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King's Cup Turned Threesome: Bibles, Blood, Lauren's Incredible Breasts [F/F/M] | 2016
I wake up with my face smashed into a pillow. Pushing my chest up with my arms in an up-dog position, I look about… finding myself smack dab in the middle of two other sleeping people. And then I notice the blood. Oh shit. Blood fucking turns me on like nothing else, so seeing this random tan muscular guy’s back covered in slashes (shallow ones, just deep enough to draw a bit of blood) really turns me on. As I crane my neck to exam the state of the rest of the room and determine where I am, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I move my hand to it and feel bite marks. What the fuck did I get up to last night?! And then, underneath the large breasts (We’re gonna have a conversation about these breasts later, I promise) of the blonde girl next to me, I see a bible. Oh for fucks sake, of course there is a bible.
The girl moves a bit and I see the face of my friend, Lauren, and realize that it’s her bed that I am in. Its suddenly a deja vu to the first week of school, waking up in a bed with her and another friend. Except that time we were clothed. Looking at the guy again, I see its another of our friends, Tim. And it all kinda hits me. King’s cup last night turned into a threesome- go figure.
If you want the context, continue reading! If you wanna skip right to the sex, scroll down. It’ll be labeled. Though, personally, I think the context is the most amusing part.
Context: This was within the first few months of my freshman year of college. I was 18. There are pictures of my body somewhere on my reddit, but basically I’m 5’5” and was about 115lbs at the time, blondish-brown hair, C-cups. My most commented-on feature is definitely my ass, without question. Sadly, it’s not in a great position for me to see so I can’t really remark on it further. At this point in the year, Lauren and I were pretty good friends, as close as you could be for it only having been a couple months. She’s blonde, blue-eyed, 5’9” or so with D-cup breasts, very thin, not much ass. Her breasts. Oh man. I promise we will get to them, just hold on.
Within the first week of school, she had hooked-up with Tim’s freshman-year roommate, Carlos, and lost her virginity to him. He didn’t know that. Immediately after that incident though, she realized that Carlos was kinda a misogynistic prick and wasn’t planning on sleeping with him again. He got strangely possessive of her right away and everyone was weirded out.
A week later at a party, Tim mentioned that he was interested in Lauren, and he didn’t really care about how Carlos felt about it. Shortly after, Tim and Lauren and I had a wild adventure on shrooms and ended up having a threesome (posted from my other account, you can read here: (
Another little tid-bit if you have read my other stories: Tim is Tyler’s roommate from my more recent threesome story, and Lauren is Tyler’s girlfriend now-going strong 1 year woooo!.
Anyway, after that adventure we all agreed to never ever let it happen again, just cause it was strange and there was obviously something between Tim and Lauren even then. But Lauren and I kept making out when we were drunk. This led to us discussing having another threesome… but instead of with Tim, we were thinking about Tyler, since he seemed rather innocent at the time. We wanted to give him a nice night to remember. Besides that, we never discussed having sex again.
And then came king’s cup night.
Our group of friends decided to play king’s cup one Friday night cause why the hell not. We typically hung out in Tim and Carlos’s room, and decided to play there as well. A bunch of people came to play, including Lilly (my freshman roommate), Lauren, Vanessa (from shrooms story), Tim, Carlos, Tyler, and other people. The room was packed. Now, Tim had gotten everyone 40s to play with, but this isn’t exactly my style. Instead, I played the way that I believe is the only way to play king’s cup: with a fifth of Jameson in hand, no chasers. Cause fuck it, let’s go hard (but seriously, moral of this story is that this may have been going too hard, watch out for your liver).
So there I am! Jameson in hand- fuck yeah- and friends all about. King’s cup is going well, expect that I keep losing at the never-have-i-ever part- goddamn stawph with the sex questions, I’m obviously gonna lose them. There’s also a lot of waterfalling Jameson. Soon, I realize that I have gone through a quarter of the bottle. Now, at my height and weight, half the bottle means hospital. So a quarter isn’t a great place to be at. Luckily, this is when everyone else starts to feel sick too- oops. The game is still going strong, but there are breaks with people leaving to go to the bathroom to throw-up. We probably should have stopped at this point. But alas…
I decide that the floor looks pretty nice so I start to take a nap but then this girl Laila mentions that maybe I want to go to Tim’s bed. Some people are expressing some concern for me, so I accept her offer to help move me since I don’t want anyone concerned. I know I’m good, but I do need a break. So I move to the bed. I’m laying there for a bit when I feel someone stand next to where I am. Lauren. She asks if I’m okay. I respond that I’m doing fine, just needed to rest for a minute. I feel a bit more awake at this point. Lauren begins stroking my face, asking if I need anything. I say no, and open my eyes to smile at her. She smiles back, and leans her head down. Her lips touch mine, softly. Almost motherly.
