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Sharing the Girl Next Door With My Roommate [MFM] [sort of] [College] | 2016

The first story I wrote on here did pretty well, so I thought I'd write up another adventure that brings back fond memories.

I still lived in the dorms as a junior in college, and my roommate was my best friend (both then and now) Dave. Dave and I were on the rowing team together, and it was our second year as roommates. People joked that we were the "inseparables." Dave and I are similar in a lot of ways, and at the time of this story, I think we were roughly similar in terms of sexual experience, although he's a more outgoing and openly flirtatious guy than I am.

Jess was a senior who lived in a single room across the hall. She was one of these girls who was just "fun." Not stuck up, not obsessed with her appearance, just always up for a good time. She wasn't someone I would call slutty, but she was someone who you just knew was generally down to fuck if she met a guy who she wanted to hook up with. At the time, she was the most sexually open person I had ever met, just in terms of being willing to talk about what she had done and what she was interested in. She had very long brown hair, was around medium height, and curvy and full figured although you wouldn't ever call her fat. I don't know how to explain it, but even though she wasn't the most conventionally beautiful, she just exuded a frank sexuality.

I knew that Dave had had sex with her a couple of times, but I never had, only made out with her briefly at a party once. He had told me that she was a blast in bed, though.

So one Friday night, Dave and I were just sitting in our room watching a football game on TV and drinking some whiskey. Jess swung by, as she frequently did when she had nothing else going on, and we gave her a few drinks as well. I was sitting on a chair, and she and Dave were next to one another on the couch. As we all continued to drink, she and Dave got closer and closer, and I noticed that their hands were starting to find each other's thighs as we all talked. Dave flashed me his "I'm gonna get laid" grin, which I had seen many times before and have seen even more times since. I half wondered if there was a way I could get in on the action, but didn't want to fuck up the vibe or say anything awkward, so I resigned myself to Dave going off to battle while I stayed in for the night. After a while, Jess abruptly turned to him and said, "Dave, why don't we go over to my room?"

Lucky bastard. Oh, well, I thought, as I shook my head giving him a "fuck you, you lucky SOB," smirk as he and Jess stood up. Then just as they were headed out the door holding hands, she must have gotten a whiff of my disappointment, because she turned back and said coyly, "don't worry, br082, you'll get your chance."

That basically gave me an insta-boner right then and there. Like I said, Jess exuded sex. My internet porn history was full of rail-thin blondes with boob jobs, but for a long time I had just instinctively felt that this full-figured girl next door would be a great lay, and her expressing even a vague future desire in hooking up with me was super hot. That said, I interpreted her comment as something far off, a halfhearted promise only to be redeemed weeks, even months, later.

I played some Madden for a bit, and maybe after 20 minutes went down the hall to pee. I paused by her door and heard that distinctive, trademark college sound of a dorm bed frame rhythmically rubbing along the linoleum floor. And I head Jess moan a soft, but very deep and low moan. It wasn't masculine, but it was a far cry from the whiney, high-pitched "porny" sound of so many fantasies. It was real, animalistic, and hot as fuck. Get it, Dave!

I went back to my room and dicked around some more. I didn't think anything of my prospects for that evening, and just filed away in my mind that sometime later on I'd have to put some effort into making a move on Jess. But in another 20 minutes or so, the phone rang. Dave: "br082, get the hell over here. Jess says that I should tell you that it's your turn."

Holy shit. The forwardness of the demand instantly stirred up a deep hormonal horniness (this was 20-year-old me, after all), and made me forget that this would be a "sloppy seconds" situation. I rushed across the hall. They both laughed as I went in to Jess's room. "Whoa, that was fast!" Jess was in bed with a half-drunk smile on her face, and Dave was in his boxer-briefs sitting at her computer. I stood there awkwardly until Jess commanded, "hop in bed with me."

I did as I was told. I was pretty ready to go at this point, and just dove in and started making out with her. Dave was still at her computer, facing away from us, messing around on the internet. I didn't care, my view was he could see whatever the hell he wanted to see, and I kept my focus on Jess. She was completely naked, so it wasn't long before she pulled my shirt off, and her hands gravitated down to my crotch. After another minute, my pants and boxers were on the ground, and I was sitting up in her bed as she started to suck my cock.

"Whoa, there, where the hell did that come from!?" Dave said suddenly, now facing us and clearly looking at my dick. He and I had been naked in gym locker rooms and showers together at least a hundred times, but I'm really a lot more of a "grower," especially when it comes to my above-average girth/thickness. (I joke to my wife, now, that it's my "secret surprise weapon.") I quickly replied with the stupid, over-compensating "no homo" type of comment common to 20-year old straight dudes, "whatever, dickhead, I should have guessed that you'd want to stare." He turned back to the computer.

After only a minute or so of her sucking me off, though, I was ready to take charge again. I pushed Jess down on the bed and she pulled her knees up to her chest, displaying a neatly shaved, seriously plump pussy. I normally love to go down on women, but assuming that Dave had already cum in her (in one of her many open and frank sex conversations, she had mentioned how she hated condoms and the idea of "wasting" cum), I wasn't ready to be tasting some other guy's ejaculate. She gave me a devious look, and adopted this attitude like I had been running late. "Well, I'm waiting!"

I started to push my dick in, hard as a rock at this point. There was a slickness to her vagina. I guess I could tell it was partially my buddy's cum, but mostly it just felt like a really fully-lubricated, wet feeling. And something about the competitiveness of trading off a woman like this was super hot to me. Like it was my turn to show up another man in the most primal, intimate way possible. As I continued to push in, Jess grabbed my ass and suddenly pulled me all the way in, deep, and held me there as she rolled her eyes back and pulsed, groaning that low gutteral moan, along my entire length.

Then I started pounding away, hard and fast from the start. (Hey, it was college -- "just pounding away" was basically the only tool in my arsenal back then.) Also knowing that this was a college dorm, and being a competitive 20-year old reptilian-brained male, I focused on keeping the rhythm of the bed pounding against the wall so that my exploits would echo down the hallway. Around this time I noticed that Dave had left the room, and after a few minutes in that position, I flipped her into doggy style.

My heart pounded as I saw something I had never seen before, telltale red marks on her ass cheeks. I had always wanted to spank women I slept with, but never quite had the courage to ask and had never done it up to that point. But since she had clearly already had it done to her that night, I just went for it without asking. First the right cheek, then the left. She let off a couple more screams of pleasure as I slapped harder, 3 or 4 more times, as I continued to pound away.

Getting to do that for the first time was so hot to me that I knew I was close to cumming, even after just 10-15 minutes since she had first started to go down on me. She could sense it, saying, "not yet, not yet," between breaths. With her head now down on the pillow, she reached her right hand back and started massaging her clit, hard and fast, moaning more desperately and intensely, while I continued to pump. After 30 seconds or so, she started to cry out, "oh, here it is, here it is, don't stop!" She and I came at the same time as she pushed her ass hard against me, holding it there for a good 15 seconds.

She collapsed down on to the bed, turning face up as my dick pulled out. It was covered in wetness -- her cum, my cum, and, yeah, I guess some of Dave's. In what then seemed like a super dirty (but hot) move, she moved herself back and sat up in bed, immediately leaning down to lick it all off my cock in three long lollipop strokes. "God, that was fun," she smiled. We cuddled for a few minutes as she started to sleep, and I went back to my room. Dave and I barely looked each other in the eye as we started laughing. No additional commentary was necessary.

Dave started dating someone shortly after that, and I only slept with Jess one more time after that night. But it's still a great, fun, "thank you, college!" sexual memory for me.