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[MF] She had a beast inside that needed to be tamed | 2016
You can find some of my older adventures on my blog here, of which the text below is from the most recent.
Well this was an eventful foray into one of my favorite parlors of Lisbon. I had seen a woman whom I hadn't enjoyed a massage with for quite a long time. She'd taken a break, but still acted as a receptionist to greet clients at the parlor. We always took a moment to chat and catch up whenever I came by. Very sweet and talented lady. I had mentioned her in a previous post long ago as the woman who had a strict no sex policy. But her massage was so great that I had to take the opportunity to see her again. Finally, after ages, I called in to find out that she has resumed practicing.
My massage was scheduled and I arrived to her beautiful smiling face. A mature woman with a radiant glow to her expressions. She is very petite with a smooth grace about her movements as she kissed me on the cheeks then guided me to the sofa where I sat down. She sat across from me to draw some understanding before we proceeded. "Now, as you know I don't offer sex. So I wanted to make sure you understood before we moved on". "Sure, a massage is fine for me". Maybe the women think all men just want sex and don't recognize the value of a really great full body massage. There are plenty of places to go and get a blowjob at some park late at night for half the price. The sex isn't really the best part of the experience. What is a cake without frosting? How can you enjoy a warm summer nights sky without the stars? To those who have never experienced the difference it doesn't matter, but to those who have it's all you come to expect. The margins between good sex and bad sex are much smaller than the margins between a good massage and a bad one. Bad sex is often times still pretty good. There's nothing good about a bad massage, and there's nothing quite like a good one. Many of the women in this city are exceptional, and you need to enjoy them while they're around. After our intentions were clear she grabbed my hand and led me to the room where I knew I was in for something good, but I didn't realize how good.
I walked into the beautiful spacious room. Candles, soft music, dimmed lights. I like this room as it has risque portraits adorning the walls. A bit of a preview of sorts. I hopped into the shower to get prepared and she set up the tatami, bowl of oil resting above a tea candle, and slowly undressed. I really enjoy watching all the preparations before the massage starts during the shower. When I stepped out of the shower she scurried over to grab a towel and helped to dry me off. She asked that I lay down for a few moments and she would return. She came back and offered me a bottle of water which was welcomed as the heater warmed the room up quite a bit.
She started on my legs with longs strokes using her hands while intermittently switching with her forearms to iron out my calves. Some people forget about the feet, but she didn't miss a spot. Pulling and massaging between each toe. She moved onto the arms next, and she has a really fun technique after massaging up and down the length of my arm. Gently she glides my hand around so it's palm up resting on my lower back. She then dips down and presses my hand against her breast while using her shin to continue massaging my legs in a beautiful balancing act. After that she tends to my palm and each individual finger. softly tugging and rubbing between each knuckle. She's very meticulous. After the other arm she positioned herself sitting on my back, and it was a bit of a surprise because of her cold bottom. Rubbing her firm naked butt repeatedly across my back quickly warmed up the situation. I turned my head to the left where I could now see her in the mirror. She reached over to grab the bowl of warm oil and poured some of it down her chest until it dripped all the way onto my lower back. Using her whole body she started sliding up and down my entire back with her chest pressed against it, with her shins once again balancing her slide across my legs. A technique which I loved was using her chin to massage the area around my neck and middle of the back.
After we were both warmed up and totally covered in oil she then slid back up and put her lips next to my ear whispering "you can turn over now". Just a few of my favorite words thrown together. Of course I'm sturdier than an sunflower stem at this point and she's not shy to take notice. I leaned back and closed my eyes as she slide her warm hand up my inner thigh until reaching a handful of my balls.Turning her hand upside down and massaging strongly below my bag of treats, which made me grow even harder and throb with each motion. She continued while embracing my shaft with the palm of her other hand. My mind is in wonderland as she's caressing my most sensitive parts until I could feel some pre-cum dripping from the top and mixing into the motions of her hand.Then a new sensation came over my cock and I couldn't believe it. She had started giving me a blowjob. I was a little nervous at this point for some unknown reasons, as if it was my first time, but it just felt so unexpected. I tilted my head up to take a peek only to find out that my mind, and cock, had deceived me. She had my yankee doodle wedged against her neck clasped shut between her cheek and shoulder while she motioned up and down. I was at a loss for the moment and couldn't help but smile. I was impressed, slightly disappointed, surprised, confused, and excited all at once. She released me from this grip and used her cheek and chin to continue massing my cock with her face all while looking into my eyes. She has absolutely beautiful eyes and it was intoxicating to see her work. She switched to the other side, and I laid in amazement experiencing something that I'd never even thought possible; or would have assumed the pleasure it could provide.
