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College Experience: Busty Beach Bunny in the Bahamas (M/F) Part 1 | 2016
Chronologically, the following events happened during the summer of my junior year of college, directly after the events detailed here:
This is the story of the evolving relationship between my college girlfriend Haley and myself...and how it evolved into a very kinky relationship. This particular experience is quite lengthy, and therefore will be broken up into several (probably two or three) parts. It'll be more than another week before I can upload the next one. The experience has great impact on my life to this day. It is the story of how I spent the summer of 2010 (Yes, this is the not so distant past for me.) It is the story of how I got Haley her first "bitch."
About a week after the events detailed in the previous story occurred, another one of my dreams came true. I got accepted to a (somewhat) prestigious research summer fellowship as a sort of teaching assistant, helping out at a research center my school had ties to. I'd be working directly for one of my favorite professors and helping multiple groups from school. This wasn't just any fellowship. It was paid summer position via my school in the Bahamas for pretty much the entire summer on the island of San Salvador. All I had to do was some mild research, guide the occasional SCUBA expedition, help out the professor, and relax. And best of all, my wonderful girlfriend Haley would be going on the program for which I was a teaching assistant, during the second half of the summer. We'd be apart for about a month, then we'd both be in the Bahamas for three weeks. What's not to like?
Honestly, I remember the rest of the spring semester as a happy blur of exams and kinky sex with Haley. For those of you just joining us, Haley, had natural honey blond hair, pretty green eyes, gorgeous legs topped topped by a well rounded ass, a nice of well rounded C cups, cute dimples, a modest tan, and a truly beautiful smile. We cared about each other a lot and got along splendidly. She was a very "wholesome" girl and had an incredibly sexy "girl next door" thing going on.
She was "predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual" (basically gay, but liked certain guys, of which I was very fortunate to be one) and was an insanely good lay. She didn't feel that she could give up on women entirely, so as part of our relationship, she agreed to avoid sleeping with other men and notify me anytime she slept with a woman in exchange for me notifying her if I slept around (I didn't until this incident.) I'd say she averaged one girl every month or so, but at the end of that semester she and I were fucking daily.
Every time Haley slept with a girl, she made a BIG deal out of telling me about it in exquisite detail. Sexually, Haley was normally very submissive, but on occasion would become very dominant; which apparently is a big turn on for a lot of lesbians. The vast majority of her stories were about her getting seduced and fucked by other female students of the college. It didn't take her long to figure out that I found these stories very arousing. For my birthday, she had arranged strip poker game with myself, a few friends, and her then girlfriend Katie. It devolved into what can only be called an orgy. Katie had "dumped" Haley after the poker game for another participant, but Haley and I were very much interested in trying out another girl.
However, it turns out that hot bisexual girls willing to have an MFF threesome don't grow on trees. Heck, Haley even started having problems finding regular lesbian lovers, which wasn't normally an issue for her (as previously mentioned, my college had a lot of lesbians.) By the time school let out, Haley hadn't been "taken" (aka: gotten fucked by) or "had" (aka: gotten to fuck) another woman since the orgy. She certainly wasn't happy about it.
I stayed at the college for a few days after vacation officially started getting to meet the group that would be going to the Bahamas with me. There were only 15 of us (plus one professor,) but they seemed like a pretty good group of people. Then, we piled into a van to the airport. The connecting flights and flight to the Bahamas were a breeze...getting through customs in Nassau....not so much, the line was intimidatingly long. I had lost track of the rest of the group both on the flight and in the immediate aftermath. I simply couldn't find them again, so there I was, all alone in a foreign country.
Just as I was about to go back to the gate to find the professor... I saw her. Cassie was a girl I'd known of, but never gotten to know in college. She'd been at the pre-Bahamas "training day" and was probably the only person on the trip I could guarantee that I would recognize. Cassie had what can only be described as the ultimate "one night stand" body. She was a relatively small girl, a little more than a foot shorter than me. She had straight brunette shoulder length hair, hazel green eyes, a flat stomach, a great face, and a killer ass. Her back wasn't overly broad but her chest was! Cassie had a massive rack which was relatively perky for its size (late determined to a stunning 36 E.) Her tits were better than Melissa's, better than Haley's, heck...they compared favorably to Maddie's. It was a stunning rack for a "tit guy" like me.
