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Daddy(43m) Finally Catches Babygirl(23f) Part II | 2016

In Part I ( I introduced my new submissive, Sara and described our first face-to-face meeting. I will continue providing updates on the progress of her training in subsequent stories. At this point in time we are about two months in - so I have some catching up to do. The time between our first and second meeting was perhaps two weeks. Sara was having some reservations. It was unclear if it was genuine pangs of conscience or just fear of getting caught - probably both. One thing I have learned about training a sub who is in an otherwise committed relationship, you have to teach them to compartmentalize. You can't equate a Dom-sub relationship with something that is traditionally romantic. I hold no prospect of living together, falling in love, getting married, or otherwise sharing a life. Rather, we have one purpose which is to engage in training and teach her to submit and serve. Sure, there can be kindness, friendship, and small talk, but make no mistake it is a power relationship. Once the sub accepts this, and places our relationship in the proper context, then they find it easier to move forward. I never encourage them to break up, or abandon their significant other. Thus the next phase of Sara's training involved having her internalize these ideas. She continued to check in, follow rules, and one thing I noticed, is that she required very little correction. Sara learns fast and is an eager student. She enjoys turning our motel parking lot encounter over and over in her mind. It is clear she is hungry for the next lesson. As the day approaches for our second encounter, she is excited and wants to know the details of what I have planned. I never divulge too much, only saying we will begin to cover the rules and boundaries in more detail. Time permitting there may be some playtime, and I will introduce her to roleplay. Sara likes this and I have her read a few erotic stories to set the mood. She is a natural babygirl, and loves the idea of the taboo. In fact, I am not sure I have ever met a sub who enjoys discussing Daddy-Daughter roleplay as much as she does. Apparently it has been a dark fantasy of hers for several years, and she has never been able to share it with anyone. I wonder to myself what I have done to deserve such a gift - a young woman, with stunning looks, who is not only a natural submissive, but likes all the dirty kinky things I do. Sara does not appear to be aware of the power of her own sexuality, at least she doesn't flaunt it, or abuse it the way many sexy women do. There is a sort of sexual humility to her.

As the hour approaches, I can tell from the frequency of Sara's texting and questions she is getting nervous again. She confesses she is skipping a class in college to meet me, but is worried her boyfriend might drive by and not see her car. Fine, I will make it easy and come get her - this calms her nerves. I pick Sara up at the appointed time. Another thing I like about her, she is always punctual. She is reserved, no doubt nervous about what is about to happen. The last time I tried to get her into a motel room, she bolted. I keep up the small talk, compliment babygirl on her attire and otherwise ease her mind. Ten minutes later we are at the hotel, and I go inside to get the key. She has no way of running since I drove her and indeed she is still in the car when I return with the key. We walk in silence to the door, and I escort her inside. I wonder what goes through a sub's mind as she enters a secluded hotel room with a Dom making herself vulnerable in the most intimate ways. And there we are, I tell her to take off her coat and boots, and let me get a good look. She needs to get used to me inspecting her, as she is my property now. Today Sara is wearing her wire frame glasses which give her the look of a studious college girl, yet not nerdy at all. She has on a skirt, with black leggings. I wonder if all her male professors lust after her, and would like to have her here as I do now. I tell Sara to have a seat and relax, its time to continue our interview. Pulling out my pad and pen, I begin my questioning. I have done this dozens of times before, asking the questions like a job interview. I no longer require a script. Name, education, religious upbringing, favorite books. The first few questions are to get them comfortable, talking before it gets more interesting -- Why do you think you are a sub? "Because I have always wanted a man to take charge, and I don't like having to ask." Have you ever been abused/raped? "No." Do you have a rape fantasy? Silence for a minute, then she looks up at me --- "yes." We go over her limits. She has few. Not even when we cover anal, threesomes, voyeurism, roleplay. Sara has a rich fantasy life and wants to try it all. She does have one question. Do I have another babygirl? I do not at this time, but I am always careful with this topic as jealousy implies some sort of ownership and it is the Dom who owns the sub, never the other way around. Apparently, I have misunderstood, because Sara elaborates she is