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Opening up (group) | 2016

I posted yesterday my back story titled Then and Now. Which covers over a decade and a half. It explains how me and my first wife started with a threesome with a single male friend. Then expanded into a regular foursome when we added a single female friend. They are Tom and Maddy now a married couple.

The four of us eventually met an English couple (Duke and Laguna) lol Duke not his real name but it stuck. They introduced us into the larger group sex science and we had some great times. As I mentioned in my original post my wife Allison passed away at 39. I was devastated and even though I visited all of our friends I bowed out of the get togethers. Just to hard on me.

I eventually stared hooking up with Tom and Maddy and they help me through some rough times. I also poured my self into doing alot of cross-fit training just seemed to be a good release. This is how I met myxcurrent wife Miya. She is a beautiful Dominican of african decent. We talked alot at the gym and eventually dated and wed. I am 5'10 and fit she is 5'6 and fit with amazing curves.

I told Miya about my past and let her know I would always be open minded. She simply stated it would not happen with her. I love her and accepted my past experiences as an old chapter in my life. Then things changed when a ale friend from my past came to our city on business. I told him he could stay with us. My wife was fine with it but told me not to get any ideas. I told her it would be her loss as Eric was packing. She simply laughed and said whatever.

Eric was with us the week and it was on the fourth night my wife took control and lead Eric up stairs a d soon realised I was not lying about how big his dick is. Eric is 6'2 and skinny he is allergic to the gym. But he had my wifes toes throwing gang signs all night. He spent his last few nights in our bed.

After Eric left Miya and I had "the talk". She honestly said it was amazing but would never happen in our current group of friends. But she would do it again with Eric and may others from my past. I guess she needed the control and I was absolutely ok with it.

Now my mind was working overtime. I had always stayed in touch with my house party friends. Now I started planning a mini vacation back to where it all started. They still had monthly parties.....five of the original nine couples still were going strong. I told Duke I would like to introduce Miya to them a d see where it went. Duke told me they were back up to seven couples to include an african american couple.

I talked to Miya and she agreed to go but reserved the right to not participate. We did the pinky promise and I made all the plans. It helped her knowing Eric and his wife Julie would be there. We flew in and stayed with Tom and Maddy. They made Miya feel welcome and did not apply any pressure at all on Miya. Miya and Maddy spent alot of the next day out together and I later learned Miya asked alot of questions.

The next night was the party date. We arrived with Tom and Maddy and were greeted by Duke and Launa. All the other couples were there already. We ate drank did alot of catching up. We met Marcus and Tonya the newer couple. Miya melted every one with her personality but I could tell she was nervous especially with the extra attention the men were giving her. She gravitated between Maddy and Eric while mingling.

The party picked up and people spread out. I got in the hot tub with Duke Launa and a few others. Miya wasn't ready for tbe tub scene yet. She remained inside the house. Maddy popped out and asked Tom to go inside. Tom didn't bother to put clothes on he just grabbed a towel and followed her inside.

I waited for about twenty minutes and grabbed a towel and went inside. Didn't see Miya so my heart stared pounding. Marcus and Jennifer were going at it on the floor. Jennifer had her legs wrapped around his back and he was covered in sweat. I learned later they stared the show in front of others including Miya.

I was standing there with my towel straight out in front of me. And then I thought about Miya. The music was loud but I strained to her her. I looked out the window to the patio and saw Launa on a lounge chair with a guy waiting her pussy. Duke was making out with another wife in the hot tub. Jennifer let out a huge moan and Marcus pulled out and came on her tits then collapsed on top of her.

I headed upstairs and a again listened.....yep people in the throws. I looked in the first first bedroom and Tonya was sucking one dick while getting it doggy style. She was small breasted lean but a perfect large ass. I backed out even harder now. I could feel my pulse in my ears. I went to the master bedroom slowly pushed the door open to see Miya riding Eric's big dick reverse cowgirl. She had to lean way forward because of his size. Just seemed surreal seeing Miya's muscular ass bouncing on a dick that was thicker than its owners body .

Julie was riding Tom in a chair. Maddy was kneeling next to Miya squeezing her ass and playing with ber rock hard nipples. As soon as Miya saw me her eyes rolled back in he head and she came. Eric flipped her to the side a d was behind her. He had a death grip on one fit and held one of her legs up with the other hand. I drooled my towel and slid up behind Maddy and slid my dick in up to the hilt she was dripping g wet. I leaned i to her and she told me she missed my dick. A few minutes later Eric let out a huge moan more like a grunt. Cumming into Miya whose eyes were lost in her own orgasm. I pushed Maddy's head down grabbed her huge tits and put all that cross training work into it. I could feel Maddy coming on my dick and I let loose. We collapsed and then realised the other four were watching us. We all talked for a while and Miya and I jumped in the shower. I asked if she was ok and she smiled and said she was to my relief.

We got back to the party and Miya had no issue with getting into the hot tub naked. I followed her in but purposely sat across from her next to Launa. Miya just gave me the naughtiest look. Duke took advantage and slid in next to Miya...I knew she would be a sucker for his accent.

Julie slid in next to Miya also and we all talked. Miya tease Julie and asked how she could handle Eric's dick often.....she laughed and said she doesn't but once every week. These parties give her a break. We all laughed hysterically. As time went on I could tell Julie and Duke were playing with Miya under the water. She would bite her lip and tense up every so often. I could see her hand on Dukes lad moving up and down.

That was my queue. I asked Launa if she wanted to go for a swim and she accepted. A few minutes later I noticed the other three out of the tub and drying each other off. Then they headed inside. Launa and I splashed around with other couples until I just had to see what was going on. I headed to the bathroom then detoured upstairs. I went straight to the master room opened the door and saw Tonya with her legs spread as wide as possible taking Eric's cock. And yes her toes were throwing gang signs. I moved to the next room and there was Miya on her back with her head off the edge of the bed with Dukes dick down her throat and those softball size balls laying on her forehead. Julie was licking Miya's pussy and the room was filled with moans and groans. I closed the door went and grabbed Launa and took her to another bedroom and fucked her to multiple orgasms.

We stayed with Tom and Maddy two more days .....the first was no sex and rest. The last night Eric showed up and told us Julie send him because she needed a break. Miya took one for the team multiple times that night judging by tbe sound of it. If I had a dollar for every time I heard OH SHIT! That night my plane tickets would have been paid for. Tom and I kept Maddy busy hear Miya cum often and hard kept us all going.

Miya has kept true to her word......we only play with these friends. We travel there a couple times a year. We have had all the couples come visit us separately over the years. We just returned from Vegas where we spent a week with Eric and Julie. Going to be a slow week for sex for me this week.