It took Cassie and I not one, not two, but four hours to get through customs. We passed the time by chatting about life, the universe, and everything. It turned out that she was studying biology and marine science at the college and was interested in the stromatolites (basically a kind of network of bacteria which have been around for a really long time...the island was one of the few places they could be found alive on Earth.) Cassie would also be along on the SCUBA expeditions I would be leading. She was a very interesting and stunningly beautiful girl. If I hadn't had a girlfriend, I'd have asked her out right there.
When we and the rest of the group finally got out of the airport and to our cheap hotel (cheap being a relative term in the Bahamas....) we settled in for the night. The entire group got up and, with a few stranglers, managed to make it to our charter flight to the smaller island in time. In a few hours we were at what was perhaps the world's smallest airport and cruised around the island to the research center. (Note: This was not a large island by any means, so the only people there were at a small resort, the few locals, or researchers. This will become important later.)
As soon as I got there I sent Haley an Facebook message telling her I got there, that I couldn't wait for her to come too, and that I had a big box of condemns waiting for her. Even as "staff," we had only one, 30 minute. block of time each day of rather limited internet access...and most of that time would be spent sending research data "home."
The first few days on the island were interesting. On the third night, we discovered that there was a bar about a mile's walk away from the research station. Fascinated, the professor organized an expedition to it, as the concept of a drinking age being more or less not a thing on the island caused EVERY single freshman, sophomore, and person who wasn't 21 signed up to visit this bar. It was my solemn duty to help the professor organize this exodus across the island, and thus, I had to stay sober. I was happy to see that Cassie would be accompanying the group to the bar.
That first night was rough. Believe it or not, it isn't easy shepherding 20 odd underclassmen of various ages, many of whom were from other schools, back from a bar is no easy task, especially when the professor you are supposed to be working for gets incredibly drunk. I was the only entirely sober person there, and only 5 or so people, including Cassie, were sober enough to help everybody else back. It turns out that when people under the age of 21 get the chance to drink legally...they drink WAYYYY to much. I was quite worried that I'd lose somebody as it was very dark (no streetlights), but somehow we managed to get everybody back in bed without anybody dying.
The next day was hilarious, as we had schedule our first open water dive training session for it. Now, trying to explain SCUBA diving to new people who only just got out of the training pools isn't easy in the best of times. Its significantly harder when more than half your "class" is massively hungover. All I can say is, thank goodness we weren't going off the boat on that first day. The only bright point was getting to see Cassie wearing a wetsuit, as NOTHING shows off a woman's curves like a wetsuit. Nobody died (which means it was totally a success) when we went into the water, I even managed to get a photo of the entire group underwater to document both the experience, and Cassie's hotness.
The next day everyone had sobered up as we had a simple 50 foot reef dive. This was an easy one, intended to ease the newbs into the experience and amaze them. It was from a boat, so I set our decompression line at 15 feet and the students dove in to do their assignment (they were supposed to document the coral...biologists right?) with their dive buddies while I hovered above them, making sure that everything was going OK. Now the professor was with me, but it is really hard to keep an eye on 20ish people when they're moving around and you can't shout to them. All that we had to keep everybody in proximity was a noisemaker which everybody was supposed to stay close to. When somebody went to far away, we blasted it, and everyone was supposed to check their position.
After about 15 minutes, I saw Cassie (I could tell it was her due to those sweet sweet curves) shoot up into a rapid assent. She obviously wasn't breathing out (no bubbles). For those of you who do not dive, this is a MAJOR no-no, as the air in your lungs will expand due to the pressure change. This can lead to serious injury or worse. Rapidly ascending, even from a relatively shallow depth can cause issues with decompression. You are supposed to ascend VERY slowly and generally stop at about 15 feet on the line for what's called a "safety stop." Cassie shot right past me and zipped to the surface MUCH to fast.
