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My Birthday Surprise (F)fro(M) (M)y Wi(F)e | 2016

Okay, so this is kind of a follow up post to what happened on our Anniversary

This is a long but great story So I was at work yesterday and noticed that my wife had left me a voicemail asking to call her back. I stepped out of the office and made the call. She picked up and yelled " Happy Birthday!" I smiled and said thanks! She asked what I wanted to have for dinner. I told her that I was hoping to have some steak. She said she would go to the market and pick some up to make for me. She then told me to hold on because she was getting another call. I waited for about 30 seconds before she came back on. She sounded a mix of excited and rushed. I asked her if everything was okay? She said everything was fine and that she would see me when I got home. Right before she hung up I heard the sound of what sounded like porn in the background. I didn't think much of it since i know she watches it when she misses me. My work day was finally over. I was walking out to the car when I got a text on my phone . It was a picture of my wife topless putting my steak on the table. I smiled and started walking faster to my car. Then it hit me . She wasn't holding the camera that took the picture. I got in my car and called her back. She picked up after about 6 rings and greeted me with a soft hello. I asked what she was doing. She said nothing for a while when started to just giggle a bunch. She then said that she has a surprise waiting for me when i got home and hung up.

I drove up to the house. All the lights were on. I parked and walked up to the front door and entered. I saw the plate that my wife was holding in the picture on the table with a note on the side. I sat down and read the note. I said " Hello love, I made this for you, I hope you like it" I didn't think much of it but still was thinking about the picture. I was about finished when the lights in the kitchen turned off. The kitchen gets really really dark due to there being only one window in corner that looks into the next house. I get up and feel my way across the room and finally find the light switch. When the light came on I saw my wife's head peeking around the door that leads to the living room. She smiled and asked how dinner was. I told her it was great, I told her it was funny turning out the lights. She smiled again and told me that I was supposed to sit in the dark longer so she could do something. I asked what? She just smiled and asked me to sit back down.

I did as I was told and sat down. The lights turned back off and I sat there for what seemed like several minutes. I then heard my wife behind me. She started rubbing my shoulders and kissing my neck. I was about to get up when she pushed me back into my seat and told me to stay seated. I did as I was told and then i felt the blindfold slip on. I was then guided up and walked around in circles for a minute. I started to feel a little dizzy when we started walking into one of the other room. I could hear the TV on and what sounded like our couch springs squeak a bit. I was about to take off the blindfold when I felt my hands being tied up behind me with what felt like a silk tie. I played along and let her do it. I then feel my pants being taken off, feeling warm breasts against my legs. I hear the TV get a little bit louder, she decided to put porn on. I then feel her hands wrap around my ass as she takes me into her saliva filled mouth. I am instantly hard, her mouth gliding back and forth on my cock. I feel her suddenly suck really really hard and then feel her shutter She doesn't stop going , but she is getting more intense. I feel my blindfold being pulled off from behind me. I was very confused while this was happening.

Once the blindfold was removed I look down to see my wife blowing me while slamming her ass back on a double sided dildo that was connected to one of her girlfriends. I almost came when I realized what was happening. She took me out of her mouth and asked me if I like my gift. I was too amazed to speak. The only thing I could say was um... yeah! She smiled and then spit on my cock jerking me off. Her hips were powering back against the other woman's ass. The sound of them colliding was orgasmic. I then saw a man go in front of the other woman as she was doing the same thing to him. We did this for about 10 minutes when I hear my wife tell the other woman, " Alright, time to spin" Without getting up they rotated on the floor and switched places. Now my wife was sucking this other guy off while this woman gave me what I can argue as the sloppiest blowjob I have ever received. She was deep throating me really hard. I could see spit coming from the sides of her mouth and dripping down her chin. I was in awe.

Both women then stopped and got up. My wife had listened to me when we were shopping for lingerie. She was wearing a purple corset, black thye highs, white heels, and black crotch less underwear. The other woman ( let’s call her Susan) was wearing crotch less fishnet leggings, high heel boots, and a tiny neon green micro bikini that was barely covering her 38 D tits in. Susan's boyfriend (Mike) was grabbing lube out of a bag and threw a tube over to me. Susan tugged me down and mounted me quickly. My wife was watching Susan bounce on my cock for a while, then decided to sit on my face. I was doing everything I could not to cum. After a new minutes Susan flipped over on all fours. I slid inside her dripping we pussy and proceed to give a fantastic pounding. Out of nowhere, my wife appears underneath Susan. Susan starts moaning loudly as my wife eats her out as I fuck her. Mid pull my wife yanks my dick out and starts sucking it. Again somehow managed not to cum. Mike then comes over to my wife's side and starts plowing her. The four of us were a giant ball of hot sex. The women could tell we were close to finishing. My wife then lifts my cock out of her mouth and puts it right into Susan's ass. I lasted about 2 more minutes until I came so hard I felt like I emptied a milk jug though my balls. Mike then sat my wife up and did the same to my wife. All I could see from my view was a rouge drops shoot over her head and onto Susan's tits. My wife turned around and looked like somebody had thrown cake batter at her face. She rubbed it all over her tits while licking what she could from around her mouth.

We all lay down on the carpet and catch our breaths. My wife comes over to me and asks if I liked it. I couldn't stop grinning. Mike and Susan left about an hour later. She still won’t tell me where she found them.