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Office politics. [m+f] (long!) | 2016
I have become addicted to sharing my stories. My apologies for the length, but I'm a details girl!
I’d known him for a long time and we’d always flirted. Now we were in an office setting together and I was honestly struggling to work with him. There was constant flirting and suggestive chat and every time I walked past his cubicle I’d think about crawling into his lap and having my way with him. He made it a point to pretend like he was ignoring me in meetings, so I’d escalate things to grab his attention as stealthily as I could. One time, I got in just in time to steal a seat one apart from him at the conference table and I tossed my purse into the empty seat to keep anyone else from taking it.
About half-way through this gruelingly boring meeting, I decided to try and get his attention. First, I smacked the empty chair back into his. They were rolling chairs, so when people turned and looked; I acted embarrassed and mouthed “Sorry!” I looked over to him and smirked before he turned back to the presenter. Next, I leaned over to quietly look through my purse for some gum. I reached out my hand under the armrest and stroked my nails down his outer thigh. He pulled his leg in and looked over, then down, and flushed. “What are you doing?” he mouthed, making his eyes wide in mock accusation. I shrugged and grinned and sat back up.
I still cannot quite explain why all of this turned me on to the extent that it did, but I felt tingling in my breasts and warmth between my legs as I thought of better ways to tease him here. I looked around the room and then behind me to see we were being watched and no one even met my glance. I turned in my chair to keep out most of the possible prying eyes and grinned for a moment before I placed my hand in my lap and stroked my fingers firmly down my zipper, following the seam between my legs and firmly pressing my wrist against my zipper, letting my hand do the moving rather than my arm.
He must have seen movement from the corner of his eye, and something in his brain finally clicked, because when he turned to look at me and what I was doing there was no surprise in his expression. He flicked his gaze to my eyes and I saw something there I’d never really seen in him before, my guess was that it was desire that I saw. I licked my lips and then pulled one into my mouth before pulling my hand back and resting the warm fingertips against my lip. I rubbed them gently against the slickness of my own saliva on my lip and then turned back to the meeting, forcing myself not to look at him or touch myself in any way for the next hour.
I kept seeing his head turn to me and when the meeting finally let out, he waited for a moment in his seat and bantered with our co-workers. I left for my part of the office. It was maybe three hours until I saw him again in our small breakroom. I expected some comment about my behavior earlier, but he didn’t say a word to me. I tried to get him to look my way by commenting on how boring the topic was, and he wouldn’t turn to me or move his body. I thought I must have done something really fucked up earlier, and that I’d mistaken everything in his expression. I rushed out of there, blushing like mad and so angry at myself that I huffed at myself for another two hours until I was sure he was gone, and so was everyone else.
I got up to turn off the light on my side of the office and saw that his side was still on, so I flicked it off and a voice came from the darkness. “Excuse me, but there are people still working.” It was so stern. I think my heart was in my throat with fear and surprise. “I… uh… I’m sorry? I thought I was the last one in tonight.” I flipped the light back on and I walked around the corner and there he was, standing with his arms crossed over his chest and looking displeased. I think all the blood drained from my face in that second and I felt faint. He broke his stance and came at me, but it was only to put his arm around my shoulder and steady me. “Are you alright?”
I shook my head, sort of lost between liking how he felt against me and being totally ashamed of myself. “I’m fine. I’m okay.” I stood up and smoothed my pants and shirt out. “Alright, you looked like you were going to pass out or something,” he said with mild concern. I shrugged and nodded, preferring to stare at the floor as I made my confession. “Yeah, listen… I feel really bad about my behavior in the meeting. I didn’t mean to offend you or go ‘too far’ or anything. I must have misread your expression, because I thought you liked it. And I would never do anything to-“ and I stopped talking when I looked up at him again because he was completely silent, smirking. “What?” I asked, eyeballing him. “Oh… I didn’t at all mind those antics earlier. I had to stay and talk shit with those guys for a good five minutes before my damn erection died. You’re quite the temptress.” He laughed softly and I thought my jaw would hit the floor.