I ascended (much slower) after her. When I reached the surface, it was clear she was having an issue. Her vest wouldn't fully inflate and she was struggling to keep her head above water. I inflated mine fully, grabbed her, pulled her against me to keep her head above the water, then shoved my spare regulator (the thing you breath through) into her mouth (the water was quite choppy.) I removed my regulator and asked her what the problem was.
Apparently, somebody had only partially opened her valve and neither the DM, myself, or Cassie, who ultimately should have been the person checking, caught it. This caused her to get a LOT less air than she needed. I immediately opened the valve up and suddenly her vest was fine. I then yelled that we needed to go back down for safety reasons, made sure she understood, then hit the purge button, sending us both sinking again.
We stopped at 15 feet and stayed there on the decompression line for awhile until she calmed down. Everything was working fine. I grabbed my slate (basically a waterproof dry erase board) and asked her if she wanted to finish the dive at a shallow depth with me (her dive buddy had done a vanishing act.) She agreed. We blew off the rest of her tank at about 30 feet, hovering far above anything interesting, did another lengthy safety stop at 15, then got back in the boat.
Oddly enough, Cassie wasn't freaked out at all (I however, was freaking out enough for both of us.) She just calmly insisted that she wanted to dive with me from now on and promised to check her gear in the future. The professor was cool with this, provided that I also keep an eye on everybody. The entire class got back on the boat and we proceeded to have lunch and head to the next site.
Now, if you are a diver and reading this, you may officially call me stupid for the next part, because this was dumb as hell. My first dive with Cassie was near a more interesting area to about 60 feet. There were quite a few massive fossiliferous limestone blocks in the area. Cassie's assignment was to see what kind of sea-life was on the rocks.
Quite frankly, I got bored watching her and everybody else. I saw a swim-through that looked cool. I motioned for Cassie to follow me, and cruised through it. There was a massive cave with fish, eels, sponges, and a small shark. It looked awesome, so I motioned for Cassie to go inside with me. (Note: Its always a bad idea to go into any area in which you can't swim directly to the surface. The cave was huge though, so I figured that it didn't really matter. We weren't that deep. As we swum deeper and deeper into the cave we made a short turn. The cave got more narrow and quite dark, so I pulled out my light. (Cassie didn't have one as we weren't expecting a swim through.) After a few seconds, I looked around to see that the cave was suddenly pitch black. It finally dawned on me that this MIGHT be a bad idea. I grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her back with me. That second, my light died. So obviously, I turned on my secondary. As we start to head back, it too went out. Cassie and I held hands and swum blindly for what felt like an hour, but was probably about 5 seconds, until we saw light creeping into the cave. My heart has never pounded more heavily.
I'd love to blame my stupidity on narcing (nitrogen narcosis) but I'm pretty sure it was just me being a moron. lease note, this was a VERY stupid thing to do and you shouldn't EVER do that. Cassie didn't know enough about SCUBA to realize how stupid that was and made the "Ok" sign. We finished the dive easily enough and I NEVER did anything that stupid again...well, not for awhile at least.
When we got back on the boat she hugged me, which with her massive rack and wet-suit was a very sexy experience and thanked me for the "wonderful time." I sat with her at the cafeteria and she simply couldn't stop telling the entire class, especially her former dive buddy/roommate, a cute Asian girl named Christy about her awesome experience. Christy begged me to take her along the next time we dove. I figured...why the hell not.
After dinner I went to the building with the internet and sent a short Facebook message to Haley detailing the events of the day. I included a picture of the boat and a link to Cassie's Facebook profile. Then I went to work downloading everything we'd need for the next day. Before I logged off, I checked Facebook one last time, only to see Haley online having sent me the message:
"Yah, I know her. She's got a great rack. I don't ask for much. But, I really want to fuck those...I mean her. ;) You must be drooling."
I laughed and sent back the message:
"I've only got 3 mins of net time left tonight, but hello sweetie. Btw: Yes, she is very pretty. I doubt I'm the only one drooling. You're my girl though."
She wrote back: "I'm not drooling. I'm creepily masturbating to her profile's been a week since I've seen you and to long damn long since a chick. Same time tomorrow?"