She moved from between my legs and positioned herself atop me. Turning around to lay her butt on my groin facing away from me. She continued to play with me, and tease me with her hands. I reached out and grabbed her waist just above her hips and started to caress her slim body back and forth with my hands to the same motions she used for me. Without notice she swiveled around once again so that she was facing me. Reaching around behind her back she pushed my cock between her ass cheeks while jerking my head slowly. Most of what had occurred since I flipped over was far beyond what had happened when I met with her two years prior. It's a dangerous territory because you don't want to go too far and break past someones idea of what's acceptable. I couldn't help myself in this moment though, and I made slow movements to grab her waist again. Looking for signs that I may be crossing a line. Her pussy was pressed against my pelvis and she sat straight up with both hands behind her back to grab my cock double fisted. I was beyond turned on at this point and she gave me just enough room below her to start thrusting my dick between both her hands. I watched her tits bouncing up and down with the rest of her body as I started to forcefully pound and grind against her. With moments where she would drop down on top of me and grind her pussy back and forth into my pelvis all while my throbbing meaty cock is still in her hands. What an extraordinary woman to combine the strength, balance, and flexibility to perform these stunts. I could tell she was really starting to enjoy herself as much as I was, and I'm still clueless as how this all came to be. She stopped, and so I stopped. I must have fucked up. This was too much, and I went to far, and this was not okay. I'm waiting for her to say it, and I can't believe I lost control in the moment. I must have misinterpreted cues. It happens everyday in minor things but you don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, and I may have just slaughtered it. She leaned into me while catching her breath. This had already been quite a workout for her. She had a dire look in her eyes and I was prepared to apologize until she asked softly, "Do you.. mind if I grab a condom?". "Uh, no, of course not". What. The. Fuck.
No other words were spoken. Sure, lots of thoughts came across my mind, but as a guy who has ruined a lot of potentially great moments by opening my mouth - I've learned when to shut up. Now was one of those times. She began to transform from this point. I was meeting someone entirely new for the first time. With it this new uncertainty, eroticism, and surprise taking me to new heights of ecstasy. She crawled over to a drawer and pulled out a condom ripping it apart without hesitation. She dropped the trap onto her prey wrapped her lips around the tip and rolled the condom down with her mouth until I hit the back of her throat.Unfortunately she had only made it halfway down which I found a bit humorous. She rolled the rest down with her hand and began sucking and jerking me aggressively. Taking breaks from the shaft to drop down and tug on one of my nuts with her wet lips. She reached reached down and started rubbing herself, "I'm already so wet". She straddled back on top of me once again, but this time guiding me inside her while I gripped her thighs. As she slid down her transformation was complete. She unleashed a wild animal that that would spend the next moments pushing my limits.
She didn't seem to need or want any warm up. Re-positioning herself onto her feet and with me still inside her she put both hands on my stomach for balance. She began to hammer down on my cock with each thrust increasing in force. I was in a state of disbelief. She wanted everything, and I'm no small task to complete. Not to be out done I grabbed her ankles to meet her force with my own. The unmistakable sound of two people intertwined with one another grew so loud that anyone within distance would either be alarmed, or jealous. My pelvis began to hurt, and she became more vocal. "Yes, fuck me. Don't stop". I've never really been in physical pain during sex until now. She was really hammering down on me with no regard for my well being. But I wasn't going to let a wild mare run circles around this cowboy. I grabbed her waist and pulled her back down onto her knees, never releasing the dock. Now she's trapped in a position where I have more leverage. With my arms gripped tightly around her back and her chest pressed close to mine. My hips were on fire and not in a good way, but she needed to be punished. I really fucking thought that. Never during a sexual romp did I think "holy fuck, she tried to kill me. I better try to kill her back". This day was reaching some new plateaus in rapid succession. With her ass in the air, my knees cocked, feet firmly planted on the floor, I began to rail against that ass as hard as I could. I wanted her to beg for mercy. I wanted anyone within earshot on the side of jealously to huddle next to those in horror. It grew far louder as her ample bottom resonated strongly against my wide hips. I was relentless in my resolve. Loosening my grip around her back only to slide my hands down her hips onto her ass. I squeezed her cheeks tightly allowing me to apply more pressure with each thrust. I drew my hand back and swung is against her cheek releasing that recognizable sound of a slap cracking through the air. "Yes! Fuck me like I'm you're little slut!". What the fuck did she just say?
I had never been with a vocal woman outside of the usual primal sounds of sex. I was caught off guard. "Yeah..?", was all I could mutter while trying to catch small breaths between strokes. "Yea, I'm your slut fuck me". There was no consideration for anyone's inconvenience. This was a loud affair. I took my hands off her ass and placed one on her lower back with my other grabbing a handful of her hair and a slight tug. I looked her in the eyes and through gritted teeth, "You like that big fucking cock don't you whore?". "Yes, fuck me. Fuck me harder". I couldn't have possibly fucked her any harder. In fact I was on the brink of full mechanical failure. This was too much too fast too soon, and now I'm throwing some really uncharacteristic lines from my mouth at a woman who was absolutely not going to have sex with me about forty-five minutes ago. In a stroke (or a hundred) of luck she leaned back onto her feet and balanced herself with her hands behind her on my thighs. Thank god because I was about to collapse in my own pool of sweat and that would have been really embarrassing. This was a competition now. There's no stopping until somebody cums or breaks down completely. Thankfully in this new position she didn't have the same leverage. I enjoyed a nice view of my cock disappearing into her shaved pussy while she moans "It's so good", throwing her head back every so often. I had some time to rest and collect myself, but it wasn't as if the event were winding down. The battlefield was officially set at this point. Boundaries were drawn. Weapons were chosen. The skirmish was over, and it was time for someone to reign victorious.