“What?!” I shrieked, then I cleared my throat and rephrased. “I mean ‘what?’. You totally blew me off when I came over to joke with you earlier. I thought you were mad at me, you shit!” I smacked his upper arm and he feigned injury. “Owww… ugh… owwww,” he whined, gripping the spot I smacked. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away, “You’re a bastard.”
He reached out to me and gently grabbed my upper arm and turned me back, “Aw c’mon. You’re not really mad at me… though I am a shit if I’m being honest.” I just relaxed my arms and looked up. That’s when that look came over his face again and he glanced to the conference room. I looked over to see where he had focused and looked back. “Uh, no. No, we can’t do that. No. Nope.” I shook my head as I started to pull away and he stiffened his grip slightly to stop me. I looked at his hand and up to him and started to protest again as he wrapped his other arm behind my shoulders and kissed me. It was really good, and I tingled all over, but I wasn’t giving in that easy.
I pulled back from him and breathed out “Seriously. Seriously? I… we’d get fired for this if we were caught. You’re nuts.” He just shook his head at me. “The guys all went out to the bar down the street for the fantasy league thing, and Stacey said she was running to get her kids. They’re gone, Anya.” He was leading me to the conference room steadily as he spoke and I just followed in silence as all the worst-case scenarios ran courses through my head. He shut the door behind us and his tone totally changed as he let this low rumble escape, “You are so fucking dirty, and I’m going to finish what you started where you started it. Take off your pants. Leave the panties, I want to feel them.””
I thanked the universe that I wasn’t wearing my “bum” underwear and that I’d shaved that morning as I quickly peeled out of my pants and kicked them aside. I heard him unclasping his belt as his body came into better focus in the dark while he disrobed. He slid his hands up over my ass and then dropped one between my thighs. I won’t lie, I was drenched and I knew it had soaked through my panties. If I’d hoped to deny how much I wanted this, I had failed at that moment. He groaned “Lace…” softly and played his fingers over the lace and cotton as I sighed out a moan.
He pulled my panties down and pressed me back onto the edge of the table, pulling my legs up and over his hips and I took his cue, crossing my ankles loosely as I nearly died in anticipation. He paused as he pressed the tip of his erection against me and whispered “Is this okay?” I was already in another world waiting for the satisfaction I desired, so when I answered I squeaked “Yes! Uh… yes. Yes, please. I’m protected. Were you lying about your dry spell?” He breathed out a soft “No,” as he pressed the hot tip firmly against my entrance and slid slowly inside. I put my hands behind me and spread my fingers out to brace myself, and he fell into a slow, firm rhythm of thrusts so I could feel every push and pull.
I moaned quietly, as is my way, and he leaned in to ask “Harder?” I nodded in reply, then remembered the darkness around us and whispered “Yes. Harder.” He moaned as he slammed forward once. I choked out a moan and shuddered, exhaling “Again,” as I shifted my position and placed my feet into the chairs on either side of his thighs. He grabbed my hips and began to deliver hard thrusts that had me gasping and crying out in whimpers and I came nearly immediately. The sensation tore through my entire body as my nipples stiffened against my bra and my skin became covered in goosebumps. He panted and asked where I wanted him to cum, and I shook my head slowly, “Wherever you want.” A few moments later he pulled back and stroked himself to orgasm, cumming over my hips and thighs as his hand leaned hard against the table beside my ass.
I laughed breathlessly, and looked around us in disbelief as he gathered himself. “Would it be weird to do the walk of shame into the breakroom to clean up?” I asked. He just gave an exhausted laugh. We cleaned up our clothes and wiped down the table in silence before cleaning ourselves and leaving a few moments apart. It was the most reckless thing either of us had ever done and we found other ways to be reckless together many times after that.
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