I laughed heartily (that was just the sort of thing Haley would say) and signed off. Then I walked off to bed for the evening.
I served as Cassie and Christy's dive buddy and instructor for the next week and the one after that. I talked to Haley over Facebook every night at a certain time. A few days passed and I fell into an enjoyable pattern. Then, the professor decided to organize another excursion to the bar.
This time, I came prepared. I was ready. I had a flashlight, I had spare batteries, and I was pumped. I had even notified Haley to move our nightly Facebook chat back until our anticipated return time. Our class more or less took over and occupied the bar. Everyone was wearing t-shirts and shorts (it was much to hot, even at night, for anything else) but Cassie and Christy still managed to look hot. I had a single beer with them (local beer in the Bahamas is pretty good and VERY cheap) then Cassie let out a cry of "That's my song!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bar's small dance room.
She pushed me against the wall, placed my hands on her hips, and starting grinding her ass onto my cock in time to the music. Well...that was surprising...but very pleasant. As she shook against my groin, her butt rippled and shimmied all over me. She was really quite good at it and managed to get me really hard by rubbing her ass over all me.
It was obvious that Cassie felt it...because she bent over and shoved her ass onto me even more aggressively, moving in time to the music. I was now at "full staff" (I hadn't gotten laid in a while.) Just as my mind was starting to clear up from the arousal, she reached her left hand behind my neck, pulling it up until my head was pressed into her neck. With her right hand, she grabbed my hand off her hips and lifted it up, laying it to rest on her amazing and massive tit. Shocked, I lifted my other hand to grab her other breasts. I managed to give them one good squeeze before she pulled away, turned around, then stood up on her tip-toes to give me a peck on the lips.
Then, she walked out of the dance-room and the bar, leaving a ton of stunned underclassmen in her wake. I took about a minute to calm myself down after she left, then walked out to the main area of the bar. Neither Cassie or Christy was there, much to my surprise and disappointment. I almost left the bar to find them and figure out what the hell had just happened...but I realized that there were still a lot of drunk students. I did my job and stayed put to help them home. As soon as I got the back to the research station, I ran to Cassie's room to get some answers.
Now the doors at this place didn't lock for some reason and all rooms were shared. I just barged right into the room without knocking, only to walk in on Cassie and Christy going to town on one another. Cassie was perched on-top of Christy in the 69 position slurping away happily at her pussy. Her eyes found mine. She removed her mouth from Christy's pussy and said "Hi there CollegeExp." What happened next wasn't my finest hour...quite frankly I chickened out. I reopened the door and bolted to the computer room.
I arrived at the computer room and immediately hopped on Facebook. Despite the fact that I was a little late, Haley was still online. I messaged her and explained exactly what had happened and said that I felt terrible about it. She replied:
"CollegeExp, they were clearly trying to fuck you. Is she staying all summer"
I replied that yes, Cassie was, and that I was deeply committed to her (Haley). Haley answered "I'm flattered...I'd have been motorboating those tig'ol bitties of hers. It really means a lot that you told me about this. Next time though, you should just fuck the bitch. You know I wouldn't have mind."
She paused for a second, but the icon indicated that she was still typing. She concluded:
"Tell you what, fuck her, then inform her that your hot bisexual girlfriend has wanted to fuck those big tits for AGES.
I replied "You sure?" She replied. "Hell yes, I need another chick. Thanks for getting one. <3"
Well, that was interesting...particularly the little emoticon heart. I'd never seen her add one of those before.
For that next week or so, things were awkward between Cassie, Christy, and myself. I tried to breach the topic of conversation, but the moment was never right and Cassie always resisted By this point, I knew the routine pretty well. We went out diving again and the silence and awkwardness were virtually unbearable. That night, a small group of people elected to go to the bar again (those underclassmen had a problem.) To my happiness, and surprise, Cassie elected to go with them. As the group departed from the station I shouted "Cassie, wait up!" She stopped, and let the rest of the group go ahead of us. She was wearing a slightly moist (everything on that island was slightly moist) white t-shirt which did nothing to conceal her obvious blue bikini top.
