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A random act on the back seat (F/M) | 2016
As I mentioned in my last little tale, I'm currently home for Christmas, and between sharing a room with my sister and living under the same roof as my parents it can be a frustrating time, as you can imagine. I was hoping to find some way or other to spice things up over my break back at home, and so eventually I took the plunge and tried out something I'd been pondering for a while... posting an ad right here on Reddit, in the Random Acts of Blow Job section.
While I expected lots of responses, even I wasn't expecting to get that snowed under with messages, but eventually after sifting through so many responses before leaving for home I ended up with a handful of people who I was comfortable chatting with and who seemed genuine, decent and interested. One particular conversation ended up getting quite heated, and so with more than a little excitement I made plans to meet him once I was back at my folk's place.
Eventually the evening came and the stars aligned - he was free to drive to me, and I made a suitable excuse to go and say hi to an old friend for a little bit. I was tingling with anticipation as I got myself ready, taking a quick shower and then dressing up in a black bra and thong, pulling on some black tights and then putting on a relatively short black dress over all of that. Grabbing my coat, I headed off out to the public place where we're agreed to meet.
Arriving there, I found myself waiting longer than I'd hoped - he was late, and pondered whether he might show up at all a car finally pulled up in the car park across from where I was stood sheltering from the rain, and a guy hopped out from the car and made his way over to me. He was a few years older than I was, rather tall, with a trimmed beard and slightly scruffy hair which suited him. He made his way over to me and we exchanged pleasantries and ensured we were talking to the right people, and after some awkward dancing around the situation in the conversation and starting at feet, he asked if I wanted to go and park up somewhere. My heart jumping in my chest, I said yes, and he led me to his car.
As the local to the area, I knew the perfect place to go and so gave him directions as best I could (as someone who is terrible at doing so). Eventually we found the spot though - a long, unused lane with woods on either side, and no traffic or other card in sight. Finding a place to stop, he pulled up and turned off the engine, and again we shared some awkward moments before he broke the tension by asking if he could come and sit in the passenger seat.
I nodded, and we both got out of the car, before he walked around and sat in the passenger seat where I had been, effortless reaching down and adjusting the seat to push it as far back as possible, leaving plenty of room in front of him. With a shy but excited smile, he asked if I'd come and join him, to which I fumblingly told him I'd take off my coat first. He then realised that he too was wearing a jacket, which he struggled out of still in his seat, tossing it onto the driver's seat before taking my coat and doing likewise.
Offering for me to join him again, with a smile I awkwardly clambered into the front of the car, straddling his legs in the seat as he reached out and pulled the passenger door ajar. Half sat on his lap now, we looked at one another for a while before I leaned in to a kiss which he happily accepted. We made out for a while, me settling into his lap and feeling a bulge growing within his jeans, which I began to press and grind myself against while we kissed, arousing us both as his hands wandered from my back to my ass and tight-clad legs.
Feeling decidedly turned on from his erection pressing between my legs through our clothes I moved away, sliding myself back and just managing to squeeze myself into the footwell of the car in front of him. Once there, I awkwardly fumbled with the belt and buttons of his jeans until he took over, undoing them and pushing both jeans and briefs down to his knees as his cock sprang free.
I wasted no time in reaching out to take his penis in my hand, stroking it a few times and then moving it towards my mouth as I lowered my head and slid my lips around it. I wasn't thinking of teasing or making this last, I was lost in the desire to make him cum, hearing him loudly say "oh god, yes" driving me on to start bobbing my head and swirling my tongue around the tip of his cock as I sucked and licked him. Remembering something he'd mentioned before we met, my free hand reached out and massaged his balls for a while, gaining further positive reactions for a spell until my mind wandered to my own excitement, and my hand wandered between my own legs to rub myself as best I could through my tights and thong.
Five minutes or so in, his hands were on the back of my head, gently urging me on while I continue to suck and slide his shaft in and out of my mouth. His breathing suggested he was getting close, and not too much longer his words confirmed it, telling me he was about to cum - I redoubled my efforts and was rewarded with what seemed for a moment like it was going to be an endless stream of cum, he'd warned me that he'd been saving himself for a while and he wasn't kidding! For a few seconds I thought it might be too much for me, but I somehow managed to swallow it all down before finally pulling my head away to catch my breath.