Finally recovering my composure I decided to finish this. I grabbed her hips with force to stop her and said "Turn around". With a silent understanding she unmounted me to crawl on all fours into position. There was a large mirror against the wall stretching the length of the tatami, and in tandem with both glanced over to see ourselves as I kneeled behind her. Both with grins shining through the fiery glow of candles amongst the dark. I slid inside her pussy easily as it was soaking wet with a mix of pussy juices and the oil which had been traded back and forth between our bodies. She let out a light grunt and dropped her face to the mat with her hands gripping the side of the tatami. Still feeling the soreness in my pelvis I figured it would be rude not to return her the same vigor she unleashed upon me from the onset. The beast needed to be tamed, and now she was in my power position. I started my thrusts slow until I was filling the inside of her completely. I could feel the back of her pussy at the height of each thrust. With a pause I leaned down closer to her asking "Whose pussy is this?". "It's yours" she murmured back. I grabbed her hair again and repeated the question with more authority, "Whose pussy is this?", as I tugged on the grasp of hair. She swung her head to the side for clearance emphatically crying out, "It's your fucking pussy". "Good girl" I responded while moving my hands to a firm grasp around her hips. I began stroking forcefully harder until every thrust met with her cervix. I enjoyed watching her hands scrambling about in search for any edge to grip. I was unforgiving and took the opportunities to break from my grip and slap her ass with an open palm between strokes every so often, which induced garbled grunts of "Yes!" from her. She released one of her hands from it's clench and relocated it below herself. Rubbing her pussy while I continue by barrage from behind. Sweat was dripping heavily from both our bodies and it became difficult to balance on the mat during such heated warfare. Though it was not time to diminish the conflict. She grew vocal again while vigorously rubbing her clit still kneeling over with one hand clamped on the end of the mat. "Yes. Keep fucking me. It's your pussy. It's all yours. Don't stop". I couldn't help but oblige her. I continued the assault as her moans grew louder once again signaling to those nearby a display of raw passion was nearing the climacteric ending. She began to shake and slamming her ass against my pelvis once again with a final long winded moan of completion that peaked and dipped until subsiding in sync with my thrusts. Until nobody had a movement left to spare. I took a short moment to slide my hands all the way up her back and squeezed her shoulders before releasing and sliding myself out of her. I was soaking wet and collapsed onto the towel laying next to her. I took in deep heavy breaths and recognized for the first time how light headed I was, and wondered how much longer I could have lasted. It didn't matter though. I had won. I tamed the beast inside her that was unleashed upon me, but it was a pyrrhic victory at best.
She recognized that I hadn't reached a similar state of satisfaction as her. Well, not in the traditional sense. I had felt rather accomplished even without climaxing. She reached over to a bag nearby and pulled out some moist wipes. She used them to remove the condom and cleaned my cock and groin while I laid back in recovery. After getting me in a slightly cleaner condition she leaned down and started sucking my cock with the same intent and passion that she fucked me. The damage had been done though. I could barely feel anything and it was clear to me that I couldn't cum at this point. My dick was almost totally numb. That didn't stop me from letting her try her best though. Her mouth and tongue were as meticulous with the massage as her hands. Drawing from the tip after unsuccessfully trying to throat the whole pole her tongue guided her face down to my balls dutifully cleaning up any remnants of her pussy juices and oil missed by the towelette. She spent some time down there sucking and massaging my balls with her mouth and teasing my taint with her tongue all the while stroking my cock. The view was beautiful and she made sure to glance up at me every so often while continuing to work. At one point she leaned up to say "I really love sucking these balls". I placed my hand on the side of her face and started to clean some of the spit from her lips with my thumb while blurting out "You're a good little whore, aren't you". That was immediately met with a playful look of disapproval. Whoops. We are no longer in the moment, and the line has been moved back.
I finally started to motion that I'm getting up, and we had reached the end of our time together. I grabbed an unused towel nearby to clean up some of the sweat while she tried to bring order to the mess we had made. She headed for the shower in the room, and after that I took my turn to clean off the wonderfully filthy mixture that covered my body. She had left the room while I was mid shower and returned by the time I finished dressing myself. I was still floating through surprised euphoria of the events that had taken place. She had a giggling nature to her voice as she explained the other girls heard everything from their office on the other end of the hallway. Hopefully we didn't disturb anyone else who was hoping for a relaxing massage in one of the other rooms. It was a bit of an awkward ending for me as I tried to apologize if I had overstepped any boundaries or disrespected her but she seemed to bat my concerns off to the side. "I really needed that today, thank you" she whispered into my ear while giving me a hug and some kisses on the cheek. I had overstayed my appointment by almost half an hour, so it was time to finish the goodbyes and part ways.
I saw, I conquered, but I never came :)
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