Cassie small talked until the rest of the group was out of earshot, then I turned to her and said "So....last night." She shrugged and said "I'm sorry if I came on a little strong. I just like you a lot." I opened my mouth to reply, but she raised her finger to my lips and said "Shhh..." She continued "I know you've got a girlfriend and I really don't care. After-all, you two are supposed to be pretty kinky...and I kinda need a good experience right now."
"Why?" I asked.
I was answered with a very long-winded tirade. Apparently Cassie had just gotten out of a year long relationship with a long-term boyfriend, who had been dating and sleeping with another man without her knowledge. He had decided to “come out” publicly, and no longer needed the “cover” their relationship had provided him. She claimed to have had no idea he was gay. He had been quite religious and didn't want to "damn us both" by having sex with her. To put it mildly, she was furious with him as, in my opinion, she had every right to be. That was just about the cruelest thing I could think of. As we walked (remember, the bar was a LONG way away) I tried to be the good listener and asked for more details on her story.
She did a LOT of ex-bashing, and eventually concluded that she should have "known he was gay" as he turned down the offer to watch her without another girl. Then, Cassie looked at me expectantly. I merely smiled and said “I'm sorry I ran out. I thought I was embarrassing both of you. From what I saw, any guy who would turn down a show like that is insane. You two were drop dead gorgeous together.” She quieted down for a second, and informed me that she and Christy had a falling out after I came in and immediately left.
She then said "Well, I did get interrupted last night. Know anybody who could help me out?" After this obvious goad I subtly turned off the main road towards the limestone rocks that formed the beach. I smiled as she followed and said "Well, I talked to Haley last night and I know she'd love to be with you." We walked in silence to the top of a rock. There was no sound except for the crash of the waves against the moonlit beach, though I swear I could hear the gears in Cassie's head turning.
Finally, Cassie said "I'd like that. But she's not coming for a week right?" I confirmed this, and finished climbing up to a flat area on the rock to look out over the moonlit sea. I turned to Cassie and asked "So do you feel the need for something more immediate then? My girlfriend did just give me permission to fuck your brains out, as long as she gets to do it next"
She removed her t-shirt and said "Well, I think that's a win-win." Now, Cassie in a bikini is an incredible sight, and one that I'd become pretty familiar with over those last few weeks. Cassie REMOVING her bikini though.....that was a whole different ballgame. I cannot describe how beautiful it was, especially for a "tit guy" like me. I've always been partial to a nice pair, and Cassie's was simply amazing and surprisingly, weren't fakes. They were obviously massive, but also wonderfully rounded and surprisingly perky for their massive size. She climbed up to meet me, her massive rack bouncing in a most pleasing way. Cassie shoved her stunning chest put and said "Go ahead, you can touch them."
They were heavy and full in a way that just felt so very right in my hands. Her tits were amazing and massive (36 E!). I got down on my knees, placing my head at the same level as her breasts, and wrapped my lips around one of her nipples, wrapping my tongue around it while pinching her other one with my hand. She let out a groan of pleasure (she had very sensitive breasts.) I guided her to an appropriate flat rock, sat her down, and started playing with her breasts in the moonlight. It felt like we were the only people in the world (that island had pretty much nobody on it, and the rocks shielded us from the road.) She pulled off her bikini bottom and shorts as I groped her, pushing one of my hands down onto her, very wet, pussy. I was happy enough to comply with a request like that, so I slid my finger into her, and bent down to take a good look at her pussy.
It was, quite frankly, a gorgeous one. I swung her body around so that her legs were spread and her pussy faced out towards the ocean and was at the proper height. Then, I removed my shirt and placed it under my knees. I knelt between her legs and began to eat her out. She let out a moan, leaned back on her hands and arched her beautiful chest outwards (and let me tell you, there's nothing like seeing a nice pair of tits naked from below.)