bi-curious. Just when I think it can't get any better, it does with this girl. We are done with the interview, I already know I am going to take her on for training but I don't tell her this. Instead I have her take off all her clothes except her panties. Dutifully, she obeys. Then kneeling in front of me, I have her approach, and I stroke her long soft hair as I begin going over the ground rules again. Honesty in all things. Check in once a day. Always address me as sir, or daddy. No cumming without permission. Do you want to be a good girl? Sara nods, eyes wide, "yes daddy". If you have not experienced a beautiful young woman, kneeling, submissive, calling you daddy, then you have not lived my friend. Nothing like it to get the blood flowing, and my cock at this point was straining against my slacks. I released it, and had Sara close her eyes. Gently I rubbed my swollen cock head against her soft cheek, face, full lips. I could sense her breathing quicken. It took some restraint for me not to take her, yet I could not resist having her service me again. With my other hand, I nudged her, encouraging her, and she began to accept me into her mouth. Sara's technique is nothing short of fantastic. She does not try the porn star deep throat, or overly dramatic moans and groans. She closes her lips tight around the shaft, and begins a slow motion, up and down, sliding about halfway down my cock before coming back up. It is almost maddeningly slow, as if she is in no rush. It is the blowjob of a loving sub for her Dom. I told Sara we would share something special, she and I, that her boyfriend was not permitted to do with her. She was worried it had to be something that would not arouse suspicion. We whittled down the choices between anal sex and a facial. I think you know what we decided, and after about ten minutes I could hold back no longer. I pulled my cock from her mouth and erupted on that cute, angelic face. She merely looked up at me, with wide, trusting eyes, not flinching in the least. This must be what it feels like to be a god. I get up and find a washcloth, and clean Sara up. I am in no way done with her yet. It is time to move to phase 2 of our meeting - playtime. I decided on a simple roleplay, I thought it would make moving into sex easier for her. The scene is simple, and I describe the outline. A daughter caught be her father with cigarettes, a room search uncovers other intimate items in her drawer, including a sex toy. Punishment ensues. So we get started and she is natural, reverted into ageplay like she is a teenager again. Her attitude is realistic, a little sassy, but also teasing. Beautiful. Within five minutes I have manipulated her into accepting a spanking for punishment, and she reluctantly agrees. We start with spanking through her panties. I have a paddle which I use and am impressed with her pain tolerance. I inform Sara that she deserves a real spanking which means panties down. A little protesting but I have her panties down her ankles, and am now open handling spanking that luscious ass of hers. A little whimpering but she is taking the spanking like a pro. I know what I want, and my cock is hard again. As I admonish Sara for being a dirty girl, hiding sex toys, I insert a finger inside of her. It is like warm butter she is so hot. This is my chance, and I climb on the bed behind her. "Do you feel what you have done to daddy?" As I lean my cock against the crevice of her ass. She scurries away from me, and I am impressed with her realism. I spank her several more times and she is red. I begin to wrestle with her, and turn her over. She shakes her head, and asks what I am doing. "Disciplining you," I answer. And I begin to pry her legs apart. I get my cock head just at her entrance, and she twists away again. Wow, i am going to have to be very forceful. She is evoking a base lust in me at this point. And then it occurs to me that perhaps she is not in the roleplay. I see that she is quivering, not just from lust but from fear. I have made a mistake, and did not give Sara a safe word. I begin to stroke her, and tell her we dont have to have sex, that daddy is sorry. I scoop her up, and cradle her in my arms. She isnt crying but is shaking. Daddy holds babygirl and comforts her, reassuring her that it isnt her fault, and tells her about safewords. After five minutes the storm has passed. We begin to talk as we dress, and I worry I have pushed her too far too fast. Because she is so sexually open, and has so much potential I am tricked into thinking she is experienced at this. The talk turns to school, and other safe topics. Back at her school we sit in the car and she makes no attempt to leave. The awkwardness after the attempted rape is over. We discuss art, music, what we like to do in our spare time. Her hand rests on mine. Students file out of the door, and she tells me amusing anecdotes about them. Sara is so sweet, if I were a younger man, I might find myself entrapped by her charms. Instead I know I have another shot at that sweet babygirl pussy. We exchange a brief kiss before we part, and I know this will not be our last meeting, not by a long shot.