But then it all changes.
Sex: She leans down again, and begin kissing me passionately. I return the kiss. We begin making out, me slowly moving my hands around her waist and she slowly starts to climb onto the bed. And then we hear a little throat-clear. Oh shit. We’re still in Tim’s room.. with a billion other people. Lauren looks and me and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s go to my room”. Dunkley, I take her hand and follow her out of the room of intoxicated people. As we leave, I ask her “Is Tim coming” in such slurred words that it is a wonder she understood me. She lets go of my hand and returns to the door of Tim’s room, only to yell “Tim! Come on”. Tim stumbles out with a smile on his face.
In a blur, we wander down to Lauren’s room, which is just down the hall. Lauren’s top and pants are off before I even enter the room. I rush over to her and begin kissing her. Tim strolls on in and comes up from behind. He begins to take off my dress. I help. All our clothes last no more than 5 minutes.
Remembering all of our talks about our kinks, I begin to bite Lauren’s neck, just as she said she likes. But quickly I see that she’s the one who prefers to be aggressive, since she motions me to stop and begins instead biting my neck. Oh fuck. She bites hard. As she does that, Tim begins to kiss me. I have to dig my nails into his back to manage the biting from Lauren. He growls. I shit you not, a literal growl. I’m feeling this so much. I feel him growing harder, so I pull him to the bed and get into doggy position. Lauren follows over and helps guide Tim into me. She comes back to my neck and begins sucking. I begin playing with her breasts (Oh my fucking god her breasts), as Tim slides slowly in and out of me.
Now, we all quickly realize that we aren’t into this slow gentle shit tonight. We all want rough, bruise-worthy sex. So Tim begins pounding into me and Lauren scratches my back. Tim also starts slapping my ass, making it bounce up and down. Oh fuck. This is what I need. It’s also obviously what Tim needs since he has to pull out of me soon after. It’s too much for him. He hasn’t come yet though, so we have me and Lauren switch. She gets on top of him, and he begins slowly thrusting. Lauren and I are kissing again, with my ass to Tim’s face. Lauren gets a wicked smile on her face. I look at her quizzically. She gets up off of Tim, and goes to her bookshelf to remove something. She brings back a book and hands it to Tim. The bible. Of fucking course. She gets back on top of him and continues riding him, rougher now, as he spanks me with the holy book. Oh my god. My ass is raw, my lips are raw, my neck is bruised. Jesus, these two are a handful.
Lauren lets me have a turn again, underneath Tim but on top of her, so that Tim and I are fucking with Lauren underneath us. The scratching is insane. Tim’s back is bloody. It’s beautiful. I get really wet, and with him pounding into me, come right on top of Lauren’s chest (I PROMISE 2 more paragraphs). Holy shit.
Tim comes soon after. Lauren doesn’t, but she seems content and we all kinda collapse on her bed.
And so we cuddle a bit. Now, I did pass out soon after this all, but before I did, I made sure to have us all stop and take a second to admire Lauren’s breasts.
A bit about her legendary breasts: They’re 100% natural. No idea how such a thin girl has such large breasts. They’re beautiful. About two handfuls each (of my small hands at least), they’re as soft as can be. I think I fell asleep on one of them that night, before rolling over onto her pillow (which was also quite soft). Her nipples are this beautiful pink color that I really wish was made into a lipstick. It’s soft and delicate, but also has this extremely sensual characteristic about it. Fucking gorgeous. Now, being drunk, instead of thinking all of this I of course am fucking reciting prose about her breasts to both her and Tim. Tim just agrees, as Lauren looks content. We still to this day sometimes take moments to appreciate her breasts. They’re that great , I swear. I could write a whole post on them, but for now I will refrain.
Basically the next morning I woke up pretty confused, in blood stained sheets and very hung over! We all woke up, and Tim went back to his room to sleep more. Meanwhile, I went to breakfast with Lauren and Lilly. While not the best threesome I’ve been in, it certainly was a fun kinky experience.
On the other hand, everyone else who played King’s cup that night was very out of commission, having puked all night. So moral of this one is to be careful of how much you drink cause while sometimes it ends in kinky bloody threesomes with a girl with awesome breasts, sometimes it ends in hospitalization so be careful!
TL;Dr Threesome leads to BDSM sex, rant about how amazing friend's tits are.
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