I returned one of my hands to tend to her breasts, cupping them softly as my thumbs flicked across the tender nipples as the other, while my tongue experimented with the outside of her pussy. A strangled moan escaped her throat as she arched into my palms. "CollegeExp!" she cried when I began to alternate between the teasing pinch of my fingers and the warm wetness of my tongue. "Yeah, baby, just like that," Cassie keened. The breathless and passionate way my name rolled off her lips moments later drove me to move deeper into her. My fingers slid along her slit, playing over the smooth skin for a moment before plunging into her hot, wet center. She gasped at the contact, arching violently against my face and squeezing her eyes shut. With one hand still cupping her breast, the other sliding carefully into her tight pussy, and burying itself between her legs, it was obvious that she was pretty content. She squirmed above me, begging incoherently for me not to stop, never to stop.
She felt like liquid heat molding to my touch, burning with a deep desire I'd only previously felt in Haley and MAYBE Maddie. This was a girl who REALLY needed to get laid. Her body tightened around my finger and tongue as I pushed my tongue deep into her, trying to put just the right amount of pressure on her inner walls to make her groan while withdrawing my finger to flick her clit.
Cassie released a shrill cry and dug her fingers into my shoulders. "Fuck, yes!" she shuddered as I continued to stroke her inner walls with my tongue. Apparently, I grazed that secret spot within her, so her moans began growing louder with each sharp thrust of my tongue. That spot was just a LITTLE to deep to comfortably tongue it, so I withdrew and reinserted a pair of fingers. It wasn't long before I felt her walls tighten around them and she released a long, gasping moan. Her body jerked forward, her chest slamming into my head, screaming out my name in the throes of passion. I felt her convulse around my fingers and smiled. After-all, it was incredibly hot and if was THAT easy to get her to orgasm screaming...well, I could expect some reciprocity.
Once her swell of release ended, Cassie fell back onto the limestone outcrop, heaving for breath and flushed from head to toe. She was gorgeous, reclining on that rock in the moonlight. I kissed both of her tits, then her lips and whispered "Did you enjoy that?" She wrapped her arms around my neck. With her lips a breath from my ear, she whispered, "Yes. Can I assume you're a man who likes my big tits?"
I nodded frantically. "Well then," she continued: "I'm going to blow your mind." Cassie's lips curled up into a Cheshire grin as she knelt down on the t-shirt, motioning for me to sit down on the rock. Her hands came to rest against my bare chest, tracing slow circles as they inched their way lower. Her beautiful eyes remained locked on mine the entire time while her touch drifted down my stomach. I sucked in a ragged breath when her fingers began playing across my waistline. She was mere inches from my throbbing cock, not touching it, but the heat from her hands was already causing me to slowly lose control.
"Cassie," I moaned, struggling to stay focused. "Please…"
She simply smiled, her hands bypassing my groin entirely, trailing back down my legs and stopping at the knees. Then, they journeyed back up, nails scraping against the insides of my thighs causing me to gasp....JUST short of their intended target. I was completely at her mercy...and it was obviously turning her on.
Her hands traveled higher, fingers massaging the sensitive skin as she drew closer to my cock. My breathing rapidly turned ragged...evidently that gave her the final incentive to give me what we obviously both wanted.
Her bright red lips closed around my tip and causing me to buck wildly. It had been far too long since anyone had gone down on me and the feel of her warm mouth over my cock nearly pushed me over the edge. I stilled my hips in an effort not to gag her, and leaned back, my fingers trying to find purchase in the rock.
"Cassie!" I hissed, gritting my teeth as the pleasure of having her mouth latched over my pulsing cock. I literally close my eyes and saw stars when she lowered her free hand to cradle my balls, while her mouth and tongue bobbed up and down my shaft. There was only so much I could take, and I knew it wouldn't be long before she sent me over the edge.
Sensing she was about to push me too far, Cassie pulled back. With a gentle "pop", she released my cock from her mouth. "Look at me, CollegeExp." she whispered huskily. I opened my eyes slowly. She was staring at my cock with deepest desire she'd ever seen. Cassie knew exactly what she was doing. As soon as she had my attention, her head dipped lower, taking me further into the hot, wet depths of her mouth; before her tongue flattened along the underside as she moved back up.
She cupped her lips around my shaft's head, swallowing the first drops of pre-cum. I felt my balls swell up and knew I didn't have much longer.
Then, she stopped. The brief pause served to calm me down marginally then she whispered "So you claim to be a tit man right?"