We remained there for a moment, me panting and him breathing heavily, before he regained his senses enough to thank me for an amazing blowjob, and perhaps spotting my hand still buried under my skirt asking if I was interested in him returning the favour. Very much turned on by this point I certainly was, and he suggested we move to the back seat. After pulling up his jeans and underwear he fiddled to push the driver's seat as far forward as it would go while I clambered out of the front and into the back, before he joined me sat on the back seat of the car.
He suggested that I try and get comfortable sat up diagonally across the seat, and once in place he quickly leaned over to me, reaching his hands under my dress and tugging my tights down to my ankles as I lifted my ass to help him. My thong then followed, although it quickly became clear that this wouldn't give him the access he desired - so, I lifted my feet, and he quickly pulled off my shoes, before pulling both tights and thongs off of one leg, leaving them still dangling from the other. My legs now open and welcoming him he dived right in - much like my efforts there was no teasing here, just a frantic desire to reciprocate and make me cum. I had no complaints about this, and my moans and the sound of his tongue pushing into my wetness seemed extra loud within the confines of the now very warm car. After some time exploring inside me with his tongue and then using it to toy with my clit, his lips were joined by a couple of fingers inside me as he relentlessly fingered and licked me until I was soon gripping the car seat, moaning and bucking in orgasm.
Sitting back on the seat next to me as I recovered, he confessed to being hard again and told me that he really wanted to fuck me. Still aroused myself I told him I wanted that too, and what followed was a scramble for him to shed his trainers, jeans and underwear while I finished removing my own tights and knickers. Feeling rather hot in the car, I also decided to throw caution to the wind and pulled my dress up over my head and off, depositing it in the back seat, before he asked if I'd take my bra off. Given that it seemed silly not to I lost that too, leaving me sat naked and still wet in the back of his car as he rolled on a condom he'd taken from his pocket.
Beckoning me over, I moved and then swung a leg over to straddle him - I got comfortable as he held his cock in place, allowing me to position myself and ease slowly but easily onto it as I gasped, open-mouthed. Once he was inside me, I soon found that I didn't really have the headroom to bounce up and down or anything, so instead used my hips to move, grinding on him one moment and feeling myself sliding up and down on his cock the next while he pawed at and massaged my ass. We went on like this for some time, me alternating between slower grinding and faster movements on him which had me moaning louder, until the discomfort in my legs from trying to stay in a comfortable position led to me moving away and letting him slip out of me.
Next, he suggested trying doggy, but that position was soon aborted as he was simply too tall to comfortable get into a good position - instead, I ended up sat up on the back seat, as it was now his turn to position himself in the footwell as best he could in front of me. Opening my legs wide for him, he teased the entrance to my pussy with his cock before sliding fully into me, and his slow long thrusts soon became faster as he picked up the pace. From the position, I loved being able to look down and see this stranger's cock fucking me, seeing, feeling and hearing him sliding in and out of my wet pussy. Without really thinking, I heard myself imploring him "fuck me... fuck me harder", which he duly did, grabbing my hips tightly and thrusting hard against me.
Gripping the seat with one hand, my other found my clit which I rubbed furiously, moaning loudly now. Thanks to his earlier ejaculation it seemed that he could go the distance here, and he fucked me relentlessly while I frigged myself towards a fast-building orgasm. I trailed off before I could even announce my orgasm, getting as far as "I'm gonna..." before it began to wash over me. My moans turned to cries, then almost shrieks - I was cumming hard, and it felt like it was going to last forever as the hard and rough fucking my pussy was now getting accentuated and elongated the whole thing. Just as I thought I'd reached the crest of my orgasm, I felt him pressing hard against me, pushing my legs back and up into the air, his body slapping against me as he fucked me as hard as he could as I realised he was now cumming too. This had me shrieking further as I was fucked with his weight pushed against me, before he finally pushed deep inside me as he came, letting my own orgasm subside.
It took some time to recover from this after he pulled out of me, and after some post-sex small talk I rather shakily dressed myself, struggling to stand once dressed to move back into the passenger seat again. We sat and talked some more but he finally started up the car and drove me back close to home to drop me off. Once we said our goodbyes I was at least a little steadier on my feet, as I walked home still feeling damp and a little sore, but very much satisfied with my random act.
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