like, my bad, I think I dialed the wrong number. She, you didn't Jimmy. This is Dave's' place, I'm just watching their apt. They are out of town for his birthday. I was she said its me, Julie. My mouth went dry. I said, ok well just tell him I called and started to hang up. She said wait wait wait....I look over at my friend who just had shots delivered to the table. He smiles and points at the shits with a hurry up look. I wave him off. I look back the other way and said, what? She said that she has some really good weed. I laughed and said cool! Have fun, I'm at the bar, I have to go. Then...then that bitch know...I turned 18 a couple months ago. I said yeah, I heard that. Look, I have to go. I have shit to do. Then she said that fateful phrase. Jimmy, you know...I hear all of these stories about you and how you party, and stuff that you've done, you have a reputation. I said, ok great. Gotta go, really. Then she said...Jimmy...why don't you come over here and show me why everyone calls you the man. I was silent. I look over at my friend, hes like WTF, hurry uppppp! I turned around again ans said. ...what??? She says, get over here and show me how much of a man you really are... I paused. For what seemed like forever. I went through the list. This bitch is trouble. Her brother has a similar reputation in our area as me, this could get dicey. Then she said...are you scared??? And then she laughed. I did what any man would have done. I said, I'm on my way, and hung up. I walk over to our table, slam my shot, look at my friend as he says about fucking time! Lets get it awwwwwwnnnnnn!!! I didn't even smile. I reached down, grabbed my pint, slammed that and as I'm wiping the beer foam off of my lip, I say, sorry Bro. I gotta go! I grab my coat and put it on. He was pissed, he said fuck that! I looked at him as I zipped it up (it was raining hard that night) I said sorry man, Julie answered Dave's phone. He says, fuck that bitch, she's hot as fuck but PURE trouble, AND.... that's when I cut him off. I said, dude...she turned 18 a couple months ago and that crazy bitch just told me to come over there and show her how much of a man I really am...then she laughed at me and asked if I was scared. See ya! He looked at me with a mixture of WTF....and envy as I walked out. I remember looking over as I got into the cab. He was just smiling and shaking his head at me. Lol.

I get there, I knock. No answer. So, I walked in. She was sitting there taking a huge bong rip. I said cant open the door? She gave me that smirk and said....anything you get tonight, you're going to have to take. So, I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder and took her to my friends room. What happened next was probably two hours of INTENSE foreplay, she was wearing this bra and panty combo that made my cawk get bionic hard. I took my time getting those off of her. When I got her bra off the firmest, cutest, most perfect titties came out. Perfect areola, in the perfect place on those glorious tittys. Topped off by a nipple that was begging to be chewed on. As I'm caressing her tits and chewing on her nipples I had one hand on her hip, tightly. She was moaning in my ear saying she wanted my cock for so long, just give it to her. I ignored her, I had her bent over at the waist with her hands holding onto the edge of the bed. I was licking, spanking, and biting her ass as I slid those panties down her legs. I caressed, kissed, and nibbled in every inch of her short ass body. We wound up on the bed with her straddling me. Then....she changed...she was suddenly in charge. (I was NOT her first, by any means of the word, in any sense. This bitch was like no one else I have met, even to this day). We kept the foreplay going for awhile longer. I was going to make the most if this, no matter what. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she lowered herself onto my cock. It may have started slow....but...we worked it up to a crazy intense body slamming fuck. I was slamming her down onto my dick just as hard as her short ass was slamming herself onto me. It was INTENSE. At some point I sit up, put her arms over my shoulder and stand up. I stand next to the bed between two floor length mirrors. I position her on my cock while standing, tell her to hang on and grab/hold her by the ass.....and I fucked the bejeesus out of her standing up. She was screaming, I was in a trance, fully in the zone. I could feel her creaming up on my cock. She said she needed a drink of water, I threw her down on the bed and got behind her. I was relentlessly hammering her from behind as she bit the sheets trying not to scream. I flipped her onto her side and entered her swollen pussy again, I took it a little slower, we were looking at each other in the mirror. I kind of turned her into my fuck puppet. I fucked her one way and her face would change, she'd look at me and I'd hit it another way and her face would change again, it went back and forth like that for a loooong time. By now her pussy is swollen and puffy as fuck. My cock feels like it has electricity going through it. She hasn't stopped, and I don't plan on it either. I stand up, pull her over to the make up table my friends wife had. I stand her up in front of it, bend her over and stick it in. She moaned, I reached up and grabbed onto those perfect firm titties and give her all I had. We were staring into each others eyes as we fucked like animals. It was hot, almost too much, my cock was raw, I had to finish. So I take her back to the bed, she lowered herself onto me...looked me in the eyes with a look like she was done fucking around and said....fuuuuuuuuuuck me.... So, I grabbed one hip with one hand, a titty with another, we locked into a seriously hot makeout session while we fucked each other, she came for the last time, looked at me and said....bury that load in my pussy, then slapped I buried it in there, held it there while she clamped her pussy down and rocked her hips until she milked every last drop I had in her. She was oozing cum. I had no cum left in me. I came 4 times that night, she later told me that she had no clue how many times she came and at one point she was entirely out of it an orgasm coma. We just laid there with her on top of me, I ran my fingers through that luscious red hair as my cock softened and slipped out of her. We laid like that with her on top of me for awhile while we smoked a joint. After awhile I got up to take a piss. I came back and she was getting dressed. She smiled at me and said, no one has fucked my like that. I laughed and dropped the gauntlet and all. She smiled, laughed, kissed me long and hard and left. I go grab a beer. Thinking id better wash my friends cum soaked sheets. I figure id better take a bong rip first. I go get my pants, reach in my pocket. No weed. At first I was like...BITCH...then I just chuckled. I should have known. Lol.

She was crafty, like ice is cold.