I nodded in agreement frantically. She lowered her hand to massage my cock again and continued "So I'd imagine you like my pair then? I bet my rack really gets you going."
Again, I nodded. She continued the tortuously slow handjob saying "Well, do you know what turns me? Getting taken...getting fucked...having a hot guy or girl use me." She gave my cock an experimental kiss and said "I'd be interested in having a hot girl AND guy use me."
By that point, I managed to pull enough of my brain together (which was NOT easy) to ask "What precisely do you want?" She laughed and said "Melissa (the girl from the orgy) is one of my best friends. She's very happy with her new situation." I interjected "Seriously? She's basically Katie's bitch."
Cassie laughed and said "I'd wouldn't mind being somebody's bitch...provided I could find the right couple." Then Cassie straight up winked at me and increased the speed of the handjob. She continued "I'd like a leggy blond chick and a guy who gives good oral." I winked back and said "I'm sure Haley and I could accommodate you."
Cassie responded by stuffing as much of my cock as she could into her mouth and giving me one hell of a blowjob. Just as I was starting to get close to orgasm again she pulled back and paused the handjob again. She looked up at me, her mouth incredibly near my rock hard member, and asked "So, will you and Haley accept me as your bitch?" I nodded.
"Shouldn't there be some kind of ceremony? Some proof that you and Haley have taken me as your bitch?" she continued, obviously getting off about the concept. I replied, "I'm open to input." She gave me a few more experimental licks and said " seem to like my tits. How about you fuck them?"
She positioned my shaft between her massive rack, squeezing her tits together with both hands and locking her breasts around my cock. My cock was literally swallowed by her massive E cups. She thrust my engorged member between her boobs, picking up speed with every thrust, stopping only to give my cock the occasional lick or quick swallow to add a little bit of lubrication. Now, getting a titty fuck from a well endowed girl like Cassie is normally an amazing experience. Cassie however, REALLY knew how to use those massive tits of hers. The experience was nothing short of life-changing.
She would regularly look up from her "work" and whisper to me dirty things like "Do you like fucking these giant breasts?", "I can't wait to get this inside me," or even "Fuck your bitch's titties." The soft and bountiful flesh drowned and surrounded my entire cock; imprisoning me in between her monster mammaries. I felt every throb and every jolt sent through my cock as she bounced those big breasts violently and pumping my cock through the corridor of cleavage.
Soon the speed began to increase as she kneaded her orbs upward, desperately trying to coax the semen from me. I knew it wouldn't be long before she succeeded in milking me dry. I felt pressure and tightening of my balls begin to build and my muscles began to lock. The cum started to downright boiling in my balls, desperate for release....I stiffened and realized that I was about to go off. I warned Cassie, who promptly slowed down and said "Can your new bitch ask a favor?" I nodded.
Cassie blushed a deep shade of red and hurriedly said "Can you finish on my face? I've always really wanted to try'd be appropriate." Well, that's not the kind of offer you turn down.
I had Cassie get me lubricated, then straddled her as she sat on her knees. Her face was maybe about six or so inches below my cock. She wrapped both her hands around it, and pumped, staring up at it like she was drowning and it was a life preserver. I was right on the edge...but she simply wasn't going fast enough to push me over.
Then, she said "Come on, I want that big load" and gave my cock one last lick...that was enough...the dam burst. I shouted a warning and grabbed my cock with both hands as she leaned back. I gave it one last pump, and then the waterfall of cum began. I hadn't gotten laid or sucked off in a a direct result...there was a LOT of cum. Cassie closed her eyes and opened her mouth as the deluge started to fall on her face, neck, and tits...I just kept pumping away, producing more of the white fluid. Since I was hovering over her, the vast majority of it ended up on her face, or the very large target that was her tits. It was truly an incredible sight seeing such as sexy girl, just sitting there, getting completely covered with my cum on a beach under the moonlight.
I helped Cassie down to the water (she didn't want to open her eyes as they were kinda covered) and helped her clean up. She opened up her eyes again, cleared off her face, grabbed my hand, and dragged me back to shore.
