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Part 1. Solo Cup Girl. | 2016

We see each other across the coffee house and you instantly blush, get shy and look down. Not on the outside, no no, on the outside you are tough, you have to be. Your job dictates it, your life encourages it. It is as it should be in the progressive 21st century. But, on the inside...Oh in the deep you are already on your knees. My cold blue eyes and confident playful smirk have instantly broken you. I am unwavering. Unflinching. Unshaken I stare you down with a silent roar that makes your knees wobble.

You resist the urge to run to the little girls room to see how wet you are and Jill off in the stall. "No, not here, not now" you think to yourself, "later tonight when I'm safe and warm and in the comfort of home". Good girl.

Your thoughts will be filled with my large frame pressing down on top of you, my hairy chest tickling your breasts and my tongue parting your soft lips... Which will happen, in time.

But first you must know who you belong to. I must test you. Help me, help you.

To be honest the first spank caught us both off guard. The second we walked into your apartment I picked you up facing me with your legs wrapped around me then our mouths met with our tongues swirling. We kissed hard. But it was brief. I set you down and turned you away while my hand caressed your hair and shoulders. Then in a quick and quiet rage I stripped you to your matching bra, panties and heels. I bent you over your own couch. Face down please. Ass up thank you. I asked where the whiskey was and you replied "I'm sorry, I don't have any" then with a force that surprised us both, my thick hand instinctively lined itself up with your round ass cheek. You gasped and time stood still as tears bubbled from the corner of your big eye. "You little slut" There it was and so it began.

I replay the previous turn of events as an inevitability and I walk away and begin to roll up the sleeves of my white dress shirt, preparing for the task at hand. With you still bent over and waiting I ask if you have anything to drink in this dessert and you quickly reply in a hurried tiny tremor "in the cupboard above the fridge, there is a bottle of cognac, and a few bottles of red wine" "very good" I deeply reply. "Now put your finger in your pussy and tell me what it feels like" You moan softly at the words before even doing it and then with a slightly horse whisper in your littlest voice you give your report: "hot, wet and tight". "Excellent, keep your fingers where they are and tell me where to find a suitable glass for this cognac" with great hesitation you tell me to look in the cupboard above the sink. My eyes leave your exposed backside and scan the disappointing wasteland that is made up of plastic drinking cups, coffee mugs, and a fucking solo cup. A single red solo cup. Lady in Red drifts into my mind and back out as I recoil at having actually picked the cup up. Inside I am livid, but I maintain poise as I calmly remove the top from the cognac and drink deeply from the round bottle that reminds me again of your ass; which I will not take my eyes off again all night. I will master it and it will be mine come morning.

With a cool playful rage and the cognac beginning its medicinal work, I finish rolling my sleeves and now loosen and remove my black tie. I calmly but purposely move across the room like a lion stalking a gazelle and place the red abomination in front of you then cinch my tie around your neck I pull back hard enough to make you arch your back and I begin to rain a hand storm down across your vulnerable smooth ass harder and faster as the minutes pass like hours. Sweat drips from my forehead as wetness soaks your still buried fingers. Your cries are mixed with moans of ecstasy. My purpose is now clear: I must make your ass match the cup. The punishment must fit the crime. Then just as real tears start to flow I tell you to rub your pussy. Your bottom now has a red hot glow to it as your hips swing in rhythmic circles trying to draw me in. Beckoning me. Begging me to come in. Now I pull the necktie back slow and hard as you come off the arm of the sofa like the hot horny mess I knew you were and you end up on your knees in front of me. "Suck me, now" I say and without hesitation you have my pants undone and swollen dick in your mouth. I firmly grab the back of your head and wrap my hand in your hair and begin to pleasure myself with your mouth.

Although your makeup is tastefully done to a minimum, it has now become just as undone as the rest of you. Yet still, in spite of all the tears from the spankings, sore jaw and watering eyes, you are just now beginning to taste sexual satisfaction in submission