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[M]y [F]riend's Girlfriend | 2016

Back in my university days I had a friend who had a girlfriend who was the worst thing ever. She would nag at him while we were hanging out. She was this small town girl who if I ever cursed she would make a face and tell me not to do that. I mean every single time. She would purposely complain about whatever when I was around. It drove me nuts.

She was attractive. She was a good height, fair skinned, with small sized breasts and a nice ass. She wasn’t drop dead gorgeous or anything but if she wasn’t so annoying I would be attracted to her.

She dated my friend for what seemed like 3 years throughout college. They would be on and off again. Get into some fight he would ask me for my opinion. I would give it to him. Whenever they were fighting I would be completely honest with him and tell him that she was the most annoying girl I knew. But he would always end up getting back together with her.

One winter the town we lived in had a huge ice storm. There was no school for a week. No power, nothing open. We all knew it was coming and had time to buy some easy food and plenty of booze. We all decided that we should get our sleeping bags, camping gear and just meet up at one house. My friend’s house was huge and he shared it with 3 other guys that were my friends so we went over there and in total we had about 10 people sleeping there fro 4-5 days.

It was lots of fun, plenty of drinks and with no power we had plenty of time to play games/get into trouble. One night my friend has too much to drink and he gets sick. He basically spends the entire night asleep on the toilet. Coming to just long enough to throw up the contents of his stomach. As the night continued his girlfriend got drunker and drunker and started coming up to me trying to like play fight. I wasn’t really having it because first off, I thought she was super annoying. Second off, she was dating my friend. As she got more and more drunk I finally decided that I was going to go to bed. I went upstairs and got into my sleeping bag. I have one of those mummy bags that has a hood that you put your head in and you can zip it up so that the only thing exposed to the air is your nose/eyes. So there I am zipped up in my mummy bag and I hear a knock on the door.

“Yes?” I ask. Although I have a pretty good idea who it is. The door opens and in walks my friends girlfriend (I am going to go ahead and give her a name to make writing this story easier, Amy). Amy comes walking in and doesn’t say a word. She is standing on the edge of the bed that I am laying on and I see her start to take off her clothes. She pulls her shirt off her and unlatches her bra. “What are you doing,” I hiss/whisper at her. She unbuckles her jeans and pulls them off. She is standing there in just a thin thong. “Your boyfriend is right down stairs!” I start to struggle in my sleeping bag but it is zipped all the way. She slips the thong off and jumps onto the bed, straddling me trapped inside the sleeping bag. “What the fuck!” I exclaim and I begin to buck like a horse trying to throw her off me. She starts trying to kiss me and there I am wiggling around trying to get her off me. Imagine it a guy in a mummy bag with a naked girl on him writhing around. If someone had walked in that would have been the funniest sight.

“You don’t want this?” she asks me and I proclaim “Fuck no!” She stops trying to kiss me and I tell her that she has got to go downstairs and take care of her boyfriend. She gets up and stand at the foot of my bed for what seems like 5 minutes. There completely naked I can see everything. I must admit that I started to get hard even though I knew she was crazy and it was wrong. She finally grabbed her clothes and walked out. I stood up and locked the door. The next morning I told my friend and they broke up.

So the next couple of weeks I had to help my friend realize that his girlfriend was a crazy girl who had a thing for me and that he should just blow her off. He did and proceeded to mess around with another girl but you could tell that he hadn’t really gotten over Amy.

Amy on the other hand, spent her time trying to chat with me on the internet. We talked about what happened and she explained to me that she was so mean/annoying to me because she liked me but ended up with my friend first when she really wanted me. I was flattered I had never really had a girl actively pursue me. I explained to her that hey she was great, I understood, but this just could never happen due to her history with my friend.

So one day we are talking online and she asks me if I want to see something. I say sure what and she proceeds to send me a photo of her completely naked touching herself. I have to admit I was very turned on and proceeded to touch myself while talking to her and looking at that photo. But I never really planned on actually doing anything.

Eventually we would run into each other in person and it happened at a party where we both had some common acquaintances at. We were drinking and talking and she was dressed to try and turn me on. Well maybe not specifically me maybe she would have taken whatever. She was wearing some tight jeans with a white button down shirt that was open to about her breasts. It left quite a bit of cleavage exposed. We flirted and I started have my judgement clouded.

I walked outside to the backyard and she followed me and we found ourselves alone on the side of the house. She was turned on and so was I. She pushed me up against the house and started to unbutton my pants. I started to unbutton her white shirt and and I opened it up and pulled her bra down. She pulled me out of my pants and I was fully erect. She got on her knees and proceeded to give me a wonderful blow job. She was a very dirty girl and had no problems with using lots of saliva on my cock. When I felt like I was getting to close I pulled her up and pulled her pants down to her ankles. But it was as if she wasn’t to be out done. She pushed me onto the ground, took of her pants completely and straddled me like that night in the sleeping bag. She took my cock and inserted into her now very wet pussy. I hadn’t fucked like that ever before. She rode me for about 2-3 minutes straight and I pushed her off me and managed to come all over her stomach and me lying down. She then proceeded to lick it off me! I mean this girl was horny. We got back dressed but she didn't put her panties back on. She balled them up and stuck them in my front pocket.

I took her home with me and we had sex two more times that night. She rode me again in my bed and let me fuck her from behind. In the morning, I felt like shit. Even though she wasn’t dating my friend I felt like I had betrayed him. We proceeded to keep chatting for a little while but I came to the conclusion that I really only wanted to have sex with her and a relationship or anything was out of the question.

It wasn’t until they started talking again and got back together that I had to tell my friend. I told him and he was pissed but he understood who I was dealing with. They still ended up staying together though. That girl was crazy but I guess she had some power over my friend. They eventually did break up though and I think he is lucky to have gotten himself out of her grasp.

(Let me know what you think!)