We went back to the same rock and just sat there...naked...for a few minutes. "CollegeExp" she whispered huskily. I looked over at the intense pools of her eyes and her beautiful face, illuminated by the moon and it felt like I was staring at one of the deepest desires I'd ever seen (Cassie was a very intense person.) She leaned over, and captured my lips in a searing kiss.
My hands reached out to cradle her hips, so she inched her way up to straddle my thighs. I grabbed my wallet and handed her the condom I'd brought along for just such an emergency. She put it on me, keeping her gaze locked on mine until she was perched above my straining (and bundled up) cock. She reached down between our bodies and guided me into her entrance.
For a moment we simply stared at each other, my cock pressing into her, both of us breathing heavily in anticipation of what we knew was coming. She rolled her hips around, obviously trying to get a feel for me. Then, finally, she sank down onto me.
Cassie groaned desperately as she clenched her teeth and adjusted to the fullness. "It feels so good having you inside me," Cassie moaned once our hips were joined. arms circled her waist, one crawling up her back until it was tangled in her hair while the other spread over her ass, cupping the soft, delicate flesh.
Our mouths met again for a kiss, all teeth and tongue and lips. Then, I started moving with her. She gasped, and her eyes squeezed shut. With each gentle thrust I could feel her surrounding me. I locked my arms, pulling her tightly to me, and managed to roll her over so that I was on top top. Once I had better leverage, I began to pump into her again. With every stroke, we both groaned. Normally, I have issues with sex when wearing a condom (it just doesn't feel nearly as intense) but Cassie had a way of being a hell of a lay even with one (not as good as Haley obviously.) My body pressed to hers as I moved my hands, reverently, along her naked flesh. They stopped at her magnificent breasts, squeezing them softly with every thrust.
"Oh, god, yes!" Cassie moaned as our pace accelerated and the rhythm drew closer and closer to completion. I felt her nails scrape my back, sinking into the hard flesh of my bicep, as she let out a downright scream. I felt her convulse (numbed by the condom of course), then that wonderful ache of their impending orgasm drew near. I knew it wouldn't be long before I caved. "CollgeExp!" she sharply cried, her fingers digging into my arms as her back bowed in ecstasy. Her clenching muscles swiftly carried me over the edge as well and I went off again with a feral growl, exploding within the condom. Her body pulsated once more until she dropped back onto the limestone, completely spent. I pulled out, and fell forward next to her a moment later.
Both of us lay there, under the stars in the tropic heat with nobody else around for a long time without speaking. Then Cassie simply said "Wow..."
I agreed "Yah...that was pretty intense." She looked over at me, smiled, and said "Haley is a very lucky girl. I can't wait to fuck her too."
I smiled back and said "I'd be happy to arrange that." Then, I glanced at my watch....hours had passed. "We should go," I said. "They're probably wondering what happened to us."
We walked the short distance back to the research station in no time at all, in more or less complete silence (though obviously, we put some clothing back on.) Upon our return, it became obvious that the drinking gang wasn't back yet. Still however, our absence had been noted.
As we walked passed the professor, she asked "Where have you two been? I heard you bailed on the alcoholics?"
I simply replied "Swimming." She winked at Cassie and I and replied "For almost two hours? Is that why you're all wet?" She was taking great pleasure in making us very uncomfortable and could no longer hide her smirk.
I walked Cassie back to her room, then went to use the internet before it went off for the night. Haley, surprisingly, was still on Facebook.
As soon as I logged on she messaged: “So did you tap that ass?…Was it as good as it looks?” I replied somewhat nervously that, yes I had, and that it was. (At the time, I wasn't fully aware of just how into other women Haley is basically a fetish for her.)
“Well, I can't WAIT to visit then and try those...I mean her...out for myself!" I sent a little smily emoticon back and said "I appreciate the trust. You'll always be my girl."
Haley replied "Indeed. She seems great...but she doesn't know that I've won already....Now its just a matter of showing her who the boss is, fuck her brains out, and make her our personal fuck toy. See you both soon. ;)"
I smiled, told her goodnight, and logged off the computer. I couldn't wait for Haley to come to the research station. But sadly, her arrival with have to wait until part that's another story.
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