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NYE teasing (MF) | 2016

So I have written about the threesome experience I had and the a lot of you have asked me to write my other experiences with the couple. Link above. I have had 2 more "encounters" with them but his is a story of what happened last night. I'm feeling a little ashamed to tell my friends about it...I will eventually. Until then, you guys will know first.

Also apologies for gramma and spelling errors. I'm typing this on my phone haha.

So if you read my previous story you will get a jist of what I look like. Anyways, this all started at a post semester/ Christmas party/ birthday party. My friends I decided to have a joint celebration of several events before we all left for the holidays. The party started at a friends house and then we went dancing after. Most of the people in the group were couples or had a significant otherswho wasn't there. Me and another girl where the only single people at this party.

So we left the house in 2 uber xls. I sat in back of the van with a friend let's call him Jack. He is a thinish tallish white guy and his gf was out of town. I had never really thought of him as anything more than a friend and I still don't but this is the night the set everything in motion. It was cold and being a girl I had said fuck it to a jacket because I didn't want to deal with it at the club. I sit close to him shivering and told him I was cold. He naturally put his hand around me and pulled me close to him and his other hand began rubbing up and down my thigh. I was wearing short skirt so he was basically touching skin. The ride was about 15 min and at the beginning of the ride it was an innocent act. A friend warming up another friend. A few minutes into I snugged in closer and his hands started rubbing further up my thighs. My skirt wasn't tight, it was a short flirty round skirt so he easy slid him hands up my thighs.

We would break apart if a good song came on and we would dance and sing along with everyone else in the car but he would pull me back and I would snuggle back in. As we were getting close to club I was getting really turned on and I knew the multiple rum drink I had at the house where already affecting my judgement.

We get to the club, it's a group of us so we are all dancing together. He and I start dancing. He was dancing behind me and there was a respectable distance at the beginning. As the night went on that space was no longer there. He pulled me away to go get a drink and we don't make it to the bar. We get lost on crowd and started dancing again. This time we were away from our friends so he got a lot more handsy. He was dancing behind me with his hands on my hips pulling me closer to his crotch. Rum makes me really horny and now this...I was turned on and was completely caught up in the moment. I was grinding my ass into him and his hand moved to my chest. I was wearing a crop top with no bra so he slid his hand into my top. He started squeezing my breasts and pulling on my nipples as much as my top would allow. His other hand moved to my crotch. He was rubbing me through my skirt and I was losing it. I moved my ass to the music and he followed my lead. His phone started buzzing and he ignored it but I kept buzzing. That's when I realized our friends where probably looking for us.

I turn around and tell him let's go back to everyone and I didn't want to get him in trouble. We go back to our friends no drinks in hand and I go to dance with the girls. A little while after he tells me that he should go because he doesn't want to get in trouble again. The rest of the night was fun still but I was so turned on from what had happened. The next morning, the events of the night before come back to me and I felt so bad and guilty. I text him apologizing if I put him a weird position. He texted back immediately and he said no it's cool and not worry about it. So I didn't.

Fast forward to last night. Another friend was hosting a NYE party and I arrived and started catching up with friends. I didn't know he was invited too since we really hadn't spoken since. So he walks in and I can tell he is tipsy because he the guys pre gamed before the party. I say hello and don't pay him much attention. I start drinking rum and had several shots of tequila. My girlfriends and I were dancing to music and slapping each other asses...typical drunk girl behavior. I could see him looking at us dancing and I just smiled at him.

We took group pictures and somehow he was standing behind me with his hand gripping my hip bone pulling me into his crotch. I'm shorter than him and there were other girls in front of me while we posed for pictures so I stood on my tip toes...he sunk down a little and we were aligned perfectly. I was so nervous that our friends might notice but they were drunk and were all packed tightly trying to fit into a picture I figured they wouldn't notice. This made the situation much hotter. I stuck my ass out into him and moved it subtlety to give him more friction and he gripped my hip bone tighter and he pushed into me harder. I kept doing moving subtlety and I could feel his uneven breathing on my neck. The idea of turning him on by such a simple act turned me on even more.

After the ball dropped the living room turned into a dancing room with lights dimmed. Just like at the club everyone was dancing with each other and once again he and I started dancing. The house had multiple music rooms so we left the living room and went to a study that was playing hip hop and rap mostly. There were other people there but not too many and the lights were off with just the glow of the hallway light. We started dancing...his hands gripping my hip bones, my ass moving to the beat, him following my lead. I was wearing a tight skirt with a loose top and no bra once again. I have a C cup so with certain clothes I can get away with not wearing a bra. At one point we were the only ones in the study and he moved his hands from my hips and one went under my shirt and the other went into my skirt. I was wearing a thong I heard him say fuck under his breath and he went into my panties and straight to my clit. He started massaging my clit and his other hand was aggressively squeezing my breast and pushing himself into me and me pushing myself into him with the pleasure and deliciousness of it all. We heard people coming up the stairs so I pulled his hands from my panties casually walked to phone to "dj". This went on on and off until friend asked to come down stairs for a girls picture. After that people some people started leaving to catch the last train. I live a 15 min walk from my friends house so I decided to leave with the train group so I can get walked home and not have to walk alone late at night. He of course offered to walk me home and I didn't complain.

We get to my apt I'm at the front door of the building, I thank him for walking me home and I he was like can I get get a kiss...he pauses...and says again, can I get a kiss on the check. I said sure so he kisses me on the check and he doesn't leave we are staring at each other and I said fuck it in my mind and give him a quick peck on his lips. I turn around to open the door and he turns me back around pushes me into against the door and starts kissing me hard, in a needy lustful way. It caught me off guard because up to this point we hadn't actually kissed. We had touched, grinded into each other, and nothing more.

I of course kiss him back and got swept up into the moment. He kissed me hard and unlike on the dance floor where he followed the movement of my ass m, this time he was in charge and I was following his lead.

He reaches down to the hem of my skirt and pulls it up and he grabs my ass pulling me close to him. This all happened so fast and it felt so good my hands were around his neck holding on for dear life. He pushes the strings of my thongs aside and plunges a finger into my pussy. My thong was soaked at this point and I was wet beyond belief because of all the teasing that had happened all night. I break for air and whispered in his ear more. He put in another finger into my dripping pussy and started playing with my clit. I go back to kissing him had pulling and sucking on his tongue.

There I was in front of my apt building at 2am with cold air breathing on my pussy. Cold fingers in my pussy and my clit was hard and being rubbed the most delicious way.

I move my hand to his crotch and start rubbing him above the jeans. All a sudden we hear a car honking and people screaming "wooooo". He steps back immediately and we look at each other and he says, "I have to go." I don't fight him on it. I take my keys out of my jacket and I can't put them in the key hole because I'm so turned on from what had happened my brain couldn't focus. He takes my keys opens my front door and I walk in and he leaves.

I get into my apt and start crying because I was drunk and I had just helped a guy cheat on his gf. I'm not friends with his gf in any capacity and I don't I hate her. If he had been dating A close friend things wouldn't have escalated the way they did. Though we didn't have sex this is one of the hottest, most raw and lustful encounter I have ever had. I think we were both really horny and gave each other attention we each needed.